// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Paul Schaub // // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package org.pgpainless.wot.cli import org.pgpainless.PGPainless import org.pgpainless.certificate_store.PGPainlessCertD import org.pgpainless.util.DateUtil import org.pgpainless.wot.KeyRingCertificateStore import org.pgpainless.wot.WebOfTrust import org.pgpainless.wot.cli.format.Formatter import org.pgpainless.wot.api.WoTAPI import org.pgpainless.wot.cli.format.HumanReadableFormatter import org.pgpainless.wot.cli.subcommands.* import org.pgpainless.wot.network.Fingerprint import org.pgpainless.wot.network.ReferenceTime import org.pgpainless.wot.network.Root import org.pgpainless.wot.network.Roots import pgp.cert_d.PGPCertificateStoreAdapter import pgp.cert_d.SpecialNames import pgp.cert_d.subkey_lookup.InMemorySubkeyLookupFactory import pgp.certificate_store.PGPCertificateStore import picocli.CommandLine import picocli.CommandLine.* import java.io.File import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.concurrent.Callable import kotlin.system.exitProcess /** * Command Line Interface for pgpainless-wot, modelled after the reference implementation "sq-wot". * * @see Sequoia Web of Trust Reference Implementation */ @Command(name = "pgpainless-wot", subcommands = [ AuthenticateCmd::class, IdentifyCmd::class, ListCmd::class, LookupCmd::class, PathCmd::class, HelpCommand::class ] ) class WotCLI: Callable { @Option(names = ["--trust-root", "-r"]) var mTrustRoot: Array = arrayOf() @ArgGroup(exclusive = true, multiplicity = "1") lateinit var mCertificateSource: CertificateSource class CertificateSource { @Option(names = ["--keyring", "-k"], description = ["Specify a keyring file."], required = true) var keyring: Array? = null @Option(names = ["--cert-d"], description = ["Specify a pgp-cert-d base directory."], required = true) var pgpCertD: File? = null @Option(names = ["--gpg"], description = ["Read trust roots and keyring from GnuPG."]) var gpg = false } /* @Option(names = ["--network"], description = ["Look for missing certificates on a key server or the WKD."]) var network: Boolean = false @Option(names = ["--keyserver"], description=["Change the default keyserver"]) var keyServer: String = "hkps://keyserver.ubuntu.com" */ @Option(names = ["--gpg-ownertrust"]) var gpgOwnertrust: Boolean = false @Option(names = ["--certification-network"], description = ["Treat the web of trust as a certification network instead of an authentication network."]) var certificationNetwork = false @Option(names = ["--gossip"], description = ["Find arbitrary paths by treating all certificates as trust-roots with zero trust."]) var gossip = false @ArgGroup(exclusive = true) var mTrustAmount: TrustAmount = TrustAmount() class TrustAmount { @Option(names = ["--trust-amount", "-a"], description = ["The required amount of trust."]) var amount: Int? = null @Option(names = ["--partial"]) var partial: Boolean = false @Option(names = ["--full"]) var full: Boolean = false @Option(names = ["--double"]) var double: Boolean = false } @Option(names = ["--time"], description = ["Reference time."]) var mTime: String? = null @Option(names = ["--known-notation"], description = ["Add a notation to the list of known notations."]) var knownNotations: Array = arrayOf() private val referenceTime: ReferenceTime get() { return mTime?.let { ReferenceTime.timestamp(DateUtil.parseUTCDate(mTime!!)) } ?: ReferenceTime.now() } private val trustRoots: Roots get() { var trustRootFingerprints = mTrustRoot.map { Fingerprint(it) }.map { Root(it) } if (mCertificateSource.gpg || gpgOwnertrust) { trustRootFingerprints = trustRootFingerprints.plus(readGpgOwnertrust()) } if (mCertificateSource.pgpCertD != null) { try { val rootCert = certificateStore.getCertificate(SpecialNames.TRUST_ROOT) trustRootFingerprints = trustRootFingerprints.plus(Root(Fingerprint(rootCert.fingerprint), Int.MAX_VALUE)) } catch (e: NoSuchElementException) { // ignore } } return Roots(trustRootFingerprints) } private val amount: Int get() = when { mTrustAmount.amount != null -> mTrustAmount.amount!! // --amount=XY mTrustAmount.partial -> 40 // --partial mTrustAmount.full -> 120 // --full mTrustAmount.double -> 240 // --double else -> if (certificationNetwork) 1200 else 120 // default 120, if --certification-network -> 1200 } private val certificateStore: PGPCertificateStore get() { if (mCertificateSource.gpg) { return KeyRingCertificateStore( PGPainless.readKeyRing().publicKeyRingCollection( Runtime.getRuntime().exec("/usr/bin/gpg --export").inputStream ) ) } if (mCertificateSource.keyring != null) { return KeyRingCertificateStore( mCertificateSource.keyring!!.map { PGPainless.readKeyRing().publicKeyRingCollection(it.inputStream()) } ) } val certD = PGPainlessCertD.fileBased( mCertificateSource.pgpCertD, InMemorySubkeyLookupFactory()) return PGPCertificateStoreAdapter(certD) } val formatter: Formatter = HumanReadableFormatter() fun readGpgOwnertrust(): List = Runtime.getRuntime() .exec("/usr/bin/gpg --export-ownertrust") .inputStream .bufferedReader() .readLines() .asSequence() .filterNot { it.startsWith("#") } .filterNot { it.isBlank() } .map { Fingerprint(it.substring(0, it.indexOf(':'))) to it.elementAt(it.indexOf(':') + 1) } .map { it.first to when (it.second.digitToInt()) { 2 -> null // unknown 3 -> 0 // not trust 4 -> 40 // marginally trusted 5 -> 120 // fully trusted 6 -> Int.MAX_VALUE // ultimately trusted else -> null } } .filterNot { it.second == null } .map { Root(it.first, it.second!!) } .toList() /** * Execute the command. * * @return exit code */ override fun call(): Int { require(mTrustRoot.isNotEmpty()) { "Expected at least one trust-root." } for (notation in knownNotations) { PGPainless.getPolicy().notationRegistry.addKnownNotation(notation) } return 0 } val api: WoTAPI get() { val network = WebOfTrust(certificateStore) .buildNetwork(referenceTime = referenceTime) return WoTAPI( network = network, trustRoots = trustRoots, gossip = gossip, certificationNetwork = certificationNetwork, trustAmount = amount, referenceTime = referenceTime) } companion object { @JvmStatic fun main(args: Array): Unit = exitProcess( CommandLine(WotCLI()).execute(*args) ) @JvmStatic val dateFormat: SimpleDateFormat = SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd") } override fun toString(): String { val source = if (mCertificateSource.gpg) { "gpg" } else { mCertificateSource.pgpCertD ?: mCertificateSource.keyring?.contentToString() ?: "null" } return "trustroot=${trustRoots}, source=$source, gossip=$gossip, amount=$amount," + " referenceTime=${referenceTime.timestamp}, notations=${knownNotations.contentToString()}" } }