/** * * Copyright 2003-2007 Jive Software. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.jivesoftware.smack.roster; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.WeakHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.jivesoftware.smack.AbstractConnectionClosedListener; import org.jivesoftware.smack.ConnectionCreationListener; import org.jivesoftware.smack.ExceptionCallback; import org.jivesoftware.smack.Manager; import org.jivesoftware.smack.StanzaListener; import org.jivesoftware.smack.SmackException; import org.jivesoftware.smack.XMPPConnection; import org.jivesoftware.smack.SmackException.FeatureNotSupportedException; import org.jivesoftware.smack.SmackException.NoResponseException; import org.jivesoftware.smack.SmackException.NotConnectedException; import org.jivesoftware.smack.SmackException.NotLoggedInException; import org.jivesoftware.smack.XMPPConnectionRegistry; import org.jivesoftware.smack.XMPPException.XMPPErrorException; import org.jivesoftware.smack.filter.StanzaFilter; import org.jivesoftware.smack.filter.StanzaTypeFilter; import org.jivesoftware.smack.iqrequest.AbstractIqRequestHandler; import org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.IQ; import org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.IQ.Type; import org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Stanza; import org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Presence; import org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.XMPPError; import org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.XMPPError.Condition; import org.jivesoftware.smack.roster.packet.RosterPacket; import org.jivesoftware.smack.roster.packet.RosterVer; import org.jivesoftware.smack.roster.packet.RosterPacket.Item; import org.jivesoftware.smack.roster.packet.SubscriptionPreApproval; import org.jivesoftware.smack.roster.rosterstore.RosterStore; import org.jivesoftware.smack.util.Objects; import org.jxmpp.jid.BareJid; import org.jxmpp.jid.Jid; import org.jxmpp.jid.JidWithResource; import org.jxmpp.jid.impl.JidCreate; import org.jxmpp.jid.parts.Resourcepart; /** * Represents a user's roster, which is the collection of users a person receives * presence updates for. Roster items are categorized into groups for easier management. *

* Others users may attempt to subscribe to this user using a subscription request. Three * modes are supported for handling these requests:


* * @author Matt Tucker * @see #getInstanceFor(XMPPConnection) */ public final class Roster extends Manager { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(Roster.class.getName()); static { XMPPConnectionRegistry.addConnectionCreationListener(new ConnectionCreationListener() { @Override public void connectionCreated(XMPPConnection connection) { getInstanceFor(connection); } }); } private static final Map INSTANCES = new WeakHashMap<>(); /** * Returns the roster for the user. *

* This method will never return null, instead if the user has not yet logged into * the server all modifying methods of the returned roster object * like {@link Roster#createEntry(Jid, String, String[])}, * {@link Roster#removeEntry(RosterEntry)} , etc. except adding or removing * {@link RosterListener}s will throw an IllegalStateException. *

* * @return the user's roster. */ public static synchronized Roster getInstanceFor(XMPPConnection connection) { Roster roster = INSTANCES.get(connection); if (roster == null) { roster = new Roster(connection); INSTANCES.put(connection, roster); } return roster; } private static final StanzaFilter PRESENCE_PACKET_FILTER = StanzaTypeFilter.PRESENCE; private static boolean rosterLoadedAtLoginDefault = true; /** * The default subscription processing mode to use when a Roster is created. By default * all subscription requests are automatically accepted. */ private static SubscriptionMode defaultSubscriptionMode = SubscriptionMode.accept_all; private RosterStore rosterStore; private final Map groups = new ConcurrentHashMap(); /** * Concurrent hash map from JID to its roster entry. */ private final Map entries = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final Set unfiledEntries = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<>(); private final Set rosterListeners = new LinkedHashSet<>(); /** * A map of JIDs to another Map of Resourceparts to Presences. The 'inner' map may contain * {@link Resourcepart#EMPTY} if there are no other Presences available. */ private final Map> presenceMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); /** * Listeners called when the Roster was loaded. */ private final Set rosterLoadedListeners = new LinkedHashSet<>(); /** * Mutually exclude roster listener invocation and changing the {@link entries} map. Also used * to synchronize access to either the roster listeners or the entries map. */ private final Object rosterListenersAndEntriesLock = new Object(); // The roster is marked as initialized when at least a single roster packet // has been received and processed. private boolean loaded = false; private final PresencePacketListener presencePacketListener = new PresencePacketListener(); /** * */ private boolean rosterLoadedAtLogin = rosterLoadedAtLoginDefault; private SubscriptionMode subscriptionMode = getDefaultSubscriptionMode(); /** * Returns the default subscription processing mode to use when a new Roster is created. The * subscription processing mode dictates what action Smack will take when subscription * requests from other users are made. The default subscription mode * is {@link SubscriptionMode#accept_all}. * * @return the default subscription mode to use for new Rosters */ public static SubscriptionMode getDefaultSubscriptionMode() { return defaultSubscriptionMode; } /** * Sets the default subscription processing mode to use when a new Roster is created. The * subscription processing mode dictates what action Smack will take when subscription * requests from other users are made. The default subscription mode * is {@link SubscriptionMode#accept_all}. * * @param subscriptionMode the default subscription mode to use for new Rosters. */ public static void setDefaultSubscriptionMode(SubscriptionMode subscriptionMode) { defaultSubscriptionMode = subscriptionMode; } /** * Creates a new roster. * * @param connection an XMPP connection. */ private Roster(final XMPPConnection connection) { super(connection); // Note that we use sync packet listeners because RosterListeners should be invoked in the same order as the // roster stanzas arrive. // Listen for any roster packets. connection.registerIQRequestHandler(new RosterPushListener()); // Listen for any presence packets. connection.addSyncStanzaListener(presencePacketListener, PRESENCE_PACKET_FILTER); // Listen for connection events connection.addConnectionListener(new AbstractConnectionClosedListener() { @Override public void authenticated(XMPPConnection connection, boolean resumed) { if (!isRosterLoadedAtLogin()) return; // We are done here if the connection was resumed if (resumed) { return; } try { Roster.this.reload(); } catch (InterruptedException | SmackException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not reload Roster", e); return; } } @Override public void connectionTerminated() { // Changes the presence available contacts to unavailable setOfflinePresencesAndResetLoaded(); } }); // If the connection is already established, call reload if (connection.isAuthenticated()) { try { reloadAndWait(); } catch (InterruptedException | SmackException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not reload Roster", e); } } } /** * Returns the subscription processing mode, which dictates what action * Smack will take when subscription requests from other users are made. * The default subscription mode is {@link SubscriptionMode#accept_all}. *

