/** * * Copyright 2003-2006 Jive Software. * * All rights reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.jivesoftware.smackx.filetransfer; import org.jivesoftware.smack.XMPPException; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; /** * Contains the generic file information and progress related to a particular * file transfer. * * @author Alexander Wenckus * */ public abstract class FileTransfer { private String fileName; private String filePath; private long fileSize; private String peer; private Status status = Status.initial; private final Object statusMonitor = new Object(); protected FileTransferNegotiator negotiator; protected String streamID; protected long amountWritten = -1; private Error error; private Exception exception; /** * Buffer size between input and output */ private static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 8192; protected FileTransfer(String peer, String streamID, FileTransferNegotiator negotiator) { this.peer = peer; this.streamID = streamID; this.negotiator = negotiator; } protected void setFileInfo(String fileName, long fileSize) { this.fileName = fileName; this.fileSize = fileSize; } protected void setFileInfo(String path, String fileName, long fileSize) { this.filePath = path; this.fileName = fileName; this.fileSize = fileSize; } /** * Returns the size of the file being transfered. * * @return Returns the size of the file being transfered. */ public long getFileSize() { return fileSize; } /** * Returns the name of the file being transfered. * * @return Returns the name of the file being transfered. */ public String getFileName() { return fileName; } /** * Returns the local path of the file. * * @return Returns the local path of the file. */ public String getFilePath() { return filePath; } /** * Returns the JID of the peer for this file transfer. * * @return Returns the JID of the peer for this file transfer. */ public String getPeer() { return peer; } /** * Returns the progress of the file transfer as a number between 0 and 1. * * @return Returns the progress of the file transfer as a number between 0 * and 1. */ public double getProgress() { if (amountWritten <= 0 || fileSize <= 0) { return 0; } return (double) amountWritten / (double) fileSize; } /** * Returns true if the transfer has been cancelled, if it has stopped because * of a an error, or the transfer completed successfully. * * @return Returns true if the transfer has been cancelled, if it has stopped * because of a an error, or the transfer completed successfully. */ public boolean isDone() { return status == Status.cancelled || status == Status.error || status == Status.complete || status == Status.refused; } /** * Returns the current status of the file transfer. * * @return Returns the current status of the file transfer. */ public Status getStatus() { return status; } protected void setError(Error type) { this.error = type; } /** * When {@link #getStatus()} returns that there was an {@link Status#error} * during the transfer, the type of error can be retrieved through this * method. * * @return Returns the type of error that occurred if one has occurred. */ public Error getError() { return error; } /** * If an exception occurs asynchronously it will be stored for later * retrieval. If there is an error there maybe an exception set. * * @return The exception that occurred or null if there was no exception. * @see #getError() */ public Exception getException() { return exception; } public String getStreamID() { return streamID; } /** * Cancels the file transfer. */ public abstract void cancel(); protected void setException(Exception exception) { this.exception = exception; } protected void setStatus(Status status) { synchronized (statusMonitor) { this.status = status; } } protected boolean updateStatus(Status oldStatus, Status newStatus) { synchronized (statusMonitor) { if (oldStatus != status) { return false; } status = newStatus; return true; } } protected void writeToStream(final InputStream in, final OutputStream out) throws XMPPException { final byte[] b = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE]; int count = 0; amountWritten = 0; do { // write to the output stream try { out.write(b, 0, count); } catch (IOException e) { throw new XMPPException("error writing to output stream", e); } amountWritten += count; // read more bytes from the input stream try { count = in.read(b); } catch (IOException e) { throw new XMPPException("error reading from input stream", e); } } while (count != -1 && !getStatus().equals(Status.cancelled)); // the connection was likely terminated abrubtly if these are not equal if (!getStatus().equals(Status.cancelled) && getError() == Error.none && amountWritten != fileSize) { setStatus(Status.error); this.error = Error.connection; } } /** * A class to represent the current status of the file transfer. * * @author Alexander Wenckus * */ public enum Status { /** * An error occurred during the transfer. * * @see FileTransfer#getError() */ error("Error"), /** * The initial status of the file transfer. */ initial("Initial"), /** * The file transfer is being negotiated with the peer. The party * Receiving the file has the option to accept or refuse a file transfer * request. If they accept, then the process of stream negotiation will * begin. If they refuse the file will not be transfered. * * @see #negotiating_stream */ negotiating_transfer("Negotiating Transfer"), /** * The peer has refused the file transfer request halting the file * transfer negotiation process. */ refused("Refused"), /** * The stream to transfer the file is being negotiated over the chosen * stream type. After the stream negotiating process is complete the * status becomes negotiated. * * @see #negotiated */ negotiating_stream("Negotiating Stream"), /** * After the stream negotiation has completed the intermediate state * between the time when the negotiation is finished and the actual * transfer begins. */ negotiated("Negotiated"), /** * The transfer is in progress. * * @see FileTransfer#getProgress() */ in_progress("In Progress"), /** * The transfer has completed successfully. */ complete("Complete"), /** * The file transfer was cancelled */ cancelled("Cancelled"); private String status; private Status(String status) { this.status = status; } public String toString() { return status; } } /** * Return the length of bytes written out to the stream. * @return the amount in bytes written out. */ public long getAmountWritten(){ return amountWritten; } public enum Error { /** * No error */ none("No error"), /** * The peer did not find any of the provided stream mechanisms * acceptable. */ not_acceptable("The peer did not find any of the provided stream mechanisms acceptable."), /** * The provided file to transfer does not exist or could not be read. */ bad_file("The provided file to transfer does not exist or could not be read."), /** * The remote user did not respond or the connection timed out. */ no_response("The remote user did not respond or the connection timed out."), /** * An error occurred over the socket connected to send the file. */ connection("An error occured over the socket connected to send the file."), /** * An error occurred while sending or receiving the file */ stream("An error occured while sending or recieving the file."); private final String msg; private Error(String msg) { this.msg = msg; } /** * Returns a String representation of this error. * * @return Returns a String representation of this error. */ public String getMessage() { return msg; } public String toString() { return msg; } } }