package org.jivesoftware.smack; import org.jivesoftware.smack.test.SmackTestCase; /** * Tests the connection and reconnection mechanism * * @author Francisco Vives */ public class ReconnectionTest extends SmackTestCase { public ReconnectionTest(String arg0) { super(arg0); } /** * Tests an automatic reconnection. * Simulates a connection error and then waits until gets reconnected. */ public void testAutomaticReconnection() throws Exception { XMPPConnection connection = getConnection(0); XMPPConnectionTestListener listener = new XMPPConnectionTestListener(); connection.addConnectionListener(listener); // Simulates an error in the connection connection.packetReader.notifyConnectionError(new Exception("Simulated Error")); Thread.sleep(12000); // After 10 seconds, the reconnection manager must reestablishes the connection assertEquals("The ConnectionListener.connectionStablished() notification was not fired", true, listener.reconnected); assertEquals("The ConnectionListener.reconnectingIn() notification was not fired", 10, listener.attemptsNotifications); assertEquals("The ReconnectionManager algorithm has reconnected without waiting until 0", 0, listener.remainingSeconds); // Executes some server interaction testing the connection executeSomeServerInteraction(connection); } public void testAutomaticReconnectionWithCompression() throws Exception { // Create the configuration for this new connection ConnectionConfiguration config = new ConnectionConfiguration(getHost(), getPort()); config.setTLSEnabled(true); config.setCompressionEnabled(true); config.setSASLAuthenticationEnabled(true); XMPPConnection connection = new XMPPConnection(config); // Connect to the server connection.connect(); // Log into the server connection.login(getUsername(0), getUsername(0), "MyOtherResource"); assertTrue("Failed to use compression", connection.isUsingCompression()); XMPPConnectionTestListener listener = new XMPPConnectionTestListener(); connection.addConnectionListener(listener); // Simulates an error in the connection connection.packetReader.notifyConnectionError(new Exception("Simulated Error")); Thread.sleep(12000); // After 10 seconds, the reconnection manager must reestablishes the connection assertEquals("The ConnectionListener.connectionStablished() notification was not fired", true, listener.reconnected); assertEquals("The ConnectionListener.reconnectingIn() notification was not fired", 10, listener.attemptsNotifications); assertEquals("The ReconnectionManager algorithm has reconnected without waiting until 0", 0, listener.remainingSeconds); // Executes some server interaction testing the connection executeSomeServerInteraction(connection); } /** * Tests a manual reconnection. * Simulates a connection error, disables the reconnection mechanism and then reconnects. */ public void testManualReconnectionWithCancelation() throws Exception { XMPPConnection connection = getConnection(0); XMPPConnectionTestListener listener = new XMPPConnectionTestListener(); connection.addConnectionListener(listener); // Produces a connection error connection.packetReader.notifyConnectionError(new Exception("Simulated Error")); assertEquals( "An error occurs but the ConnectionListener.connectionClosedOnError(e) was not notified", true, listener.connectionClosedOnError); Thread.sleep(1000); // Cancels the automatic reconnection connection.getConfiguration().setReconnectionAllowed(false); // Waits for a reconnection that must not happened. Thread.sleep(10500); // Cancels the automatic reconnection assertEquals("The connection was stablished but it was not allowed to", false, listener.reconnected); // Makes a manual reconnection from an error terminated connection without reconnection connection.connect(); // Executes some server interaction testing the connection executeSomeServerInteraction(connection); } /** * Tests a manual reconnection after a login. * Closes the connection and then reconnects. */ public void testCloseAndManualReconnection() throws Exception { XMPPConnection connection = getConnection(0); String username = connection.getConfiguration().getUsername(); String password = connection.getConfiguration().getPassword(); XMPPConnectionTestListener listener = new XMPPConnectionTestListener(); connection.addConnectionListener(listener); // Produces a normal disconnection connection.disconnect(); assertEquals("ConnectionListener.connectionClosed() was not notified", true, listener.connectionClosed); // Waits 10 seconds waiting for a reconnection that must not happened. Thread.sleep(12200); assertEquals("The connection was stablished but it was not allowed to", false, listener.reconnected); // Makes a manual reconnection connection.connect(); connection.login(username, password); // Executes some server interaction testing the connection executeSomeServerInteraction(connection); } /** * Tests a reconnection in a anonymously logged connection. * Closes the connection and then reconnects. */ public void testAnonymousReconnection() throws Exception { XMPPConnection connection = createConnection(); connection.connect(); XMPPConnectionTestListener listener = new XMPPConnectionTestListener(); connection.addConnectionListener(listener); // Makes the anounymous login connection.loginAnonymously(); // Produces a normal disconnection connection.disconnect(); assertEquals("ConnectionListener.connectionClosed() was not notified", true, listener.connectionClosed); // Makes a manual reconnection connection.connect(); connection.loginAnonymously(); assertEquals("Failed the manual connection", true, connection.isAnonymous()); } private XMPPConnection createXMPPConnection() throws Exception { XMPPConnection connection; // Create the configuration ConnectionConfiguration config = new ConnectionConfiguration(getHost(), getPort()); config.setTLSEnabled(true); config.setCompressionEnabled(Boolean.getBoolean("test.compressionEnabled")); config.setSASLAuthenticationEnabled(true); connection = new XMPPConnection(config); return connection; } /** * Execute some server interaction in order to test that the regenerated connection works fine. */ private void executeSomeServerInteraction(XMPPConnection connection) throws XMPPException { PrivacyListManager privacyManager = PrivacyListManager.getInstanceFor(connection); privacyManager.getPrivacyLists(); } protected int getMaxConnections() { return 1; } private class XMPPConnectionTestListener implements ConnectionListener { // Variables to support listener notifications verification private boolean connectionClosed = false; private boolean connectionClosedOnError = false; private boolean reconnected = false; private boolean reconnectionFailed = false; private int remainingSeconds = 0; private int attemptsNotifications = 0; private boolean reconnectionCanceled = false; /** * Methods to test the listener. */ public void connectionClosed() { connectionClosed = true; } public void connectionClosedOnError(Exception e) { connectionClosedOnError = true; } public void reconnectionCanceled() { reconnectionCanceled = true; } public void reconnectingIn(int seconds) { attemptsNotifications = attemptsNotifications + 1; remainingSeconds = seconds; } public void reconnectionSuccessful() { reconnected = true; } public void reconnectionFailed(Exception error) { reconnectionFailed = true; } } }