/** * $RCSfile$ * $Revision$ * $Date$ * * Copyright 2003-2004 Jive Software. * * All rights reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.jivesoftware.smack; import org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Presence; import org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Message; import org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Packet; import org.jivesoftware.smack.filter.*; import java.util.*; /** * A GroupChat is a conversation that takes place among many users in a virtual * room. When joining a group chat, you specify a nickname, which is the identity * that other chat room users see. * * @see XMPPConnection#createGroupChat(String) * @author Matt Tucker */ public class GroupChat { private XMPPConnection connection; private String room; private String nickname = null; private boolean joined = false; private List participants = new ArrayList(); private PacketFilter presenceFilter; private PacketFilter messageFilter; private PacketCollector messageCollector; /** * Creates a new group chat with the specified connection and room name. Note: no * information is sent to or received from the server until you attempt to * {@link #join(String) join} the chat room. On some server implementations, * the room will not be created until the first person joins it.

* * Most XMPP servers use a sub-domain for the chat service (eg chat.example.com * for the XMPP server example.com). You must ensure that the room address you're * trying to connect to includes the proper chat sub-domain. * * @param connection the XMPP connection. * @param room the name of the room in the form "roomName@service", where * "service" is the hostname at which the multi-user chat * service is running. */ public GroupChat(XMPPConnection connection, String room) { this.connection = connection; this.room = room; // Create a collector for all incoming messages. messageFilter = new AndFilter(new FromContainsFilter(room), new PacketTypeFilter(Message.class)); messageFilter = new AndFilter(messageFilter, new PacketFilter() { public boolean accept(Packet packet) { Message msg = (Message)packet; return msg.getType() == Message.Type.GROUP_CHAT; } }); messageCollector = connection.createPacketCollector(messageFilter); // Create a listener for all presence updates. presenceFilter = new AndFilter(new FromContainsFilter(room), new PacketTypeFilter(Presence.class)); connection.addPacketListener(new PacketListener() { public void processPacket(Packet packet) { Presence presence = (Presence)packet; String from = presence.getFrom(); if (presence.getType() == Presence.Type.AVAILABLE) { synchronized (participants) { if (!participants.contains(from)) { participants.add(from); } } } else if (presence.getType() == Presence.Type.UNAVAILABLE) { synchronized (participants) { participants.remove(from); } } } }, presenceFilter); } /** * Returns the name of the room this GroupChat object represents. * * @return the groupchat room name. */ public String getRoom() { return room; } /** * Joins the chat room using the specified nickname. If already joined * using another nickname, this method will first leave the room and then * re-join using the new nickname. The default timeout of 5 seconds for a reply * from the group chat server that the join succeeded will be used. * * @param nickname the nickname to use. * @throws XMPPException if an error occurs joining the room. In particular, a * 409 error can occur if someone is already in the group chat with the same * nickname. */ public synchronized void join(String nickname) throws XMPPException { join(nickname, SmackConfiguration.getPacketReplyTimeout()); } /** * Joins the chat room using the specified nickname. If already joined as * another nickname, will leave as that name first before joining under the new * name. * * @param nickname the nickname to use. * @param timeout the number of milleseconds to wait for a reply from the * group chat that joining the room succeeded. * @throws XMPPException if an error occurs joining the room. In particular, a * 409 error can occur if someone is already in the group chat with the same * nickname. */ public synchronized void join(String nickname, long timeout) throws XMPPException { if (nickname == null || nickname.equals("")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Nickname must not be null or blank."); } // If we've already joined the room, leave it before joining under a new // nickname. if (joined) { leave(); } // We join a room by sending a presence packet where the "to" // field is in the form "roomName@service/nickname" Presence joinPresence = new Presence(Presence.Type.AVAILABLE); joinPresence.setTo(room + "/" + nickname); // Wait for a presence packet back from the server. PacketFilter responseFilter = new AndFilter( new FromContainsFilter(room + "/" + nickname), new PacketTypeFilter(Presence.class)); PacketCollector response = connection.createPacketCollector(responseFilter); // Send join packet. connection.sendPacket(joinPresence); // Wait up to a certain number of seconds for a reply. Presence presence = (Presence)response.nextResult(timeout); response.cancel(); if (presence == null) { throw new XMPPException("No response from server."); } else if (presence.getError() != null) { throw new XMPPException(presence.getError()); } this.nickname = nickname; joined = true; } /** * Returns true if currently in the group chat (after calling the {@link * #join(String)} method. * * @return true if currently in the group chat room. */ public boolean isJoined() { return joined; } /** * Leave the chat room. */ public synchronized void leave() { // If not joined already, do nothing. if (!joined) { return; } // We leave a room by sending a presence packet where the "to" // field is in the form "roomName@service/nickname" Presence leavePresence = new Presence(Presence.Type.UNAVAILABLE); leavePresence.setTo(room + "/" + nickname); connection.sendPacket(leavePresence); // Reset participant information. participants = new ArrayList(); nickname = null; joined = false; } /** * Returns the nickname that was used to join the room, or null if not * currently joined. * * @return the nickname currently being used. */ public String getNickname() { return nickname; } /** * Returns the number of participants in the group chat.

