description = """\ Smack for Android. All the required dependencies to run Smack on Android""" ext { smackMinAndroidSdk = 8 androidProjects = [':smack-tcp',':smack-core', ':smack-resolver-minidns', ':smack-sasl-provided', ':smack-extensions', ':smack-experimental'].collect{ project(it) } } // Note that the test dependencies (junit, …) are inferred from the // sourceSet.test of the core subproject dependencies { androidProjects.each { project -> compile project } } def getAndroidRuntimeJar() { def androidHome = new File("$System.env.ANDROID_HOME") if (!androidHome.isDirectory()) throw new Exception("ANDROID_HOME not found or set") new File("$androidHome/platforms/android-$smackMinAndroidSdk/android.jar") } def getAndroidJavadocOffline() { def androidHome = new File("$System.env.ANDROID_HOME") if (!androidHome.isDirectory()) throw new Exception("ANDROID_HOME not found or set") return "$System.env.ANDROID_HOME" + "/docs/reference" } compileJava { options.bootClasspath = getAndroidRuntimeJar() } // See // TODO this doesn't seem to work right now. But on the other hand it // is not really required, just to avoid a javadoc compiler warning javadoc { options.linksOffline "", getAndroidJavadocOffline() } configure (androidProjects) { task compileAndroid(type: JavaCompile) { source = compileJava.source classpath = compileJava.classpath destinationDir = new File(buildDir, 'android') options.bootClasspath = getAndroidRuntimeJar() } } test { dependsOn androidProjects*.compileAndroid }