# PGPainless Changelog ## 1.0.0-rc1 - First release candidate for a 1.0.0 release! \o/ - Rename `EncryptionPurpose.STORAGE_AND_COMMUNICATIONS` to `EncryptionPurpose.ANY` - Hide `PGPainless.verifyCleartextSignedMessage()` behind `PGPainless.decryptAndVerify()`. - the latter now checks whether the message is cleartext-signed or not and automatically calls the proper API - `MultiPassStrategy` objects are now set through `ConsumerOptions.setMultiPassStrategy()`. - Separate key ring generation through templates from custom key ring builder - `PGPainless.generateKeyRing()` now offers to generate keys from templates - `PGPainless.buildKeyRing()` offers a detailed API to build custom keys - Fix detection of non-armored data ## 0.2.19 - Some preparations for OpenPGP V5 keys: `OpenPgpV4Fingerprint` is now an implementation of `OpenPgpFingerprint` - `SignatureVerification` and `Failure` now have `toString()` implementations - Logging: `logback-classic` is now an optional runtime dependency ## 0.2.18 - Fix compatibility with PGPainless < 0.2.10 - Fix interoperability with Kleopatra - Decryption: Do not skip over first PKESKs when we have a matching decryption key - MessageInspector: Break from object factory loop after encountering encrypted data (we cannot go deeper) - Move hash algorithm negotiation to own class - Change return value of `EncryptionOptions.overrideEncryptionAlgorithm()` ## 0.2.17 - Fix prematurely throwing `MissingPassphraseException` when decrypting message with multiple possible keys and passphrases ## 0.2.16 - Fix handling of subkey revocation signatures - SOP: improve API use with byte arrays - Fix `AssertionError` when determining encryption subkeys from set containing unbound key - Add `ConsumerOptions.setMissingKeyPassphraseStrategy(strategy)` to modify behavior when missing key passphrases are encountered during decryption ## 0.2.15 - Add `ConsumerOptions.setIgnoreMDCErrors()` which can be used to consume broken messages. Not recommended! - Add `MessageInspector.isSignedOnly()` which can be used to identify messages created via `gpg --sign --armor` - Workaround for BCs `PGPUtil.getDecoderStream` mistaking plaintext for base64 encoded data - Cleanup of unused internal methods - SOP: Fix `ArmorImpl` writing data to provided output stream instead of `System.out` - Fix hen and egg problem with streams in signature detaching implementation of SOP - Make code [REUSE](https://reuse.software) compliant ## 0.2.14 - Export dependency on Bouncycastle's `bcprov-jdk15on` - Rework Key Generation API - Replace builder-chain structure with single `KeyRingBuilder` class - Change return value of `CleartextSignatureProcessor.process()` to `DecryptionStream` - Rename `CleartextSignatureProcessor.process()` to `CleartextSignatureProcessor.getVerificationStream()` - Add support for creating cleartext signed messages by calling `ProducerOptions.setCleartextSigned()` - Add examples for signing messages in the `examples` package. ## 0.2.13 - Add `MessageInspector` class to determine IDs of recipient keys. - PGPainless now tries decryption using keys with available passphrases first and only then request key passphrases using callbacks. ## 0.2.12 - Fix: Add workaround for BC defaulting to S2K `USAGE_CHECKSUM` by changing S2K usage to `USAGE_SHA1` - Repair keys with `USAGE_CHECKSUM` when changing passphrase ## 0.2.11 - Fix: When changing expiration date of keys, also consider generic and casual certifications ## 0.2.10 - Cleartext Signature Framework - Reuse `ConsumerOptions` class for verification - Return `OpenPgpMetadata` object as result of verification - Change default compression algorithm from `UNCOMPRESSED` to `ZIP` - Cleanup: Move Signature Verification code to dedicated internal stream ## 0.2.9 - Allow customization of ASCII armor comment and version headers - Small bug fixes of SOP implementation - Readability fixes - Switch from JUL to [slf4j](http://www.slf4j.org/) for logging - SOP: Native support for verify-not-before and verify-not-after - SOP: Adopt changes for SOP spec version 2 - Add `detach-inband-signatures-and-message` subcommand - Add support for environment variables - Remove `-allow-nested` - Cleartext Signature Framework: Fix handling of trailing newlines ## 0.2.8 - Encrypt to all capable subkeys by default - Ignore missing CRC checksums in ASCII Armor ## 0.2.7 - Fix writing data to standard out in the `java-sop-picocli` module - Improve handling of signatures with missing issuer-key-id packets - Properly ignore marker packets - Add issuer-fingerprint packets to message signatures by default - Fix ordering (bracketing) and nested-ness of one-pass-signatures - Fix interoperability issue with Thunderbird - Some keys caused wrong partial-length encodings for integrity protected session packets ## 0.2.6 - Actually properly detect CRC checksum errors in ASCII armor ## 0.2.5 - Explicitly reject non-self-signatures when picking user-id self-signatures - pgpainless-cli: Set executable name in help text - Properly detect CRC checksum errors in ASCII armor ## 0.2.4 - Java based Stateless OpenPGP Protocol - Introduce `sop-java` module Contains Java interfaces modelling the Stateless OpenPGP Protocol - Introduce `sop-java-picocli` Command Line Interface frontend for `sop-java` based OpenPGP implementations - `pgpainless-sop` now contains an implementation of `sop-java` using `pgpainless-core` - `pgpainless-cli` now contains a ready to use OpenPGP command line application It simply plugs `pgpainless-sop` into `sop-java-picocli`. - Remove deprecated encryption API - Remove deprecated decryption API - Add `PGPainless.extractCertificate()` and `PGPainless.asciiArmor()` methods - `OpenPgpMetadata`: `getDecryptionKey()` and `getVerifiedSignatures()` now return `SubkeyIdentifier` objects - `KeyRingReader` now properly ignores marker packets - Encryption: File-related metadata (e.g. file name) moved to `ProducerOptions` - `pgpainless-cli/pgpainless-cli` executable script: Fix piping and parameter passing - `sop-java-picocli`: Add `help` command - When changing passphrases: Subkeys with `GNU_DUMMY_S2K` will now be ignored ## 0.2.3 - Introduce new simplified decryption API The new API (`withOptions(ConsumerOptions)`) resembles the encryption API and is more friendly to dynamic construction of decryption properties The old API has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release - Add `example` package in the JUnit tests This package contains always-up-to-date usage examples for the PGPainless' API and various use cases - Add `KeyRingInfo.getVersion` - Add `CachingSecretKeyRingProtector.addPassphrase(OpenPgpV4Fingerprint, Passphrase)` - Make builds of all jars reproducible - Fix `NullPointerException` in `KeyRingInfo.getExpirationDateForUse()` ## 0.2.2 - Fix bug where adding a subkey would ignore the user-requested key flags This would cause subkeys to erroneously carry the certify-others key flag ## 0.2.1 - Bump Bouncycastle dependency to `1.69` This fixes a number of issues ([#70](https://github.com/pgpainless/pgpainless/issues/70), [#72](https://github.com/pgpainless/pgpainless/issues/72), [#84](https://github.com/pgpainless/pgpainless/issues/84)). As a result the test suite should now run more smoothly \o/ - Remove Android SDK build dependency We can now build PGPainless without the need to have the Android SDK installed - `SignatureUtils`: Add `getSignatureDigestPrefix()` method - Add `KeyIdUtil` which allows converting 16 digit hex fingerprints to key-ids - `SignatureSubpacketsUtil`: Add methods to get notations by name - Add public key algorithm policy to reject signatures made by weak signing keys