// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Paul Schaub // // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package org.pgpainless.example; import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertArrayEquals; import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals; import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertFalse; import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.PGPException; import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.PGPPublicKeyRing; import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.PGPSecretKeyRing; import org.bouncycastle.util.io.Streams; import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeAll; import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; import org.pgpainless.PGPainless; import org.pgpainless.algorithm.DocumentSignatureType; import org.pgpainless.decryption_verification.ConsumerOptions; import org.pgpainless.decryption_verification.DecryptionStream; import org.pgpainless.decryption_verification.OpenPgpMetadata; import org.pgpainless.encryption_signing.EncryptionStream; import org.pgpainless.encryption_signing.ProducerOptions; import org.pgpainless.encryption_signing.SigningOptions; import org.pgpainless.key.protection.SecretKeyRingProtector; /** * This class contains examples on how to decrypt encrypted, and verify signed messages. */ public class DecryptOrVerify { /** * The secret key. */ private static final String KEY = "-----BEGIN PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----\n" + "Version: PGPainless\n" + "Comment: AA21 9149 3B35 E679 8876 DE43 B0D7 8185 F639 B6C9\n" + "Comment: Signora \n" + "\n" + "lFgEYVGUbRYJKwYBBAHaRw8BAQdAki59UUbUouvfd+4hoSAQ79He7cdmTyYTu3Su\n" + "9Ww0isQAAQCvyi79y6YNzxdQpN8HLPmBd+zq6o/RNK4cBeN+RJrxiBHbtCBTaWdu\n" + "b3JhIDxzaWdub3JhQHBncGFpbmxlc3Mub3JnPoh4BBMWCgAgBQJhUZRtAhsBBRYC\n" + "AwEABRUKCQgLBAsJCAcCHgECGQEACgkQsNeBhfY5tskOqgEA3fDHE1n081xiseTl\n" + "aXV1A/6aXvsnxVo+Lj35Mn7CarwBAO4PVjHvvUydTla3D5JHhZ0p4P5hSG7kPPrB\n" + "d3nmbH0InF0EYVGUbRIKKwYBBAGXVQEFAQEHQFzDN2Tuaxim9YFRRXeRZyDC42KF\n" + "9DSohUXEJ/TrM7MlAwEIBwAA/3h1IaQBIGlNZ6TSsuuryW8KtwdxI4Sd1JDzsVML\n" + "2SGQEFKIdQQYFgoAHQUCYVGUbQIbDAUWAgMBAAUVCgkICwQLCQgHAh4BAAoJELDX\n" + "gYX2ObbJBzwBAM4RYBuRsRTmEFTrc7FyAqqSrCVpyLkrnYqPTZriySX0AP9K+N1d\n" + "LIDRkHW7EbK2ITRu6nemFu00+H1bInTCUVxtAZxYBGFRlG0WCSsGAQQB2kcPAQEH\n" + "QOzydmmSnNw/NoWi0b0pODLNbT2VUFNFurxBoWj8T2oLAAD+Nbk5mZVQ91pDV6Bp\n" + "SAjCP9/e7odHtipsdlG9lszzC98RcIjVBBgWCgB9BQJhUZRtAhsCBRYCAwEABRUK\n" + "CQgLBAsJCAcCHgFfIAQZFgoABgUCYVGUbQAKCRBaxbg/GlrWhx43AP40HxpvHNL5\n" + "m953hWBxZvzIpt98E8+bfR4rCyHY6A5rzQEA8BUI6oqsEPKlGiETYntk7fFhOIyJ\n" + "bRH+a/LsdaxjpQwACgkQsNeBhfY5tskKHQEA+aanF6ZnSatjDdiKEehYmbqr4BTc\n" + "UDnu37YkbgLlqPIBAJrPT5XS9oVa5xMsK+c3shnmPVQuK9r/AGwlligJprYH\n" + "=JHMt\n" + "-----END PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----\n"; /** * Protector to unlock the secret key. * Since the key is not protected, it is enough to use an unprotectedKeys implementation. * * For more info on how to use the {@link SecretKeyRingProtector}, see {@link UnlockSecretKeys}. */ private static final SecretKeyRingProtector keyProtector = SecretKeyRingProtector.unprotectedKeys(); /** * The plaintext message. */ private static final String PLAINTEXT = "Hello, World!\n"; /** * The {@link #PLAINTEXT} message, but signed using inband signatures. */ private static final String INBAND_SIGNED = "-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----\n" + "Version: PGPainless\n" + "\n" + "owGbwMvMyCUWdXSHvVTUtXbG0yJJDCDgkZqTk6+jEJ5flJOiyNVRysIoxsXAxsqU\n" + "GDiVjUGRUwCmQUyRRWnOn9Z/PIseF3Yz6cCEL05nZDj1OClo75WVTjNmJPemW6qV\n" + "6ki//1K1++2s0qTP+0N11O4z/BVLDDdxnmQryS+5VXjBX7/0Hxnm/eqeX6Zum35r\n" + "M8e7ufwA\n" + "=RDiy\n" + "-----END PGP MESSAGE-----"; /** * The {@link #PLAINTEXT} message, but signed using the cleartext signature framework. */ private static final String CLEARTEXT_SIGNED = "-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----\n" + "Hash: SHA512\n" + "\n" + "Hello, World!