* If using the manual mode, a PacketListener should be registered that * listens for Presence packets that have a type of * {@link org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Presence.Type#subscribe}. *

* * @return the subscription mode. */ public SubscriptionMode getSubscriptionMode() { return subscriptionMode; } /** * Sets the subscription processing mode, which dictates what action * Smack will take when subscription requests from other users are made. * The default subscription mode is {@link SubscriptionMode#accept_all}. *

* If using the manual mode, a PacketListener should be registered that * listens for Presence packets that have a type of * {@link org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Presence.Type#subscribe}. *

* * @param subscriptionMode the subscription mode. */ public void setSubscriptionMode(SubscriptionMode subscriptionMode) { this.subscriptionMode = subscriptionMode; } /** * Reloads the entire roster from the server. This is an asynchronous operation, * which means the method will return immediately, and the roster will be * reloaded at a later point when the server responds to the reload request. * @throws NotLoggedInException If not logged in. * @throws NotConnectedException * @throws InterruptedException */ public void reload() throws NotLoggedInException, NotConnectedException, InterruptedException{ final XMPPConnection connection = getAuthenticatedConnectionOrThrow(); RosterPacket packet = new RosterPacket(); if (rosterStore != null && isRosterVersioningSupported()) { packet.setVersion(rosterStore.getRosterVersion()); } connection.sendIqWithResponseCallback(packet, new RosterResultListener(), new ExceptionCallback() { @Override public void processException(Exception exception) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception reloading roster" , exception); } }); } /** * Reload the roster and block until it is reloaded. * * @throws NotLoggedInException * @throws NotConnectedException * @throws InterruptedException * @since 4.1 */ public void reloadAndWait() throws NotLoggedInException, NotConnectedException, InterruptedException { reload(); waitUntilLoaded(); } /** * Set the roster store, may cause a roster reload. * * @param rosterStore * @return true if the roster reload was initiated, false otherwise. * @since 4.1 */ public boolean setRosterStore(RosterStore rosterStore) { this.rosterStore = rosterStore; try { reload(); } catch (InterruptedException | NotLoggedInException | NotConnectedException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINER, "Could not reload roster", e); return false; } return true; } protected boolean waitUntilLoaded() throws InterruptedException { final XMPPConnection connection = connection(); while (!loaded) { long waitTime = connection.getPacketReplyTimeout(); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (waitTime <= 0) { break; } synchronized (this) { if (!loaded) { wait(waitTime); } } long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); waitTime -= now - start; start = now; } return isLoaded(); } /** * Check if the roster is loaded. * * @return true if the roster is loaded. * @since 4.1 */ public boolean isLoaded() { return loaded; } /** * Adds a listener to this roster. The listener will be fired anytime one or more * changes to the roster are pushed from the server. * * @param rosterListener a roster listener. * @return true if the listener was not already added. * @see #getEntriesAndAddListener(RosterListener, RosterEntries) */ public boolean addRosterListener(RosterListener rosterListener) { synchronized (rosterListenersAndEntriesLock) { return rosterListeners.add(rosterListener); } } /** * Removes a listener from this roster. The listener will be fired anytime one or more * changes to the roster are pushed from the server. * * @param rosterListener a roster listener. * @return true if the listener was active and got removed. */ public boolean removeRosterListener(RosterListener rosterListener) { synchronized (rosterListenersAndEntriesLock) { return rosterListeners.remove(rosterListener); } } /** * Add a roster loaded listener. * * @param rosterLoadedListener the listener to add. * @return true if the listener was not already added. * @see RosterLoadedListener * @since 4.1 */ public boolean addRosterLoadedListener(RosterLoadedListener rosterLoadedListener) { synchronized (rosterLoadedListener) { return rosterLoadedListeners.add(rosterLoadedListener); } } /** * Remove a roster loaded listener. * * @param rosterLoadedListener the listener to remove. * @return true if the listener was active and got removed. * @see RosterLoadedListener * @since 4.1 */ public boolean removeRosterLoadedListener(RosterLoadedListener rosterLoadedListener) { synchronized (rosterLoadedListener) { return rosterLoadedListeners.remove(rosterLoadedListener); } } /** * Creates a new group. *

