import os # Configuration file for the Sphinx documentation builder. # -- Project information project = 'PGPainless' copyright = '2022, Paul Schaub' author = 'Paul Schaub' master_doc = 'index' # latest_tag = os.popen('git describe --abbrev=0').read().strip() release = latest_tag version = release myst_substitutions = { "repo_host" : "", # or '' # "repo_host" : "", "repo_pgpainless_src" : "", # "repo_pgpainless_src" : "", } # -- General configuration extensions = [ 'myst_parser', 'sphinxcontrib.mermaid', 'sphinx.ext.duration', 'sphinx.ext.doctest', 'sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'sphinx.ext.autosummary', ] source_suffix = ['.rst', '.md'] myst_enable_extensions = [ 'colon_fence', 'substitution', ] myst_heading_anchors = 3 templates_path = ['_templates'] # -- Options for HTML output html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme' # Show URLs as footnotes #epub_show_urls = 'footnote' latex_show_urls = 'footnote' # 'raw' does not work for epub and pdf, neither does 'svg' mermaid_output_format = 'png' mermaid_params = ['--theme', 'default', '--width', '1600', '--backgroundColor', 'transparent']