\n" + "\n" + "-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----\n" + "Version: PGPainless\n" + "\n" + "iHUEARYKAAYFAmFR1WIAIQkQWsW4Pxpa1ocWIQQinPyF/gyi43GLAixaxbg/GlrW\n" + "h7qwAP9Vq0PfDdGpM+n4wfR162XBvvVU8KNl+vJI3u7Ghlj0zwEA1VMgwNnCRb9b\n" + "QUibivG5Slahz8l7PWnGkxbB2naQxgw=\n" + "=oNIK\n" + "-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----"; /** * The {@link #PLAINTEXT} message, but encrypted for the {@link #certificate}. */ private static final String ENCRYPTED = "-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----\n" + "Version: PGPainless\n" + "\n" + "hF4DwqNy0B3ItTkSAQdArkuJHqPTVX+UaqQtHzppwOZDK0TfH1f/fAjrZaso/DUw\n" + "ne6Xc1HYG+gTBWEQUw09m5b/f0E7DSeIg/ai/HKnF8mBSIQhphPR4yVAWypOOUmh\n" + "0kABCiGjaJQyAzF/VtzC+ZVU67DfBl24CEPaRMumxieVUqo/VYWy3zyzE6H1zMqq\n" + "/lWeVnK7NwtfArlhpRcph0S8\n" + "=1cyl\n" + "-----END PGP MESSAGE-----\n"; /** * The {@link #PLAINTEXT} message signed by the {@link #secretKey} and encrypted for the {@link #certificate}. */ private static final String ENCRYPTED_AND_SIGNED = "-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----\n" + "Version: PGPainless\n" + "\n" + "hF4DwqNy0B3ItTkSAQdAGqwFJ6SRW6It9w+RBudeGbdUj8OZqwApqyvwbKUzJiYw\n" + "WAcJOrGIbrK9bKzJdCLbVYkegILb6vqTuamU8iYDCccstV4Y2w0kT5ynHHPVFKfg\n" + "0r8BUe/Mi8zL0Af6K2r6A9gq/Q8vmscoOB5mI5Yxrk48+rPcp0rZbSu9rC9pHZfs\n" + "hhvxwGwG8EZm14pseHUZdoKldUD8tCbhkS7wDMOHzA1Fo1m1Yyjhe4kBaCrn9zhP\n" + "YSeOzHtMxk5JBcrZW+LMMuRGNBzxc0R1yirqk8yymF1qzTTuYqziO0QxbW1gU00F\n" + "ewdovd7Cx1Il8ONgRzGS3Wyb+iORNuhLpw+w2SV74Kg8XWLD7pDFgOuFZw39b+0X\n" + "Nw==\n" + "=9PiO\n" + "-----END PGP MESSAGE-----"; private static PGPSecretKeyRing secretKey; private static PGPPublicKeyRing certificate; @BeforeAll public static void prepare() throws IOException { // read the secret key secretKey = PGPainless.readKeyRing().secretKeyRing(KEY); // certificate is the public part of the key certificate = PGPainless.extractCertificate(secretKey); } /** * This example demonstrates how to decrypt an encrypted message using a secret key. * * @throws PGPException * @throws IOException */ @Test public void decryptMessage() throws PGPException, IOException { ConsumerOptions consumerOptions = new ConsumerOptions() .addDecryptionKey(secretKey, keyProtector); // add the decryption key ring ByteArrayOutputStream plaintextOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ByteArrayInputStream ciphertextIn = new ByteArrayInputStream(ENCRYPTED.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); // The decryption stream is an input stream from which we read the decrypted data DecryptionStream decryptionStream = PGPainless.decryptAndOrVerify() .onInputStream(ciphertextIn) .withOptions(consumerOptions); Streams.pipeAll(decryptionStream, plaintextOut); decryptionStream.close(); // remember to close the stream! // The metadata object contains information about the message OpenPgpMetadata metadata = decryptionStream.getResult(); assertTrue(metadata.isEncrypted()); // message was encrypted assertFalse(metadata.isVerified()); // We did not do any signature verification // The output stream now contains the decrypted message assertEquals(PLAINTEXT, plaintextOut.toString()); } /** * In this example, an encrypted and signed message is processed. * The message gets decrypted using the secret key and the signatures are verified using the certificate. * * @throws PGPException * @throws IOException */ @Test public void decryptMessageAndVerifySignatures() throws PGPException, IOException { ConsumerOptions consumerOptions = new ConsumerOptions() .addDecryptionKey(secretKey, keyProtector) // provide the secret key of the recipient for decryption .addVerificationCert(certificate); // provide the signers public key for signature verification ByteArrayOutputStream plaintextOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ByteArrayInputStream ciphertextIn = new ByteArrayInputStream(ENCRYPTED_AND_SIGNED.