* Note: you must add at least one entry to the group for the group to be kept * after a logout/login. This is due to the way that XMPP stores group information. *

* * @param name the name of the group. * @return a new group, or null if the group already exists */ public RosterGroup createGroup(String name) { final XMPPConnection connection = connection(); if (groups.containsKey(name)) { return groups.get(name); } RosterGroup group = new RosterGroup(name, connection); groups.put(name, group); return group; } /** * Creates a new roster entry and presence subscription. The server will asynchronously * update the roster with the subscription status. * * @param user the user. (e.g. johndoe@jabber.org) * @param name the nickname of the user. * @param groups the list of group names the entry will belong to, or null if the * the roster entry won't belong to a group. * @throws NoResponseException if there was no response from the server. * @throws XMPPErrorException if an XMPP exception occurs. * @throws NotLoggedInException If not logged in. * @throws NotConnectedException * @throws InterruptedException */ public void createEntry(Jid user, String name, String[] groups) throws NotLoggedInException, NoResponseException, XMPPErrorException, NotConnectedException, InterruptedException { final XMPPConnection connection = getAuthenticatedConnectionOrThrow(); // Create and send roster entry creation packet. RosterPacket rosterPacket = new RosterPacket(); rosterPacket.setType(IQ.Type.set); RosterPacket.Item item = new RosterPacket.Item(user, name); if (groups != null) { for (String group : groups) { if (group != null && group.trim().length() > 0) { item.addGroupName(group); } } } rosterPacket.addRosterItem(item); connection.createPacketCollectorAndSend(rosterPacket).nextResultOrThrow(); // Create a presence subscription packet and send. Presence presencePacket = new Presence(Presence.Type.subscribe); presencePacket.setTo(user); connection.sendStanza(presencePacket); } /** * Creates a new pre-approved roster entry and presence subscription. The server will * asynchronously update the roster with the subscription status. * * @param user the user. (e.g. johndoe@jabber.org) * @param name the nickname of the user. * @param groups the list of group names the entry will belong to, or null if the * the roster entry won't belong to a group. * @throws NoResponseException if there was no response from the server. * @throws XMPPErrorException if an XMPP exception occurs. * @throws NotLoggedInException if not logged in. * @throws NotConnectedException * @throws InterruptedException * @throws FeatureNotSupportedException if pre-approving is not supported. * @since 4.2 */ public void preApproveAndCreateEntry(Jid user, String name, String[] groups) throws NotLoggedInException, NoResponseException, XMPPErrorException, NotConnectedException, InterruptedException, FeatureNotSupportedException { preApprove(user); createEntry(user, name, groups); } /** * Pre-approve user presence subscription. * * @param user the user. (e.g. johndoe@jabber.org) * @throws NotLoggedInException if not logged in. * @throws NotConnectedException * @throws InterruptedException * @throws FeatureNotSupportedException if pre-approving is not supported. * @since 4.2 */ public void preApprove(Jid user) throws NotLoggedInException, NotConnectedException, InterruptedException, FeatureNotSupportedException { final XMPPConnection connection = connection(); if (!isSubscriptionPreApprovalSupported()) { throw new FeatureNotSupportedException("Pre-approving"); } Presence presencePacket = new Presence(Presence.Type.subscribed); presencePacket.setTo(user); connection.sendStanza(presencePacket); } /** * Check for subscription pre-approval support. * * @return true if subscription pre-approval is supported by the server. * @throws NotLoggedInException if not logged in. * @since 4.2 */ public boolean isSubscriptionPreApprovalSupported() throws NotLoggedInException { final XMPPConnection connection = getAuthenticatedConnectionOrThrow(); return connection.hasFeature(SubscriptionPreApproval.ELEMENT, SubscriptionPreApproval.NAMESPACE); } /** * Removes a roster entry from the roster. The roster entry will also be removed from the * unfiled entries or from any roster group where it could belong and will no longer be part * of the roster. Note that this is a synchronous call -- Smack must wait for the server * to send an updated subscription status. * * @param entry a roster entry. * @throws XMPPErrorException if an XMPP error occurs. * @throws NotLoggedInException if not logged in. * @throws NoResponseException SmackException if there was no response from the server. * @throws NotConnectedException * @throws InterruptedException */ public void removeEntry(RosterEntry entry) throws NotLoggedInException, NoResponseException, XMPPErrorException, NotConnectedException, InterruptedException { final XMPPConnection connection = getAuthenticatedConnectionOrThrow(); // Only remove the entry if it's in the entry list. // The actual removal logic takes place in RosterPacketListenerprocess>>Packet(Packet) if (!entries.containsKey(entry.getUser())) { return; } RosterPacket packet = new RosterPacket(); packet.setType(IQ.Type.set); RosterPacket.Item item = RosterEntry.toRosterItem(entry); // Set the item type as REMOVE so that the server will delete the entry item.setItemType(RosterPacket.ItemType.remove); packet.addRosterItem(item); connection.createPacketCollectorAndSend(packet).nextResultOrThrow(); } /** * Returns a count of the entries in the roster. * * @return the number of entries in the roster. */ public int getEntryCount() { return getEntries().size(); } /** * Add a roster listener and invoke the roster entries with all entries of the roster. *

