Paul Schaub e7778cb0d2
Remove deprecated junit5-system-exit
Replaced with custom test DSL that avoids System.exit
2025-01-28 12:33:05 +01:00

150 lines
4.2 KiB

// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Paul Schaub <>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package sop.cli.picocli;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
import static sop.testsuite.assertions.SopExecutionAssertions.assertGenericError;
import static sop.testsuite.assertions.SopExecutionAssertions.assertUnsupportedSubcommand;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import sop.SOP;
import sop.exception.SOPGPException;
import sop.operation.Armor;
import sop.operation.ChangeKeyPassword;
import sop.operation.Dearmor;
import sop.operation.Decrypt;
import sop.operation.InlineDetach;
import sop.operation.Encrypt;
import sop.operation.ExtractCert;
import sop.operation.GenerateKey;
import sop.operation.InlineSign;
import sop.operation.InlineVerify;
import sop.operation.DetachedSign;
import sop.operation.DetachedVerify;
import sop.operation.ListProfiles;
import sop.operation.RevokeKey;
import sop.operation.Version;
public class SOPTest {
public void assertExitOnInvalidSubcommand() {
SOP sop = mock(SOP.class);
assertUnsupportedSubcommand(() -> SopCLI.execute("invalid"));
public void assertThrowsIfNoSOPBackendSet() {
// At this point, no SOP backend is set, so an InvalidStateException triggers error code 1
assertGenericError(() -> SopCLI.execute("armor"));
public void UnsupportedSubcommandsTest() {
SOP nullCommandSOP = new SOP() {
public Version version() {
return null;
public GenerateKey generateKey() {
return null;
public ExtractCert extractCert() {
return null;
public DetachedSign detachedSign() {
return null;
public DetachedVerify detachedVerify() {
return null;
public Encrypt encrypt() {
return null;
public Decrypt decrypt() {
return null;
public Armor armor() {
return null;
public Dearmor dearmor() {
return null;
public ListProfiles listProfiles() {
return null;
public RevokeKey revokeKey() {
return null;
public ChangeKeyPassword changeKeyPassword() {
return null;
public InlineDetach inlineDetach() {
return null;
public InlineSign inlineSign() {
return null;
public InlineVerify inlineVerify() {
return null;
List<String[]> commands = new ArrayList<>();
commands.add(new String[] {"armor"});
commands.add(new String[] {"dearmor"});
commands.add(new String[] {"decrypt"});
commands.add(new String[] {"inline-detach", "--signatures-out", "sigs.asc"});
commands.add(new String[] {"encrypt"});
commands.add(new String[] {"extract-cert"});
commands.add(new String[] {"generate-key"});
commands.add(new String[] {"sign"});
commands.add(new String[] {"verify", "signature.asc", "cert.asc"});
commands.add(new String[] {"version"});
for (String[] command : commands) {
int exit = SopCLI.execute(command);
assertEquals(SOPGPException.UnsupportedSubcommand.EXIT_CODE, exit,
"Unexpected exit code for non-implemented command " + Arrays.toString(command) + ": " + exit);