allprojects { apply plugin: 'java' apply plugin: 'maven' apply plugin: 'eclipse' ext { shortVersion = '4.0.0' isSnapshot = true gitCommit = getGitCommit() javadocAllDir = new File(buildDir, 'javadoc') documentationDir = new File(projectDir, 'documentation') releasedocsDir = new File(buildDir, 'releasedocs') rootConfigDir = new File(rootDir, 'config') sonatypeCredentialsAvailable = project.hasProperty('sonatypeUsername') && project.hasProperty('sonatypePassword') isReleaseVersion = !isSnapshot signingRequired = isReleaseVersion sonatypeSnapshotUrl = '' sonatypeStagingUrl = '' buildDate = (new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd")).format(new Date()) } group = 'org.igniterealtime.smack' sourceCompatibility = 1.6 version = shortVersion if (isSnapshot) { version += '-SNAPSHOT' } ext.sharedManifest = manifest { attributes('Implementation-Version': version, 'Implementation-GitRevision': ext.gitCommit, 'Bundle-Version': version) } } task javadocAll(type: Javadoc) { source subprojects.collect {project -> project.sourceSets.main.allJava } destinationDir = javadocAllDir // Might need a classpath classpath = files(subprojects.collect {project -> project.sourceSets.main.compileClasspath}) } import task prepareReleasedocs(type: Copy) { from 'resources/releasedocs' into releasedocsDir filter(ReplaceTokens, tokens: [version: version, releasedate: buildDate]) } task distributionZip(type: Zip, dependsOn: [javadocAll, prepareReleasedocs]) { classifier buildDate into ('javadoc') { from(javadocAllDir) } into ('releasedocs') { from(releasedocsDir) } into ('releasedocs/documentation') { from(documentationDir) } } jar { // Root project should not create empty jar artifact enabled = false } import org.gradle.plugins.signing.Sign gradle.taskGraph.whenReady { taskGraph -> if (signingRequired && taskGraph.allTasks.any { it instanceof Sign }) { // Use Java 6's console to read from the console (no good for a CI environment) Console console = System.console() console.printf '\n\nWe have to sign some things in this build.\n\nPlease enter your signing details.\n\n' def password = console.readPassword('GnuPG Private Key Password: ') allprojects { ext.'signing.password' = password } console.printf '\nThanks.\n\n' } } description = """\ Smack ${version} An Open Source XMPP (Jabber) client library. """ subprojects { apply plugin: 'osgi' apply plugin: 'signing' apply plugin: 'pmd' apply plugin: 'checkstyle' apply plugin: 'findbugs' checkstyle { configFile = new File(rootConfigDir, 'checkstyle.xml') } pmd { ignoreFailures = true } findbugs { ignoreFailures = true } repositories { mavenCentral() } tasks.withType(Jar) { baseName = 'smack' appendix } task sourcesJar(type: Jar, dependsOn: classes) { appendix classifier = 'sources' from sourceSets.main.allSource } task javadocJar(type: Jar, dependsOn: javadoc) { appendix classifier = 'javadoc' from javadoc.destinationDir } artifacts { archives sourcesJar archives javadocJar } uploadArchives { repositories { mavenDeployer { if (signingRequired) { beforeDeployment { MavenDeployment deployment -> signing.signPom(deployment) } } repository(url: project.sonatypeStagingUrl) { if (sonatypeCredentialsAvailable) { authentication(userName: sonatypeUsername, password: sonatypePassword) } } snapshotRepository(url: project.sonatypeSnapshotUrl) { if (sonatypeCredentialsAvailable) { authentication(userName: sonatypeUsername, password: sonatypePassword) } } pom.project { name 'Smack' packaging 'jar' url '' issueManagement { system 'JIRA' url '' } distributionManagement { snapshotRepository { id 'smack.snapshot' url project.sonatypeSnapshotUrl } } scm { url '' connection 'scm:git:' developerConnection 'scm:git:' } licenses { license { name 'The Apache Software License, Version 2.0' url '' distribution 'repo' } } developers { developer { id 'flow' name 'Florian Schmaus' email '' } } } } } } rootProject.distributionZip { dependsOn build from(buildDir) { include "$libsDirName/**" } } signing { required { signingRequired } sign configurations.archives } } project(':core') { description = """\ Smack core components. """ configurations { compression dns } dependencies { compile 'xpp3:xpp3:1.1.4c' testCompile 'junit:junit:4.