* The method guarantees that the listener is only invoked after * {@link RosterEntries#rosterEntires(Collection)} has been invoked, and that all roster events * that happen while rosterEntires(Collection) is called are queued until the * method returns. *


* This guarantee makes this the ideal method to e.g. populate a UI element with the roster while * installing a {@link RosterListener} to listen for subsequent roster events. *

* * @param rosterListener the listener to install * @param rosterEntries the roster entries callback interface * @since 4.1 */ public void getEntriesAndAddListener(RosterListener rosterListener, RosterEntries rosterEntries) { Objects.requireNonNull(rosterListener, "listener must not be null"); Objects.requireNonNull(rosterEntries, "rosterEntries must not be null"); synchronized (rosterListenersAndEntriesLock) { rosterEntries.rosterEntires(entries.values()); addRosterListener(rosterListener); } } /** * Returns a set of all entries in the roster, including entries * that don't belong to any groups. * * @return all entries in the roster. */ public Set getEntries() { Set allEntries; synchronized (rosterListenersAndEntriesLock) { allEntries = new HashSet<>(entries.size()); for (RosterEntry entry : entries.values()) { allEntries.add(entry); } } return allEntries; } /** * Returns a count of the unfiled entries in the roster. An unfiled entry is * an entry that doesn't belong to any groups. * * @return the number of unfiled entries in the roster. */ public int getUnfiledEntryCount() { return unfiledEntries.size(); } /** * Returns an unmodifiable set for the unfiled roster entries. An unfiled entry is * an entry that doesn't belong to any groups. * * @return the unfiled roster entries. */ public Set getUnfiledEntries() { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(unfiledEntries); } /** * Returns the roster entry associated with the given XMPP address or * null if the user is not an entry in the roster. * * @param user the XMPP address of the user (eg "jsmith@example.com"). The address could be * in any valid format (e.g. "domain/resource", "user@domain" or "user@domain/resource"). * @return the roster entry or null if it does not exist. */ public RosterEntry getEntry(Jid user) { if (user == null) { return null; } Jid key = getMapKey(user); return entries.get(key); } /** * Returns true if the specified XMPP address is an entry in the roster. * * @param user the XMPP address of the user (eg "jsmith@example.com"). The * address could be in any valid format (e.g. "domain/resource", * "user@domain" or "user@domain/resource"). * @return true if the XMPP address is an entry in the roster. */ public boolean contains(Jid user) { return getEntry(user) != null; } /** * Returns the roster group with the specified name, or null if the * group doesn't exist. * * @param name the name of the group. * @return the roster group with the specified name. */ public RosterGroup getGroup(String name) { return groups.get(name); } /** * Returns the number of the groups in the roster. * * @return the number of groups in the roster. */ public int getGroupCount() { return groups.size(); } /** * Returns an unmodifiable collections of all the roster groups. * * @return an iterator for all roster groups. */ public Collection getGroups() { return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(groups.values()); } /** * Returns the presence info for a particular user. If the user is offline, or * if no presence data is available (such as when you are not subscribed to the * user's presence updates), unavailable presence will be returned. *

* If the user has several presences (one for each resource), then the presence with * highest priority will be returned. If multiple presences have the same priority, * the one with the "most available" presence mode will be returned. In order, * that's {@link org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Presence.Mode#chat free to chat}, * {@link org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Presence.Mode#available available}, * {@link org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Presence.Mode#away away}, * {@link org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Presence.Mode#xa extended away}, and * {@link org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Presence.Mode#dnd do not disturb}.



* Note that presence information is received asynchronously. So, just after logging * in to the server, presence values for users in the roster may be unavailable * even if they are actually online. In other words, the value returned by this * method should only be treated as a snapshot in time, and may not accurately reflect * other user's presence instant by instant. If you need to track presence over time, * such as when showing a visual representation of the roster, consider using a * {@link RosterListener}. *

