package de.vanitasvitae.enigmandroid.enigma; import; import java.util.Random; /** * Main component of the Enigma machine * This is the mostly abstract base of any enigma machine. * Copyright (C) 2015 Paul Schaub This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * @author vanitasvitae */ public abstract class Enigma { protected static String machineType; protected int machineTypeOffset = 0; protected boolean doAnomaly = false; //Has the time come to handle an anomaly? protected boolean prefAnomaly; //Do you WANT to simulate the anomaly? protected Random rand; public Enigma(int off) { this.machineTypeOffset = off; initialize(); } public Enigma() { initialize(); } public int getMachineTypeOffset() { return machineTypeOffset; } /** * Set the enigma to an initial state */ public abstract void initialize(); /** * Encrypt / Decrypt a given String w. * w must be prepared using prepare(w) beforehand. * Doing so changes the state of the rotors but not the state of the plugboard and the * ringSettings * * @param w Text to decrypt/encryptString * @return encrypted/decrypted string */ public String encryptString(String w) { //output string String output = ""; //for each char x in k for (char x : w.toCharArray()) { output = output + this.encryptChar(x); } //return en-/decrypted string return output; } /** * Set the enigma into the next mechanical state. * This rotates the first rotor and eventually also the second/third. * Also this method handles the anomaly in case it should happen. */ public abstract void nextState(); /** * Set the enigma into a completely random state using a unseeded SecureRandom object. */ public void randomState() { this.rand = new SecureRandom(); generateState(); } /** * Set the enigma to a random state based on the initialization of rand. * Don not choose a rotor twice, set random rotations, ringSettings, ukw and possibly * plugboard / rewirable ukw configurations. */ protected abstract void generateState(); /** * Substitute char k by sending the signal through the enigma. * The signal passes the plugboard, the rotors and returns back after going through the * reflector wheel. * * @param k input char * @return substituted output char */ public abstract char encryptChar(char k); /** * Set the state of the enigma * @param state new state */ public abstract void setState(EnigmaStateBundle state); /** * Return an object representing the current state of the enigma * @return state */ public abstract EnigmaStateBundle getState(); /** * Set the rand into a certain state based on seed. * Then set the enigmas state. * @param seed */ public void setStateFromSeed(String seed) { rand = new Random(seed.hashCode()); generateState(); } public abstract void restoreState(String mem); public abstract String stateToString(); public static String numToMachineType(int n) { switch (n) { case 0: return "I"; case 1: return "M3"; case 2: return "M4"; case 3: return "G31"; case 4: return "G312"; case 5: return "G260"; case 6: return "D"; case 7: return "K"; case 8: return "KS"; case 9: return "KSA"; case 10: return "R"; default: return "T"; } } public static String chooseEnigmaFromSeed(String seed) { return numToMachineType(seed.hashCode() % 12); } public static String chooseEnigmaFromSave(String save) { int index = save.indexOf(":"); if(index != -1) save = save.substring(0, index); long s = Long.valueOf(save); return numToMachineType(getValue(s,12)); } /** * set prefAnomaly variable * @param b boolean */ public void setPrefAnomaly(boolean b) { this.prefAnomaly = b; } /** * Return the type indicator of the enigma machine * @return type */ public String getMachineType() { return machineType; } /** * * @param s source * @param d domain (max value) of the value * @return value */ protected static int getValue(long s, int d) { return (int) ((s%d)+d)%d; } /** * remove a digit of domain d from source s * @param s source * @param d domain (max value) * @return trimmed source */ protected static long removeDigit(long s, int d) { return (s-(s%d))/d; } /** * * @param s source * @param b base (max value) * @param v actual value * @return lengthened source */ protected static long addDigit(long s, int v, int b) { long x = s; x*=b; x+=(v%b); return x; } }