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); DecryptionStream decryptionStream = PGPainless.decryptAndOrVerify() .onInputStream(ciphertextIn) .withOptions(consumerOptions); Streams.pipeAll(decryptionStream, plaintextOut); decryptionStream.close(); // remember to close the stream to finish signature verification // metadata with information on the message, like signatures OpenPgpMetadata metadata = decryptionStream.getResult(); assertTrue(metadata.isEncrypted()); // messages was in fact encrypted assertTrue(metadata.isSigned()); // message contained some signatures assertTrue(metadata.isVerified()); // the signatures were actually correct assertTrue(metadata.containsVerifiedSignatureFrom(certificate)); // the signatures could be verified using the certificate assertEquals(PLAINTEXT, plaintextOut.toString()); } /** * In this example, signed messages are verified. * The example shows that verification of inband signed, and cleartext signed messages works the same. * @throws PGPException * @throws IOException */ @Test public void verifySignatures() throws PGPException, IOException { ConsumerOptions options = new ConsumerOptions() .addVerificationCert(certificate); // provide the signers certificate for verification of signatures for (String signed : new String[] {INBAND_SIGNED, CLEARTEXT_SIGNED}) { ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(signed.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); DecryptionStream verificationStream = PGPainless.decryptAndOrVerify() .onInputStream(in) .withOptions(options); Streams.pipeAll(verificationStream, out); verificationStream.close(); // remember to close the stream to finish sig verification // Get the metadata object for information about the message OpenPgpMetadata metadata = verificationStream.getResult(); assertTrue(metadata.isVerified()); // signatures were verified successfully // The output stream we piped to now contains the message assertEquals(PLAINTEXT, out.toString()); } } /** * This example shows how to create - and verify - cleartext signed messages. * @throws PGPException * @throws IOException */ @Test public void createAndVerifyCleartextSignedMessage() throws PGPException, IOException { // In this example we sign and verify a number of different messages one after the other for (String msg : new String[] {"Hello World!", "- Hello - World -", "Hello, World!\n", "Hello\nWorld!"}) { // we need to read the plaintext message from somewhere ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(msg.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); // and write the signed message to an output stream ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); SigningOptions signingOptions = SigningOptions.get(); // for cleartext signed messages, we need to add a detached signature... signingOptions.addDetachedSignature(keyProtector, secretKey, DocumentSignatureType.CANONICAL_TEXT_DOCUMENT); ProducerOptions producerOptions = ProducerOptions.sign(signingOptions) .setCleartextSigned(); // and declare that the message will be cleartext signed // Create the signing stream EncryptionStream signingStream = PGPainless.encryptAndOrSign() .onOutputStream(out) // on the output stream .withOptions(producerOptions); // with the options Streams.pipeAll(in, signingStream); // pipe the plaintext message into the signing stream signingStream.close(); // remember to close the stream to finish the signatures // Now the output stream contains the signed message byte[] signedMessage = out.toByteArray(); // Verification // we need to read the signed message ByteArrayInputStream signedIn = new ByteArrayInputStream(signedMessage); // and pass it to the decryption stream DecryptionStream verificationStream = PGPainless.decryptAndOrVerify() .onInputStream(signedIn) .withOptions(new ConsumerOptions().addVerificationCert(certificate)); // plain will receive the plaintext message ByteArrayOutputStream plain = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); Streams.pipeAll(verificationStream, plain); verificationStream.close(); // as always, remember to close the stream // Metadata will confirm that the message was in fact signed OpenPgpMetadata metadata = verificationStream.getResult(); assertTrue(metadata.isVerified()); // compare the plaintext to what we originally signed assertArrayEquals(msg.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8), plain.toByteArray()); } } }