# Changelog ## 4.0.6-SNAPSHOT - Add support for file descriptors on systems where `/dev/fd/` exists ## 4.0.5 - `inline-sign`: Make possible values of `--as` option lowercase - `inline-sign`: Rename value `cleartextsigned` of option `--as` to `clearsigned` ## 4.0.4 - Not found ## 4.0.3 - `decrypt`: Rename option `--verify-out` to `--verifications-out`, but keep `--verify-out` as alias - Fix: `decrypt`: Flush output stream in order to prevent empty file as result of `--session-key-out` - Fix: Properly format session key for `--session-key-out` - Be less finicky about input session key formats - Allow upper- and lowercase hexadecimal keys - Allow trailing whitespace ## 4.0.2 - Fix: `verify`: Do not include detached signature in list of certificates - Fix: `inline-verify`: Also include the first argument in list of certificates - Hide stacktraces by default and add `--stacktrace` option to print them - Properly throw `CannotDecrypt` exception when message could not be decrypted ## 4.0.1 - Use shared resources for i18n - Fix strings not being resolved properly when downstream renames `sop` command ## 4.0.0 - Switch to new versioning format to indicate implemented SOP version - Implement SOP specification version 04 - Add `--with-key-password` to `sop generate-key` - Add `--with-key-password` to `sop sign` - Add `--with-key-password` to `sop encrypt` - Add `--with-key-password` to `sop decrypt` - Rename `sop detach-inband-signature-and-message` to `sop inline-detach` - `sop inline-detach`: Add support for inline-signed messages - Implement `sop inline-sign` - Implement `sop inline-verify` - Rename `Sign` to `DetachedSign` - Rename `Verify` to `DetachedVerify` - `SignAs`: Remove `Mime` option - `sop-java-picocli`: Implement i18n and add German translation ## 1.2.3 - Bump Mockito version to `4.5.1` ## 1.2.2 - Add SOP parent command name and description ## 1.2.1 - Bump dependencies - `com.ginsberg:junit5-system-exit` from `1.1.1` to `1.1.2` - `org.mockito:mockito-core` from `4.2.0` to `4.3.1` - `info.picocli:picocli` from `4.6.2` to `4.6.3` - Add hidden `generate-completion` subcommand - Document exit codes ## 1.2.0 - `encrypt`, `decrypt`: Interpret arguments of `--with-password` and `--with-session-key` as indirect data types (e.g. file references instead of strings) ## 1.1.0 - Initial release from new repository - Implement SOP specification version 3