* * Note: this value will only be accurate after joining the group chat, and * may fluctuate over time. If you query this value directly after joining the * group chat it may not be accurate, as it takes a certain amount of time for * the server to send all presence packets to this client. * * @return the number of participants in the group chat. */ public int getParticipantCount() { synchronized (participants) { return participants.size(); } } /** * Returns an Iterator (of Strings) for the list of fully qualified participants * in the group chat. For example, "conference@chat.jivesoftware.com/SomeUser". * Typically, a client would only display the nickname of the participant. To * get the nickname from the fully qualified name, use the * {@link org.jivesoftware.smack.util.StringUtils#parseResource(String)} method. * Note: this value will only be accurate after joining the group chat, and may * fluctuate over time. * * @return an Iterator for the participants in the group chat. */ public Iterator getParticipants() { synchronized (participants) { return Collections.unmodifiableList(new ArrayList(participants)).iterator(); } } /** * Adds a packet listener that will be notified of any new Presence packets * sent to the group chat. Using a listener is a suitable way to know when the list * of participants should be re-loaded due to any changes. * * @param listener a packet listener that will be notified of any presence packets * sent to the group chat. */ public void addParticipantListener(PacketListener listener) { connection.addPacketListener(listener, presenceFilter); } /** * Sends a message to the chat room. * * @param text the text of the message to send. * @throws XMPPException if sending the message fails. */ public void sendMessage(String text) throws XMPPException { Message message = new Message(room, Message.Type.GROUP_CHAT); message.setBody(text); connection.sendPacket(message); } /** * Creates a new Message to send to the chat room. * * @return a new Message addressed to the chat room. */ public Message createMessage() { return new Message(room, Message.Type.GROUP_CHAT); } /** * Sends a Message to the chat room. * * @param message the message. * @throws XMPPException if sending the message fails. */ public void sendMessage(Message message) throws XMPPException { connection.sendPacket(message); } /** * Polls for and returns the next message, or null if there isn't * a message immediately available. This method provides significantly different * functionalty than the {@link #nextMessage()} method since it's non-blocking. * In other words, the method call will always return immediately, whereas the * nextMessage method will return only when a message is available (or after * a specific timeout). * * @return the next message if one is immediately available and * null otherwise. */ public Message pollMessage() { return (Message)messageCollector.pollResult(); } /** * Returns the next available message in the chat. The method call will block * (not return) until a message is available. * * @return the next message. */ public Message nextMessage() { return (Message)messageCollector.nextResult(); } /** * Returns the next available message in the chat. The method call will block * (not return) until a packet is available or the timeout has elapased. * If the timeout elapses without a result, null will be returned. * * @param timeout the maximum amount of time to wait for the next message. * @return the next message, or null if the timeout elapses without a * message becoming available. */ public Message nextMessage(long timeout) { return (Message)messageCollector.nextResult(timeout); } /** * Adds a packet listener that will be notified of any new messages in the * group chat. Only "group chat" messages addressed to this group chat will * be delivered to the listener. If you wish to listen for other packets * that may be associated with this group chat, you should register a * PacketListener directly with the XMPPConnection with the appropriate * PacketListener. * * @param listener a packet listener. */ public void addMessageListener(PacketListener listener) { connection.addPacketListener(listener, messageFilter); } public void finalize() throws Throwable { super.finalize(); try { if (messageCollector != null) { messageCollector.cancel(); } } catch (Exception e) {} } }