Here the available integration tests are discovered by means of reflection, the configuration is read and a `IntegrationTestEnvironment` instance created, which includes the XMPPConnections.
The environment, e.g. the `XMPPConnections` provided to the integration tests by the framework. Note that for convenience `AbstractSmackIntegrationTest` contains some of those as protected members.
### `SmackIntegrationTest`
An annotation that needs to be added to all methods that represent a single integration test.
Annotated integration test methods must not take any arguments (i.e. their parameter count is 0), and should return void as it's not evaluated in any way.
The methods are supposed to throw an exception if their integration test fails.
Can be thrown by test methods or constructors to signal that their test is not possible, e.g. because the service does not support the required feature.
If one of `accountOneUsername`, `accountOnePassword`, `accountTwoUsername` or `accountTwoPassword` is not configured, then the framework will automatically create the accounts on the service. Of course this requires account registration (IBR) to be enabled.
If the accounts got created automatically by the framework, then they will also be deleted at the end of the test.
Create a new class which extends `AbstractSmackIntegrationTest`.
Every non-static method, including the constructor, of this class will have two XMPPConnections available to perform the integration tests with: `conOne` and `conTwo`.
You can use the constructor to check if the XMPP service does provide the required XMPP feature.
If it does not, simply throw a `TestNotPossibleException`.
Test methods must be `public`, take zero arguments i.e. declare no parameters and be annoated with `@SmackIntegrationTest`.
If the test method is not able to perform a test then it should throw a `TestNotPossibleException`.
### Rules for integration tests
Tests should not leave any traces on the service if they are finished, i.e. the service state at the end of the test must be equal to the state of the beginning.
It must be possible to run the tests in parallel.
### Why are there two mechanisms to signal that the test is not possible?
Because the XMPP service may provide a component that is required to perform a certain integration test, but that component may not support all features.
A test, like any other code, may not be perfect on the first attempt, and you may require more information in order to ascertain quite what's wrong.
### Smack Debugger options
As listed in the main Smack [Debugging](../ doc, there are two built-in debuggers that could surface you more information. Using the 'enhanced' debugger config option listed above, you'll get the Smack Debug Window launching when your tests launch, and you'll get a stanza-by-stanza account of what happened on each connection, hopefully enough to diagnose what went wrong.
### Debugging in the IDE
If the output isn't enough, you may need to debug and inspect running code within the IDE. Depending on the IDE, in order to get execution to pause at your breakpoints, you may need to switch your configuration. Instead of running `gradle integrationTest`, instead run the `SmackIntegrationTestFramework` class directly with the same command-line options.