# PGPainless Changelog ## 0.2.6 - Actually properly detect CRC checksum errors in ASCII armor ## 0.2.5 - Explicitly reject non-self-signatures when picking user-id self-signatures - pgpainless-cli: Set executable name in help text - Properly detect CRC checksum errors in ASCII armor ## 0.2.4 - Java based Stateless OpenPGP Protocol - Introduce `sop-java` module Contains Java interfaces modelling the Stateless OpenPGP Protocol - Introduce `sop-java-picocli` Command Line Interface frontend for `sop-java` based OpenPGP implementations - `pgpainless-sop` now contains an implementation of `sop-java` using `pgpainless-core` - `pgpainless-cli` now contains a ready to use OpenPGP command line application It simply plugs `pgpainless-sop` into `sop-java-picocli`. - Remove deprecated encryption API - Remove deprecated decryption API - Add `PGPainless.extractCertificate()` and `PGPainless.asciiArmor()` methods - `OpenPgpMetadata`: `getDecryptionKey()` and `getVerifiedSignatures()` now return `SubkeyIdentifier` objects - `KeyRingReader` now properly ignores marker packets - Encryption: File-related metadata (e.g. file name) moved to `ProducerOptions` - `pgpainless-cli/pgpainless-cli` executable script: Fix piping and parameter passing - `sop-java-picocli`: Add `help` command - When changing passphrases: Subkeys with `GNU_DUMMY_S2K` will now be ignored ## 0.2.3 - Introduce new simplified decryption API The new API (`withOptions(ConsumerOptions)`) resembles the encryption API and is more friendly to dynamic construction of decryption properties The old API has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release - Add `example` package in the JUnit tests This package contains always-up-to-date usage examples for the PGPainless' API and various use cases - Add `KeyRingInfo.getVersion` - Add `CachingSecretKeyRingProtector.addPassphrase(OpenPgpV4Fingerprint, Passphrase)` - Make builds of all jars reproducible - Fix `NullPointerException` in `KeyRingInfo.getExpirationDateForUse()` ## 0.2.2 - Fix bug where adding a subkey would ignore the user-requested key flags This would cause subkeys to erroneously carry the certify-others key flag ## 0.2.1 - Bump Bouncycastle dependency to `1.69` This fixes a number of issues ([#70](https://github.com/pgpainless/pgpainless/issues/70), [#72](https://github.com/pgpainless/pgpainless/issues/72), [#84](https://github.com/pgpainless/pgpainless/issues/84)). As a result the test suite should now run more smoothly \o/ - Remove Android SDK build dependency We can now build PGPainless without the need to have the Android SDK installed - `SignatureUtils`: Add `getSignatureDigestPrefix()` method - Add `KeyIdUtil` which allows converting 16 digit hex fingerprints to key-ids - `SignatureSubpacketsUtil`: Add methods to get notations by name - Add public key algorithm policy to reject signatures made by weak signing keys