<html> <head> <title>Smack: Debugging - Jive Software</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" /> </head> <body> <div class="header"> Debugging with Smack </div> <div class="nav"> « <a href="index.html">Table of Contents</a> </div> <p> Smack includes a built-in debugging console that will let you track all XML traffic between the client and server. </p> <p> When debugging mode is enabled, a debug window will appear when each new connection is created. The window will contain the following information: </p> <img src="images/debugwindow.gif" width="359" height="399" alt="" border="0" align="right"> <ul> <li>Client Traffic (red text) -- raw XML traffic generated by Smack and sent to the server. <li>Server Traffic (blue text) -- raw XML traffic sent by the server to the client. <li>Interpreted Packets (green text) -- shows XML packets from the server as parsed by Smack. </ul> <p> Debugging mode can be enabled in two different ways: </p> <ol> <li>Add the following line of code before creating new connections:<p> <tt>XMPPConection.DEBUG_ENABLED = true;</tt><p> <li>Set the Java system property <tt>smack.debugEnabled</tt> to true. The system property can be set on the command line such as:<p> <tt>java SomeApp -Dsmack.debugEnabled=true</tt>. </ol> <p> If you wish to explicity disable debug mode in your application, including using the command-line parameter, add the following line to your application before opening new connections: </p> <p> <tt>XMPPConnection.DEBUG_ENABLED = false;</tt> </p> <br clear="all" /><br><br> <div class="footer"> Copyright © Jive Software 2002-2003 </div> </body> </html>