EnigmAndroid Version Reset Random configuration Read configuration from QR-Code Share configuration via QR-Code Create configuration from passphrase Ring-Settings Settings Send Send to… Type here EnigmaCode Rotor 1 Rotor 2 Rotor 3 Rotor 4 Reflector Position\nRotor 1 Position\nRotor 2 Position\nRotor 3 Position\nReflector Position\nRotor 4 Wiring Reflector Enter passphrase En-/Decrypt! Can\'t send empty text. Error: Not a valid EnigmAndroid QR-Code! Ring-Settings Plugboard Settings Reflector Wiring OK Cancel Set Ring-Settings to %1$s. Rewired Reflector. Set Plugboard configuration. Generate configuration from passphrase %1$s. Restored configuration from coded state. No changes. Enigma reset. Enigma set to random configuration. %1$s:%2$s I II III I II III IV V I II III IV V VI VII VIII A B C B C \u03B2 \u03B3