* * @param user an XMPP ID. The address could be in any valid format (e.g. * "domain/resource", "user@domain" or "user@domain/resource"). Any resource * information that's part of the ID will be discarded. * @return the user's current presence, or unavailable presence if the user is offline * or if no presence information is available.. */ public Presence getPresence(Jid user) { Jid key = getMapKey(user); Map userPresences = presenceMap.get(key); if (userPresences == null) { Presence presence = new Presence(Presence.Type.unavailable); presence.setFrom(user); return presence; } else { // Find the resource with the highest priority // Might be changed to use the resource with the highest availability instead. Presence presence = null; // This is used in case no available presence is found Presence unavailable = null; for (Resourcepart resource : userPresences.keySet()) { Presence p = userPresences.get(resource); if (!p.isAvailable()) { unavailable = p; continue; } // Chose presence with highest priority first. if (presence == null || p.getPriority() > presence.getPriority()) { presence = p; } // If equal priority, choose "most available" by the mode value. else if (p.getPriority() == presence.getPriority()) { Presence.Mode pMode = p.getMode(); // Default to presence mode of available. if (pMode == null) { pMode = Presence.Mode.available; } Presence.Mode presenceMode = presence.getMode(); // Default to presence mode of available. if (presenceMode == null) { presenceMode = Presence.Mode.available; } if (pMode.compareTo(presenceMode) < 0) { presence = p; } } } if (presence == null) { if (unavailable != null) { return unavailable.clone(); } else { presence = new Presence(Presence.Type.unavailable); presence.setFrom(user); return presence; } } else { return presence.clone(); } } } /** * Returns the presence info for a particular user's resource, or unavailable presence * if the user is offline or if no presence information is available, such as * when you are not subscribed to the user's presence updates. * * @param userWithResource a fully qualified XMPP ID including a resource (user@domain/resource). * @return the user's current presence, or unavailable presence if the user is offline * or if no presence information is available. */ public Presence getPresenceResource(JidWithResource userWithResource) { Jid key = getMapKey(userWithResource); Resourcepart resource = userWithResource.getResourcepart(); Map userPresences = presenceMap.get(key); if (userPresences == null) { Presence presence = new Presence(Presence.Type.unavailable); presence.setFrom(userWithResource); return presence; } else { Presence presence = userPresences.get(resource); if (presence == null) { presence = new Presence(Presence.Type.unavailable); presence.setFrom(userWithResource); return presence; } else { return presence.clone(); } } } /** * Returns a List of Presence objects for all of a user's current presences if no presence information is available, * such as when you are not subscribed to the user's presence updates. * * @param bareJid an XMPP ID, e.g. jdoe@example.com. * @return a List of Presence objects for all the user's current presences, or an unavailable presence if no * presence information is available. */ public List getAllPresences(Jid bareJid) { Map userPresences = presenceMap.get(getMapKey(bareJid)); List res; if (userPresences == null) { // Create an unavailable presence if none was found Presence unavailable = new Presence(Presence.Type.unavailable); unavailable.setFrom(bareJid); res = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(unavailable)); } else { res = new ArrayList<>(userPresences.values().size()); for (Presence presence : userPresences.values()) { res.add(presence.clone()); } } return res; } /** * Returns a List of all available Presence Objects for the given bare JID. If there are no available * presences, then the empty list will be returned. * * @param bareJid the bare JID from which the presences should be retrieved. * @return available presences for the bare JID. */ public List getAvailablePresences(Jid bareJid) { List allPresences = getAllPresences(bareJid); List res = new ArrayList<>(allPresences.size()); for (Presence presence : allPresences) { if (presence.isAvailable()) { // No need to clone presence here, getAllPresences already returns clones res.add(presence); } } return res; } /** * Returns a List of Presence objects for all of a user's current presences * or an unavailable presence if the user is unavailable (offline) or if no presence * information is available, such as when you are not subscribed to the user's presence * updates. * * @param user an XMPP ID, e.g. jdoe@example.com. * @return a List of Presence objects for all the user's current presences, * or an unavailable presence if the user is offline or if no presence information * is available. */ public List getPresences(Jid user) { List res; Jid key = getMapKey(user); Map userPresences = presenceMap.get(key); if (userPresences == null) { Presence presence = new Presence(Presence.Type.unavailable); presence.setFrom(user); res = Arrays.asList(presence); } else { List answer = new ArrayList(); // Used in case no available presence is found Presence unavailable = null; for (Presence presence : userPresences.values()) { if (presence.isAvailable()) { answer.add(presence.clone()); } else { unavailable = presence; } } if (!answer.isEmpty()) { res = answer; } else if (unavailable != null) { res = Arrays.asList(unavailable.clone()); } else { Presence presence = new Presence(Presence.Type.unavailable); presence.setFrom(user); res = Arrays.asList(presence); } } return res; } /** * Check if the given JID is subscribed to the user's presence. *

* If the JID is subscribed to the user's presence then it is allowed to see the presence and * will get notified about presence changes. Also returns true, if the JID is the service * name of the XMPP connection (the "XMPP domain"), i.e. the XMPP service is treated like * having an implicit subscription to the users presence. *