+' testCompile 'xmlunit:xmlunit:1.5' testCompile 'org.powermock:powermock-module-junit4:1.5.+' testCompile 'org.powermock:powermock-api-mockito:1.5.+' testCompile 'com.jamesmurty.utils:java-xmlbuilder:0.6+' } jar { manifest { attributes('Bundle-SymbolicName': from sharedManifest } } task compressionJar(type: Jar) { appendix += '-compression' dependsOn classes from sourceSets.main.output include('org/jivesoftware/smack/compression/**') } task dnsJar(type: Jar) { appendix += '-dns' dependsOn classes from sourceSets.main.output include('org/jivesoftware/smack/util/dns/**') include('org/jivesoftware/smack/util/DNSUtil.class') } artifacts { compression compressionJar dns dnsJar } task createVersionResource(type: CreateFileTask) { fileContent = version outputFile = new File(projectDir, 'src/main/resources/org.jivesoftware.smack/version') } compileJava.dependsOn(createVersionResource) } class CreateFileTask extends DefaultTask { @Input String fileContent @OutputFile File outputFile @TaskAction def createFile() { outputFile.text = fileContent } } project(':compression-jzlib') { description = """\ Compression with jzlib Allow to compress the XMPP stream with help of jzlib. """ dependencies { compile project(path: ':core', configuration: 'compression') compile 'com.jcraft:jzlib:1.1.3' } } project(':resolver-dnsjava') { description = """\ DNS SRV with dnsjava Use dnsjava for DNS SRV lookups. For platforms that don't provide the javax.naming API (e.g. Android) """ dependencies { compile project(path: ':core', configuration: 'dns') compile 'dnsjava:dnsjava:2.1.1' } } project(':resolver-javax') { description = """\ DNS SRV with Java7 Use javax.naming for DNS SRV lookups. The javax.naming API is availabe in JavaSE since Java7. """ dependencies { compile project(path: ':core', configuration: 'dns') } } project(':extensions') { description = """\ Smack extensions. Classes and methods that implement support for the various XMPP XEPs (Multi-User Chat, PubSub, …) and other XMPP extensions. """ dependencies { compile project(':core') testCompile project(':core').sourceSets.test.runtimeClasspath // Test dependencies (junit, …) are interfered from the sourceSet.test of the core project // So there is no need to add them explicitly here again } } project(':experimental') { description = """\ Smack experimental extensions. Classes and methods for XEPs that are in status 'experimental' or that should otherwise carefully considered for deployment. The API may change even between patch versions. """ dependencies { compile project(':core') compile project(':extensions') testCompile project(':core').sourceSets.test.runtimeClasspath // Test dependencies (junit, …) are interfered from the sourceSet.test of the core project // So there is no need to add them explicitly here again } } project(':legacy') { description = """\ Smack legacy extensions. Usually XEPs in the state 'retracted', 'rejected', 'deprecated', 'obsolete' or in a long standing 'deferred' state. """ dependencies { compile project(':core') compile project(':extensions') testCompile project(':core').sourceSets.test.runtimeClasspath // Test dependencies (junit, …) are interfered from the sourceSet.test of the core project // So there is no need to add them explicitly here again } } project(':debug') { description = """\ Smack GUI debugger. Inspect the exchanged XMPP stanzas. """ dependencies { compile project(':core') testCompile project(':core').sourceSets.test.runtimeClasspath // Test dependencies (junit, …) are interfered from the sourceSet.test of the core project // So there is no need to add them explicitly here again } } (subprojects - project(':core'))*.jar { manifest { attributes('Bundle-SymbolicName': + '-' + appendix, 'Fragment-Host': from sharedManifest } } def getGitCommit() { def dotGit = new File("$projectDir/.git") if (!dotGit.isDirectory()) return 'non-git build' def cmd = 'git describe --tags --dirty=+' def proc = cmd.execute() def gitCommit = proc.text.trim() assert !gitCommit.isEmpty() gitCommit }