<html> <head> <title>Smack: Chat - Jive Software</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" /> </head> <body> <div class="header"> Messaging using Chat and GroupChat </div> <div class="nav"> « <a href="index.html">Table of Contents</a> </div> <p> Sending messages back and forth is at the core of instant messaging. Two classes aid in sending and receiving messages: <ul> <li> <tt>org.jivesoftware.smack.Chat</tt> -- used to send messages between two people. <li> <tt>org.jivesoftware.smack.GroupChat</tt> -- used to join a chat room to send messages between many people. </ul> Both the Chat and GroupChat classes use the <tt>org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Message</tt> packet class to send messages. In certain circumstances, you may wish to bypass the higher-level Chat and GroupChat classes to send and listen for messages directly. </p> <p class="subheader"> Chat </p> A chat creates a new thread of messages (using a thread ID) between two users. The following code snippet demonstrates how to create a new Chat with a user and then send them a text message:<p> <div class="code"><pre> <font color="gray"><i>// Assume we've created an XMPPConnection name "connection".</i></font> Chat newChat = connection.createChat(<font color="green">"jsmith@jivesoftware.com"</font>); newChat.sendMessage(<font color="green">"Howdy!"</font>); </pre></div><p> The <tt>Chat.sendMessage(String)</tt> method is a convenience method that creates a Message object, sets the body using the String parameter, then sends the message. In the case that you wish to set additional values on a Message before sending it, use the <tt>Chat.createMessage()</tt> and <tt>Chat.sendMessage(Message)</tt> methods, as in the following code snippet:<p> <div class="code"><pre> <font color="gray"><i>// Assume we've created an XMPPConnection name "connection".</i></font> Chat newChat = connection.createChat(<font color="green">"jsmith@jivesoftware.com"</font>); Message newMessage = newChat.createMessage(); newMessage.setBody(<font color="green">"Howdy!"</font>); message.setProperty(<font color="green">"favoriteColor"</font>, <font color="green">"red"</font>); newChat.sendMessage(newMessage); </pre></div><p> The Chat object allows you to easily listen for replies from the other chat participant. The following code snippet is a parrot-bot -- it echoes back everything the other user types.<p> <div class="code"><pre> <font color="gray"><i>// Assume we've created an XMPPConnection name "connection".</i></font> Chat newChat = connection.createChat(<font color="green">"jsmith@jivesoftware.com"</font>); newMessage.setBody(<font color="green">"Hi, I'm an annoying parrot-bot! Type something back to me."</font>); <b>while</b> (<b>true</b>) { <font color="gray"><i>// Wait for the next message the user types to us.</i></font> Message message = newChat.nextMessage(); <font color="gray"><i>// Send back the same text the other user sent us.</i></font> newChat.sendMessage(message.getBody()); } </pre></div><p> The code above uses the <tt>Chat.nextMessage()</tt> method to get the next message, which will wait indefinitely until another message comes in. There are other methods to wait a specific amount of time for a new message, or you can add a listener that will be notified every time a new message arrives. <p class="subheader"> GroupChat </p> A group chat connects to a chat room on a server and allows you to send and receive messages from a group of people. Before you can send or receive messages, you must join the room using a nickname. The following code snippet connects to a chat room and sends a message.<p> <div class="code"><pre> <font color="gray"><i>// Assume we've created an XMPPConnection name "connection".</i></font> GroupChat newGroupChat = connection.createGroupChat(<font color="green">"test@jivesoftware.com"</font>); <font color="gray"><i>// Join the group chat using the nickname "jsmith".</i></font> newGroupChat.join(<font color="green">"jsmith"</font>); <font color="gray"><i>// Send a message to all the other people in the chat room.</i></font> newGroupChat.sendMessage(<font color="green">"Howdy!"</font>); </pre></div><p> In general, sending and receiving messages in a group chat works very similarly to the <tt>Chat</tt> class. Method are also provided to get the list of the other users in the room.<p> <br clear="all" /><br><br> <div class="footer"> Copyright © Jive Software 2002-2005 </div> </body> </html>