// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Paul Schaub // // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package sop.cli.picocli; import picocli.AutoComplete; import picocli.CommandLine; import sop.SOP; import sop.cli.picocli.commands.ArmorCmd; import sop.cli.picocli.commands.DearmorCmd; import sop.cli.picocli.commands.DecryptCmd; import sop.cli.picocli.commands.InlineDetachCmd; import sop.cli.picocli.commands.EncryptCmd; import sop.cli.picocli.commands.ExtractCertCmd; import sop.cli.picocli.commands.GenerateKeyCmd; import sop.cli.picocli.commands.SignCmd; import sop.cli.picocli.commands.VerifyCmd; import sop.cli.picocli.commands.VersionCmd; @CommandLine.Command( name = "sop", description = "Stateless OpenPGP Protocol", exitCodeOnInvalidInput = 69, subcommands = { CommandLine.HelpCommand.class, ArmorCmd.class, DearmorCmd.class, DecryptCmd.class, InlineDetachCmd.class, EncryptCmd.class, ExtractCertCmd.class, GenerateKeyCmd.class, SignCmd.class, VerifyCmd.class, VersionCmd.class, AutoComplete.GenerateCompletion.class }, exitCodeListHeading = "Exit Codes:%n", exitCodeList = { " 0:Successful program execution", " 1:Generic program error", " 3:Verification requested but no verifiable signature found", "13:Unsupported asymmetric algorithm", "17:Certificate is not encryption capable", "19:Usage error: Missing argument", "23:Incomplete verification instructions", "29:Unable to decrypt", "31:Password is not human-readable", "37:Unsupported Option", "41:Invalid data or data of wrong type encountered", "53:Non-text input received where text was expected", "59:Output file already exists", "61:Input file does not exist", "67:Key is password protected", "69:Unsupported subcommand", "71:Unsupported special prefix (e.g. \"@env/@fd\") of indirect parameter", "73:Ambiguous input (a filename matching the designator already exists)", "79:Key is not signing capable" } ) public class SopCLI { // Singleton static SOP SOP_INSTANCE; public static String EXECUTABLE_NAME = "sop"; public static void main(String[] args) { int exitCode = execute(args); if (exitCode != 0) { System.exit(exitCode); } } public static int execute(String[] args) { CommandLine cmd = new CommandLine(SopCLI.class); // Hide generate-completion command CommandLine gen = cmd.getSubcommands().get("generate-completion"); gen.getCommandSpec().usageMessage().hidden(true); cmd.setCommandName(EXECUTABLE_NAME) .setExecutionExceptionHandler(new SOPExecutionExceptionHandler()) .setExitCodeExceptionMapper(new SOPExceptionExitCodeMapper()) .setCaseInsensitiveEnumValuesAllowed(true); return cmd.execute(args); } public static SOP getSop() { if (SOP_INSTANCE == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("No SOP backend set."); } return SOP_INSTANCE; } public static void setSopInstance(SOP instance) { SOP_INSTANCE = instance; } }