// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Paul Schaub // // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package sop.external; import org.apache.maven.artifact.versioning.ComparableVersion; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import sop.SOP; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.util.Properties; import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assumptions.assumeFalse; import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assumptions.assumeTrue; public abstract class AbstractExternalSOPTest { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractExternalSOPTest.class); private final SOP sop; public AbstractExternalSOPTest() { String backend = readSopBackendFromProperties(); assumeTrue(backend != null); Properties environment = readBackendEnvironment(); sop = new ExternalSOP(backend, environment); } /** * Return the SOP backend. * * @return SOP backend */ public SOP getSop() { return sop; } /** * Return
iff the specified SOP backend binary is available and accessible. * * @return true if external SOP backend is usable */ public static boolean isExternalSopInstalled() { String binary = readSopBackendFromProperties(); if (binary == null) { return false; } return new File(binary).exists(); } /** * Relational enum. */ public enum Is { /** * Less than. */ le("<"), /** * Less or equal than. */ leq("<="), /** * Equal. */ eq("=="), /** * Not equal. */ neq("!="), /** * Greater or equal than. */ geq(">="), /** * Greater than. */ ge(">"), ; private final String display; Is(String display) { this.display = display; } public String toDisplay() { return display; } } /** * Ignore a test if the tested binary version matches a version criterion. * Example: * If the installed version of example-sop is 0.1.3,
ignoreIf("example-sop", Is.le, "0.1.4")
will * make the test be ignored. *
ignoreIf("example-sop", Is.eq, "0.1.3")
will skip the test as well. *
ignoreIf("another-sop", Is.gt, "0.0.0")
will not skip the test, since the binary name does not match. * * @param name name of the binary * @param is relation of the version * @param version the reference version */ public void ignoreIf(String name, Is is, String version) { String actualName = getSop().version().getName(); String actualVersion = getSop().version().getVersion(); if (!name.matches(actualName)) { // Name mismatch, do not ignore return; } ComparableVersion reference = new ComparableVersion(version); ComparableVersion actual = new ComparableVersion(actualVersion); int res = actual.compareTo(reference); String msg = "Skip since installed " + name + " " + actual + " " + is.toDisplay() + " " + reference; switch (is) { case le: assumeFalse(res < 0, msg); break; case leq: assumeFalse(res <= 0, msg); case eq: assumeFalse(res == 0, msg); break; case neq: assumeFalse(res != 0, msg); break; case geq: assumeFalse(res >= 0, msg); break; case ge: assumeFalse(res > 0, msg); break; } } static String readSopBackendFromProperties() { Properties properties = new Properties(); try { InputStream resourceIn = AbstractExternalSOPTest.class.getResourceAsStream("backend.local.properties"); if (resourceIn == null) { LOGGER.info("Could not find backend.local.properties file. Try backend.properties instead."); resourceIn = AbstractExternalSOPTest.class.getResourceAsStream("backend.properties"); } if (resourceIn == null) { throw new FileNotFoundException("Could not find backend.properties file."); } properties.load(resourceIn); return properties.getProperty("sop.backend"); } catch (IOException e) { return null; } } protected static Properties readBackendEnvironment() { Properties properties = new Properties(); try { InputStream resourceIn = AbstractExternalSOPTest.class.getResourceAsStream("backend.env"); if (resourceIn == null) { LOGGER.info("Could not read backend.env file."); } else { properties.load(resourceIn); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return properties; } }