/** * * Copyright 2015-2017 Florian Schmaus * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.igniterealtime.smack.inttest; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.security.KeyManagementException; import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import javax.net.ssl.SSLContext; import org.jivesoftware.smack.ConnectionConfiguration.SecurityMode; import org.jivesoftware.smack.util.Objects; import org.jivesoftware.smack.util.StringUtils; import eu.geekplace.javapinning.java7.Java7Pinning; import org.jxmpp.jid.DomainBareJid; import org.jxmpp.jid.impl.JidCreate; import org.jxmpp.stringprep.XmppStringprepException; public final class Configuration { public enum AccountRegistration { disabled, inBandRegistration, serviceAdministration, } public final DomainBareJid service; public final String serviceTlsPin; public final SSLContext tlsContext; public final SecurityMode securityMode; public final int replyTimeout; public final AccountRegistration accountRegistration; public final String adminAccountUsername; public final String adminAccountPassword; public final String accountOneUsername; public final String accountOnePassword; public final String accountTwoUsername; public final String accountTwoPassword; public final String accountThreeUsername; public final String accountThreePassword; public final boolean debug; public final Set enabledTests; public final Set disabledTests; public final Set testPackages; private Configuration(DomainBareJid service, String serviceTlsPin, SecurityMode securityMode, int replyTimeout, boolean debug, String accountOneUsername, String accountOnePassword, String accountTwoUsername, String accountTwoPassword, String accountThreeUsername, String accountThreePassword, Set enabledTests, Set disabledTests, Set testPackages, String adminAccountUsername, String adminAccountPassword) throws KeyManagementException, NoSuchAlgorithmException { this.service = Objects.requireNonNull(service, "'service' must be set. Either via 'properties' files or via system property 'sinttest.service'."); this.serviceTlsPin = serviceTlsPin; if (serviceTlsPin != null) { tlsContext = Java7Pinning.forPin(serviceTlsPin); } else { tlsContext = null; } this.securityMode = securityMode; if (replyTimeout > 0) { this.replyTimeout = replyTimeout; } else { this.replyTimeout = 60000; } this.debug = debug; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(adminAccountUsername, adminAccountPassword)) { accountRegistration = AccountRegistration.serviceAdministration; } else if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(accountOneUsername, accountOnePassword, accountTwoUsername, accountTwoPassword, accountThreeUsername, accountThreePassword)) { accountRegistration = AccountRegistration.disabled; } else { accountRegistration = AccountRegistration.inBandRegistration; } this.adminAccountUsername = adminAccountUsername; this.adminAccountPassword = adminAccountPassword; this.accountOneUsername = accountOneUsername; this.accountOnePassword = accountOnePassword; this.accountTwoUsername = accountTwoUsername; this.accountTwoPassword = accountTwoPassword; this.accountThreeUsername = accountThreeUsername; this.accountThreePassword = accountThreePassword; this.enabledTests = enabledTests; this.disabledTests = disabledTests; this.testPackages = testPackages; } public boolean isAccountRegistrationPossible() { return accountRegistration != AccountRegistration.disabled; } public static Builder builder() { return new Builder(); } public static final class Builder { private DomainBareJid service; private String serviceTlsPin; private SecurityMode securityMode; private int replyTimeout; private String adminAccountUsername; private String adminAccountPassword; private String accountOneUsername; private String accountOnePassword; private String accountTwoUsername; private String accountTwoPassword; public String accountThreeUsername; public String accountThreePassword; private boolean debug; private Set enabledTests; private Set disabledTests; private Set testPackages; private Builder() { } public Builder setService(String service) throws XmppStringprepException { if (service == null) { // Do nothing if user did not specify the XMPP service domain. When the builder // builds a configuration using build() it will throw a meaningful exception. return this; } return setService(JidCreate.domainBareFrom(service)); } public Builder setService(DomainBareJid service) { this.service = service; return this; } public Builder addEnabledTest(Class enabledTest) { if (enabledTests == null) { enabledTests = new HashSet<>(); } enabledTests.add(enabledTest.getName()); // Also add the package of the test as test package return addTestPackage(enabledTest.getPackage().getName()); } private void ensureTestPackagesIsSet(int length) { if (testPackages == null) { testPackages = new HashSet<>(length); } } public Builder addTestPackage(String testPackage) { ensureTestPackagesIsSet(4); testPackages.add(testPackage); return this; } public Builder setAdminAccountUsernameAndPassword(String adminAccountUsername, String adminAccountPassword) { this.adminAccountUsername = StringUtils.requireNotNullOrEmpty(adminAccountUsername, "adminAccountUsername must not be null or empty"); this.adminAccountPassword = StringUtils.requireNotNullOrEmpty(adminAccountPassword, "adminAccountPassword must no be null or empty"); return this; } public Builder setUsernamesAndPassword(String accountOneUsername, String accountOnePassword, String accountTwoUsername, String accountTwoPassword, String accountThreeUsername, String accountThreePassword) { this.accountOneUsername = StringUtils.requireNotNullOrEmpty(accountOneUsername, "accountOneUsername must not be null or empty"); this.accountOnePassword = StringUtils.requireNotNullOrEmpty(accountOnePassword, "accountOnePassword must not be null or empty"); this.accountTwoUsername = StringUtils.requireNotNullOrEmpty(accountTwoUsername, "accountTwoUsername must not be null or empty"); this.accountTwoPassword = StringUtils.requireNotNullOrEmpty(accountTwoPassword, "accountTwoPasswordmust not be null or empty"); this.accountThreeUsername = StringUtils.requireNotNullOrEmpty(accountThreeUsername, "accountThreeUsername must not be null or empty"); this.accountThreePassword = StringUtils.requireNotNullOrEmpty(accountThreePassword, "accountThreePassword must not be null or empty"); return this; } public Builder setServiceTlsPin(String tlsPin) { this.serviceTlsPin = tlsPin; return this; } public Builder setSecurityMode(String securityModeString) { if (securityModeString != null) { securityMode = SecurityMode.valueOf(securityModeString); } else { securityMode = SecurityMode.required; } return this; } public Builder setReplyTimeout(String timeout) { if (timeout != null) { replyTimeout = Integer.valueOf(timeout); } return this; } public Builder setDebug(String debugString) { if (debugString != null) { debug = Boolean.valueOf(debugString); } return this; } public Builder setEnabledTests(String enabledTestsString) { enabledTests = getTestSetFrom(enabledTestsString); return this; } public Builder setDisabledTests(String disabledTestsString) { disabledTests = getTestSetFrom(disabledTestsString); return this; } public Builder addTestPackages(String testPackagesString) { if (testPackagesString != null) { String[] testPackagesArray = testPackagesString.split(","); ensureTestPackagesIsSet(testPackagesArray.length); for (String s : testPackagesArray) { testPackages.add(s.trim()); } } return this; } public Builder addTestPackages(String[] testPackagesString) { if (testPackagesString == null) { return this; } ensureTestPackagesIsSet(testPackagesString.length); for (String testPackage : testPackagesString) { testPackages.add(testPackage); } return this; } public Configuration build() throws KeyManagementException, NoSuchAlgorithmException { return new Configuration(service, serviceTlsPin, securityMode, replyTimeout, debug, accountOneUsername, accountOnePassword, accountTwoUsername, accountTwoPassword, accountThreeUsername, accountThreePassword, enabledTests, disabledTests, testPackages, adminAccountUsername, adminAccountPassword); } } private static final String SINTTEST = "sinttest."; public static Configuration newConfiguration(String[] testPackages) throws IOException, KeyManagementException, NoSuchAlgorithmException { Properties properties = new Properties(); File propertiesFile = findPropertiesFile(); if (propertiesFile != null) { try (FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(propertiesFile)) { properties.load(in); } } // Properties set via the system override the file properties Properties systemProperties = System.getProperties(); for (Entry entry : systemProperties.entrySet()) { String key = (String) entry.getKey(); if (!key.startsWith(SINTTEST)) { continue; } key = key.substring(SINTTEST.length()); String value = (String) entry.getValue(); properties.put(key, value); } Builder builder = builder(); builder.setService(properties.getProperty("service")); builder.setServiceTlsPin(properties.getProperty("serviceTlsPin")); builder.setSecurityMode(properties.getProperty("securityMode")); builder.setReplyTimeout(properties.getProperty("replyTimeout", "60000")); String adminAccountUsername = properties.getProperty("adminAccountUsername"); String adminAccountPassword = properties.getProperty("adminAccountPassword"); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(adminAccountUsername, adminAccountPassword)) { builder.setAdminAccountUsernameAndPassword(adminAccountUsername, adminAccountPassword); } String accountOneUsername = properties.getProperty("accountOneUsername"); String accountOnePassword = properties.getProperty("accountOnePassword"); String accountTwoUsername = properties.getProperty("accountTwoUsername"); String accountTwoPassword = properties.getProperty("accountTwoPassword"); String accountThreeUsername = properties.getProperty("accountThreeUsername"); String accountThreePassword = properties.getProperty("accountThreePassword"); if (accountOneUsername != null || accountOnePassword != null || accountTwoUsername != null || accountTwoPassword != null || accountThreeUsername != null || accountThreePassword != null) { builder.setUsernamesAndPassword(accountOneUsername, accountOnePassword, accountTwoUsername, accountTwoPassword, accountThreeUsername, accountThreePassword); } builder.setDebug(properties.getProperty("debug")); builder.setEnabledTests(properties.getProperty("enabledTests")); builder.setDisabledTests(properties.getProperty("disabledTests")); builder.addTestPackages(properties.getProperty("testPackages")); builder.addTestPackages(testPackages); return builder.build(); } private static File findPropertiesFile() { List possibleLocations = new LinkedList<>(); possibleLocations.add("properties"); String userHome = System.getProperty("user.home"); if (userHome != null) { possibleLocations.add(userHome + "/.config/smack-integration-test/properties"); } for (String possibleLocation : possibleLocations) { File res = new File(possibleLocation); if (res.isFile()) return res; } return null; } private static Set getTestSetFrom(String string) { if (string == null) { return null; } String[] stringArray = string.split(","); Set res = new HashSet<>(stringArray.length); for (String s : stringArray) { res.add(getFullTestStringFrom(s)); } return res; } private static String getFullTestStringFrom(String string) { string = string.trim(); if (string.startsWith("smackx.") || string.startsWith("smack.")) { string = "org.jivesoftware." + string; } return string; } }