* Note that if the roster is not loaded, then this method will always return false. * * @param jid * @return true if the given JID is allowed to see the users presence. * @since 4.1 */ public boolean isSubscribedToMyPresence(Jid jid) { if (connection().getServiceName().equals(jid)) { return true; } RosterEntry entry = getEntry(jid); if (entry == null) { return false; } switch (entry.getType()) { case from: case both: return true; default: return false; } } /** * Sets if the roster will be loaded from the server when logging in. This * is the common behaviour for clients but sometimes clients may want to differ this * or just never do it if not interested in rosters. * * @param rosterLoadedAtLogin if the roster will be loaded from the server when logging in. */ public void setRosterLoadedAtLogin(boolean rosterLoadedAtLogin) { this.rosterLoadedAtLogin = rosterLoadedAtLogin; } /** * Returns true if the roster will be loaded from the server when logging in. This * is the common behavior for clients but sometimes clients may want to differ this * or just never do it if not interested in rosters. * * @return true if the roster will be loaded from the server when logging in. * @see RFC 6121 2.2 - Retrieving the Roster on Login */ public boolean isRosterLoadedAtLogin() { return rosterLoadedAtLogin; } RosterStore getRosterStore() { return rosterStore; } /** * Returns the key to use in the presenceMap and entries Map for a fully qualified XMPP ID. * The roster can contain any valid address format such us "domain/resource", * "user@domain" or "user@domain/resource". If the roster contains an entry * associated with the fully qualified XMPP ID then use the fully qualified XMPP * ID as the key in presenceMap, otherwise use the bare address. Note: When the * key in presenceMap is a fully qualified XMPP ID, the userPresences is useless * since it will always contain one entry for the user. * * @param user the bare or fully qualified XMPP ID, e.g. jdoe@example.com or * jdoe@example.com/Work. * @return the key to use in the presenceMap and entries Map for the fully qualified XMPP ID. */ private Jid getMapKey(Jid user) { if (user == null) { return null; } if (entries.containsKey(user)) { return user; } BareJid bareJid = user.asBareJidIfPossible(); if (bareJid != null) { return bareJid; } // jid validate, log this case? return user; } /** * Changes the presence of available contacts offline by simulating an unavailable * presence sent from the server. After a disconnection, every Presence is set * to offline. * @throws NotConnectedException */ private void setOfflinePresencesAndResetLoaded() { Presence packetUnavailable; outerloop: for (Jid user : presenceMap.keySet()) { Map resources = presenceMap.get(user); if (resources != null) { for (Resourcepart resource : resources.keySet()) { packetUnavailable = new Presence(Presence.Type.unavailable); BareJid bareUserJid = user.asBareJidIfPossible(); if (bareUserJid == null) { LOGGER.warning("Can not transform user JID to bare JID: '" + user + "'"); continue; } packetUnavailable.setFrom(JidCreate.fullFrom(bareUserJid, resource)); try { presencePacketListener.processPacket(packetUnavailable); } catch (NotConnectedException e) { throw new IllegalStateException( "presencePakcetListener should never throw a NotConnectedException when processPacket is called with a presence of type unavailable", e); } catch (InterruptedException e) { break outerloop; } } } } loaded = false; } /** * Fires roster changed event to roster listeners indicating that the * specified collections of contacts have been added, updated or deleted * from the roster. * * @param addedEntries the collection of address of the added contacts. * @param updatedEntries the collection of address of the updated contacts. * @param deletedEntries the collection of address of the deleted contacts. */ private void fireRosterChangedEvent(final Collection addedEntries, final Collection updatedEntries, final Collection deletedEntries) { synchronized (rosterListenersAndEntriesLock) { for (RosterListener listener : rosterListeners) { if (!addedEntries.isEmpty()) { listener.entriesAdded(addedEntries); } if (!updatedEntries.isEmpty()) { listener.entriesUpdated(updatedEntries); } if (!deletedEntries.isEmpty()) { listener.entriesDeleted(deletedEntries); } } } } /** * Fires roster presence changed event to roster listeners. * * @param presence the presence change. */ private void fireRosterPresenceEvent(final Presence presence) { synchronized (rosterListenersAndEntriesLock) { for (RosterListener listener : rosterListeners) { listener.presenceChanged(presence); } } } private void addUpdateEntry(Collection addedEntries, Collection updatedEntries, Collection unchangedEntries, RosterPacket.Item item, RosterEntry entry) { RosterEntry oldEntry; synchronized (rosterListenersAndEntriesLock) { oldEntry = entries.put(item.getUser(), entry); } if (oldEntry == null) { addedEntries.add(item.getUser()); } else { RosterPacket.Item oldItem = RosterEntry.toRosterItem(oldEntry); if (!oldEntry.equalsDeep(entry) || !item.getGroupNames().equals(oldItem.getGroupNames())) { updatedEntries.add(item.getUser()); } else { // Record the entry as unchanged, so that it doesn't end up as deleted entry unchangedEntries.add(item.getUser()); } } // Mark the entry as unfiled if it does not belong to any groups. if (item.getGroupNames().isEmpty()) { unfiledEntries.add(entry); } else { unfiledEntries.remove(entry); } // Add the entry/user to the groups List newGroupNames = new ArrayList(); for (String groupName : item.getGroupNames()) { // Add the group name to the list. newGroupNames.add(groupName); // Add the entry to the group. RosterGroup group = getGroup(groupName); if (group == null) { group = createGroup(groupName); groups.put(groupName, group); } // Add the entry. group.addEntryLocal(entry); } // Remove user from the remaining groups. List