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* Copyright 2015 Florian Schmaus
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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2018-02-21 16:47:11 +01:00
* Smacks implementation of XEP-0016: Privacy Lists.
* <h2 id="what-is-it">What is it?</h2>
* <p>
* <code>Privacy</code> is a method for users to block communications from particular other users. In XMPP this is done
* by managing ones privacy lists.
* </p>
* <p>
* Server-side privacy lists enable successful completion of the following use cases:
* </p>
* <ul>
* <li>Retrieving ones privacy lists.</li>
* <li>Adding, removing, and editing ones privacy lists.</li>
* <li>Setting, changing, or declining active lists.</li>
* <li>Setting, changing, or declining the default list (i.e., the list that is active by default).</li>
* <li>Allowing or blocking messages based on JID, group, or subscription type (or globally).</li>
* <li>Allowing or blocking inbound presence notifications based on JID, group, or subscription type (or globally).</li>
* <li>Allowing or blocking outbound presence notifications based on JID, group, or subscription type (or
* globally).</li>
* <li>Allowing or blocking IQ stanzas based on JID, group, or subscription type (or globally).</li>
* <li>Allowing or blocking all communications based on JID, group, or subscription type (or globally).</li>
* </ul>
* <h2 id="how-can-i-use-it">How can I use it?</h2>
* <p>
* The API implementation releases three main public classes:
* </p>
* <ul>
* <li><code>PrivacyListManager</code>: this is the main API class to retrieve and handle server privacy lists.</li>
* <li><code>PrivacyList</code>: witch represents one privacy list, with a name, a set of privacy items. For example,
* the list with visible or invisible.</li>
* <li><code>PrivacyItem</code>: block or allow one aspect of privacy. For example, to allow my friend to see my
* presence.</li>
* </ul>
* <ol type="1">
* <li>Right from the start, a client MAY <strong>get his/her privacy list</strong> that is stored in the server:</li>
* </ol>
* <pre>
* <code>
* // Create a privacy manager for the current connection._
* PrivacyListManager privacyManager = PrivacyListManager.getInstanceFor(myConnection);
* // Retrieve server privacy lists_
* PrivacyList[] lists = privacyManager.getPrivacyLists();
* </code>
* </pre>
* <p>
* Now the client is able to show every <code>PrivacyItem</code> of the server and also for every list if it is active,
* default or none of them. The client is a listener of privacy changes.
* </p>
* <ol start="2" type="1">
* <li>In order to <strong>add a new list in the server</strong>, the client MAY implement something like:</li>
* </ol>
* <pre>
* <code>
* // Set the name of the list_
* String listName = &quot;newList&quot;;
* // Create the list of PrivacyItem that will allow or deny some privacy aspect_
* String user = &quot;tybalt@example.com&quot;;
* String groupName = &quot;enemies&quot;;
* ArrayList privacyItems = new ArrayList();
* PrivacyItem item = new PrivacyItem(PrivacyItem.Type.jid, user, true, 1);
* privacyItems.add(item);
* item = new PrivacyItem(PrivacyItem.Type.subscription, PrivacyItem.SUBSCRIPTION_BOTH, true, 2);
* privacyItems.add(item);
* item = new PrivacyItem(PrivacyItem.Type.group, groupName, false, 3);
* item.setFilterMessage(true);
* privacyItems.add(item);
* // Get the privacy manager for the current connection._
* PrivacyListManager privacyManager = PrivacyListManager.getInstanceFor(myConnection);
* // Create the new list._
* privacyManager.createPrivacyList(listName, privacyItems);
* </code>
* </pre>
* <ol start="3" type="1">
* <li>To <strong>modify an existent list</strong>, the client code MAY be like:</li>
* </ol>
* <pre>
* <code>
* // Set the name of the list_
* String listName = &quot;existingList&quot;;
* // Get the privacy manager for the current connection._
* PrivacyListManager privacyManager = PrivacyListManager.getInstanceFor(myConnection);
* // Sent the new list to the server._
* privacyManager.updatePrivacyList(listName, items);
* </code>
* </pre>
* <p>
* Notice <code>items</code> was defined at the example 2 and MUST contain all the elements in the list (not the
* delta).
* </p>
* <ol start="4" type="1">
* <li>In order to <strong>delete an existing list</strong>, the client MAY perform something like:</li>
* </ol>
* <pre>
* <code>
* // Set the name of the list_
* String listName = &quot;existingList&quot;;
* // Get the privacy manager for the current connection._
* PrivacyListManager privacyManager = PrivacyListManager.getInstanceFor(myConnection);
* // Remove the list._
* privacyManager.deletePrivacyList(listName);
* </code>
* </pre>
* <ol start="5" type="1">
* <li>In order to <strong>decline the use of an active list</strong>, the client MAY perform something like:</li>
* </ol>
* <pre>
* <code>
* // Get the privacy manager for the current connection._
* PrivacyListManager privacyManager = PrivacyListManager.getInstanceFor(myConnection);
* // Decline the use of the active list._
* privacyManager.declineActiveList();
* </code>
* </pre>
* <ol start="6" type="1">
* <li>In order to <strong>decline the use of a default list</strong>, the client MAY perform something like:</li>
* </ol>
* <pre>
* <code>
* // Get the privacy manager for the current connection._
* PrivacyListManager privacyManager = PrivacyListManager.getInstanceFor(myConnection);
* // Decline the use of the default list._
* privacyManager.declineDefaultList();
* </code>
* </pre>
* <p>
* Listening for Privacy Changes
* </p>
* <p>
* In order to handle privacy changes, clients SHOULD listen managers updates. When a list is changed the manager
* notifies every added listener. Listeners MUST implement the <code>PrivacyListListener</code> interface. Clients may
* need to react when a privacy list is modified. The <code>PrivacyListManager</code> lets you add listerners that will
* be notified when a list has been changed. Listeners should implement the <code>PrivacyListListener</code> interface.
* </p>
* <p>
* The most important notification is <code>updatedPrivacyList</code> that is performed when a privacy list changes its
* privacy items.
* </p>
* <p>
* The listener becomes notified after performing:
* </p>
* <pre>
* <code>
* // Get the privacy manager for the current connection._
* PrivacyListManager privacyManager = PrivacyListManager.getInstanceFor(myConnection);
* // Add the listener (this) to get notified_
* privacyManager.addListener(this);
* </code>
* </pre>
package org.jivesoftware.smackx.privacy;