// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Paul Schaub // // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package org.bouncycastle.extensions import openpgp.plusSeconds import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.PGPSignature import org.pgpainless.algorithm.RevocationState import org.pgpainless.algorithm.SignatureType import org.pgpainless.key.OpenPgpFingerprint import org.pgpainless.key.util.RevocationAttributes.Reason import org.pgpainless.signature.subpackets.SignatureSubpacketsUtil import java.util.* /** * Return the value of the KeyExpirationDate subpacket, or null, if the signature does not carry * such a subpacket. */ fun PGPSignature.getKeyExpirationDate(keyCreationDate: Date): Date? = SignatureSubpacketsUtil.getKeyExpirationTime(this) ?.let { keyCreationDate.plusSeconds(it.time) } /** * Return the value of the signature ExpirationTime subpacket, or null, if the signature * does not carry such a subpacket. */ val PGPSignature.signatureExpirationDate: Date? get() = SignatureSubpacketsUtil.getSignatureExpirationTime(this) ?.let { this.creationTime.plusSeconds(it.time) } /** * Return true, if the signature is expired at the given reference time. */ fun PGPSignature.isExpired(referenceTime: Date = Date()) = signatureExpirationDate?.let { referenceTime >= it } ?: false /** * Return the key-ID of the issuer, determined by examining the IssuerKeyId and IssuerFingerprint * subpackets of the signature. */ val PGPSignature.issuerKeyId: Long get() = when (version) { 2, 3 -> keyID else -> { SignatureSubpacketsUtil.getIssuerKeyIdAsLong(this) ?.let { if (it != 0L) it else null } ?: fingerprint?.keyId ?: 0L } } /** * Return true, if the signature was likely issued by a key with the given fingerprint. */ fun PGPSignature.wasIssuedBy(fingerprint: OpenPgpFingerprint): Boolean = this.fingerprint?.let { it.keyId == fingerprint.keyId } ?: (keyID == fingerprint.keyId) /** * Return true, if the signature was likely issued by a key with the given fingerprint. * @param fingerprint fingerprint bytes */ @Deprecated("Discouraged in favor of method taking an OpenPgpFingerprint.") fun PGPSignature.wasIssuedBy(fingerprint: ByteArray): Boolean = try { wasIssuedBy(OpenPgpFingerprint.parseFromBinary(fingerprint)) } catch (e : IllegalArgumentException) { // Unknown fingerprint length / format false } /** * Return true, if this signature is a hard revocation. */ val PGPSignature.isHardRevocation get() = when (SignatureType.requireFromCode(signatureType)) { SignatureType.KEY_REVOCATION, SignatureType.SUBKEY_REVOCATION, SignatureType.CERTIFICATION_REVOCATION -> { SignatureSubpacketsUtil.getRevocationReason(this) ?.let { Reason.isHardRevocation(it.revocationReason) } ?: true // no reason -> hard revocation } else -> false // Not a revocation } fun PGPSignature?.toRevocationState() = if (this == null) RevocationState.notRevoked() else if (isHardRevocation) RevocationState.hardRevoked() else RevocationState.softRevoked(creationTime) val PGPSignature.fingerprint: OpenPgpFingerprint? get() = SignatureSubpacketsUtil.getIssuerFingerprintAsOpenPgpFingerprint(this)