oldGroupNames = new ArrayList(); for (RosterGroup group: getGroups()) { oldGroupNames.add(group.getName()); } oldGroupNames.removeAll(newGroupNames); for (String groupName : oldGroupNames) { RosterGroup group = getGroup(groupName); group.removeEntryLocal(entry); if (group.getEntryCount() == 0) { groups.remove(groupName); } } } private void deleteEntry(Collection deletedEntries, RosterEntry entry) { Jid user = entry.getUser(); entries.remove(user); unfiledEntries.remove(entry); presenceMap.remove(user); deletedEntries.add(user); for (Entry e: groups.entrySet()) { RosterGroup group = e.getValue(); group.removeEntryLocal(entry); if (group.getEntryCount() == 0) { groups.remove(e.getKey()); } } } /** * Removes all the groups with no entries. * * This is used by {@link RosterPushListener} and {@link RosterResultListener} to * cleanup groups after removing contacts. */ private void removeEmptyGroups() { // We have to do this because RosterGroup.removeEntry removes the entry immediately // (locally) and the group could remain empty. // TODO Check the performance/logic for rosters with large number of groups for (RosterGroup group : getGroups()) { if (group.getEntryCount() == 0) { groups.remove(group.getName()); } } } /** * Ignore ItemTypes as of RFC 6121, * * This is used by {@link RosterPushListener} and {@link RosterResultListener}. * */ private static boolean hasValidSubscriptionType(RosterPacket.Item item) { switch (item.getItemType()) { case none: case from: case to: case both: return true; default: return false; } } /** * Check if the server supports roster versioning. * * @return true if the server supports roster versioning, false otherwise. */ public boolean isRosterVersioningSupported() { return connection().hasFeature(RosterVer.ELEMENT, RosterVer.NAMESPACE); } /** * An enumeration for the subscription mode options. */ public enum SubscriptionMode { /** * Automatically accept all subscription and unsubscription requests. This is * the default mode and is suitable for simple client. More complex client will * likely wish to handle subscription requests manually. */ accept_all, /** * Automatically reject all subscription requests. */ reject_all, /** * Subscription requests are ignored, which means they must be manually * processed by registering a listener for presence packets and then looking * for any presence requests that have the type Presence.Type.SUBSCRIBE or * Presence.Type.UNSUBSCRIBE. */ manual } /** * Listens for all presence packets and processes them. */ private class PresencePacketListener implements StanzaListener { /** * Retrieve the user presences (a map from resource to {@link Presence}) for a given key (usually a JID without * a resource). If the {@link #presenceMap} does not contain already a user presence map, then it will be * created. * * @param key the presence map key * @return the user presences */ private Map getUserPresences(Jid key) { Map userPresences = presenceMap.get(key); if (userPresences == null) { userPresences = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); presenceMap.put(key, userPresences); } return userPresences; } @Override public void processPacket(Stanza packet) throws NotConnectedException, InterruptedException { final XMPPConnection connection = connection(); Presence presence = (Presence) packet; Jid from = presence.getFrom(); Resourcepart fromResource = Resourcepart.EMPTY; if (from != null) { fromResource = from.getResourceOrNull(); if (fromResource == null) { fromResource = Resourcepart.EMPTY; } } Jid key = getMapKey(from); Map userPresences; Presence response = null; // If an "available" presence, add it to the presence map. Each presence // map will hold for a particular user a map with the presence // packets saved for each resource. switch (presence.getType()) { case available: // Get the user presence map userPresences = getUserPresences(key); // See if an offline presence was being stored in the map. If so, remove // it since we now have an online presence. userPresences.remove(Resourcepart.EMPTY); // Add the new presence, using the resources as a key. userPresences.put(fromResource, presence); // If the user is in the roster, fire an event. if (entries.containsKey(key)) { fireRosterPresenceEvent(presence); } break; // If an "unavailable" packet. case unavailable: // If no resource, this is likely an offline presence as part of // a roster presence flood. In that case, we store it. if (from.hasNoResource()) { // Get the user presence map userPresences = getUserPresences(key); userPresences.put(Resourcepart.EMPTY, presence); } // Otherwise, this is a normal offline presence. else if (presenceMap.get(key) != null) { userPresences = presenceMap.get(key); // Store the offline presence, as it may include extra information // such as the user being on vacation. userPresences.put(fromResource, presence); } // If the user is in the roster, fire an event. if (entries.containsKey(key)) { fireRosterPresenceEvent(presence); } break; case subscribe: switch (subscriptionMode) { case accept_all: // Accept all subscription requests. response = new Presence(Presence.Type.subscribed); break; case reject_all: // Reject all subscription requests. response = new Presence(Presence.Type.unsubscribed); break; case manual: default: // Otherwise, in manual mode so ignore. break; } if (response != null) { response.setTo(presence.getFrom()); connection.sendStanza(response); } break; case unsubscribe: if (subscriptionMode != SubscriptionMode.manual) { // Acknowledge and accept unsubscription notification so that the // server will stop sending notifications saying that the contact // has unsubscribed to our presence. response = new Presence(Presence.Type.unsubscribed); response.setTo(presence.getFrom()); connection.sendStanza(response); } // Otherwise, in manual mode so ignore. break; // Error presence packets from a bare JID mean we invalidate all existing // presence info for the user. case error: // No need to act on error presences send without from, i.e. // directly send from the users XMPP service, or where the from // address is not a bare JID if (from == null || !from.isBareJid()) { break; } userPresences = getUserPresences(key); // Any other presence data is invalidated by the error packet. userPresences.clear(); // Set the new presence using the empty resource as a key. userPresences.put(Resourcepart.EMPTY, presence); // If the user is in the roster, fire an event. if (entries.containsKey(key)) { fireRosterPresenceEvent(presence); } break; default: break; } } } /** * Handles roster reults as described in RFC 6121 2.1.4 */ private class RosterResultListener implements StanzaListener { @Override public void processPacket(Stanza packet) { final XMPPConnection connection = connection(); LOGGER.fine("RosterResultListener received stanza"); Collection addedEntries = new ArrayList<>(); Collection updatedEntries = new ArrayList<>(); Collection deletedEntries = new ArrayList<>(); Collection unchangedEntries = new ArrayList<>(); if (packet instanceof RosterPacket) { // Non-empty roster result. This stanza contains all the roster elements. RosterPacket rosterPacket = (RosterPacket) packet; // Ignore items without valid subscription type ArrayList validItems = new ArrayList(); for (RosterPacket.Item item : rosterPacket.getRosterItems()) { if (hasValidSubscriptionType(item)) { validItems.add(item); } } for (RosterPacket.Item item : validItems) { RosterEntry entry = new RosterEntry(item.getUser(), item.getName(), item.getItemType(), item.getItemStatus(), item.isApproved(), Roster.this, connection); addUpdateEntry(addedEntries, updatedEntries, unchangedEntries, item, entry); } // Delete all entries which where not added or updated Set toDelete = new HashSet<>(); for (RosterEntry entry : entries.values()) { toDelete.add(entry.getUser()); } toDelete.removeAll(addedEntries); toDelete.removeAll(updatedEntries); toDelete.removeAll(unchangedEntries); for (Jid user : toDelete) { deleteEntry(deletedEntries, entries.get(user)); } if (rosterStore != null) { String version = rosterPacket.getVersion(); rosterStore.resetEntries(validItems, version); } removeEmptyGroups(); } else { // Empty roster result as defined in RFC6121 2.6.3. An empty roster result basically // means that rosterver was used and the roster hasn't changed (much) since the // version we presented the server. So we simply load the roster from the store and // await possible further roster pushes. for (RosterPacket.Item item : rosterStore.getEntries()) { RosterEntry entry = new RosterEntry(item.getUser(), item.getName(), item.getItemType(), item.getItemStatus(), item.isApproved(), Roster.this, connection); addUpdateEntry(addedEntries, updatedEntries, unchangedEntries, item, entry); } } loaded = true; synchronized (Roster.this) { Roster.this.notifyAll(); } // Fire event for roster listeners. fireRosterChangedEvent(addedEntries, updatedEntries, deletedEntries); // Call the roster loaded listeners after the roster events have been fired. This is // imporant because the user may call getEntriesAndAddListener() in onRosterLoaded(), // and if the order would be the other way around, the roster listener added by // getEntriesAndAddListener() would be invoked with information that was already // available at the time getEntriesAndAddListenr() was called. try { synchronized (rosterLoadedListeners) { for (RosterLoadedListener rosterLoadedListener : rosterLoadedListeners) { rosterLoadedListener.onRosterLoaded(Roster.this); } } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "RosterLoadedListener threw exception", e); } } } /** * Listens for all roster pushes and processes them. */ private final class RosterPushListener extends AbstractIqRequestHandler { private RosterPushListener() { super(RosterPacket.ELEMENT, RosterPacket.NAMESPACE, Type.set, Mode.sync); } @Override public IQ handleIQRequest(IQ iqRequest) { final XMPPConnection connection = connection(); RosterPacket rosterPacket = (RosterPacket) iqRequest; // Roster push (RFC 6121, 2.1.6) // A roster push with a non-empty from not matching our address MUST be ignored BareJid jid = connection.getUser().asBareJid(); Jid from = rosterPacket.getFrom(); if (from != null && !from.equals(jid)) { LOGGER.warning("Ignoring roster push with a non matching 'from' ourJid='" + jid + "' from='" + from + "'"); return IQ.createErrorResponse(iqRequest, new XMPPError(Condition.service_unavailable)); } // A roster push must contain exactly one entry Collection items = rosterPacket.getRosterItems(); if (items.size() != 1) { LOGGER.warning("Ignoring roster push with not exaclty one entry. size=" + items.size()); return IQ.createErrorResponse(iqRequest, new XMPPError(Condition.bad_request)); } Collection addedEntries = new ArrayList<>(); Collection updatedEntries = new ArrayList<>(); Collection deletedEntries = new ArrayList<>(); Collection unchangedEntries = new ArrayList<>(); // We assured above that the size of items is exaclty 1, therefore we are able to // safely retrieve this single item here. Item item = items.iterator().next(); RosterEntry entry = new RosterEntry(item.getUser(), item.getName(), item.getItemType(), item.getItemStatus(), item.isApproved(), Roster.this, connection); String version = rosterPacket.getVersion(); if (item.getItemType().equals(RosterPacket.ItemType.remove)) { deleteEntry(deletedEntries, entry); if (rosterStore != null) { rosterStore.removeEntry(entry.getUser(), version); } } else if (hasValidSubscriptionType(item)) { addUpdateEntry(addedEntries, updatedEntries, unchangedEntries, item, entry); if (rosterStore != null) { rosterStore.addEntry(item, version); } } removeEmptyGroups(); // Fire event for roster listeners. fireRosterChangedEvent(addedEntries, updatedEntries, deletedEntries); return IQ.createResultIQ(rosterPacket); } } }