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* Copyright 2015-2023 Florian Schmaus
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Smack's API for XEP-0060: Publish-Subscribe. XMPP based
* <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Publish/subscribe">publish and subscribe</a> is based around nodes to which
* items can be published. Subscribers of those nodes will be notified about new items.
* <h2>Node creation and configuration</h2>
* <h3>Description</h3>
* <p>
* Allowed users may create and configure pubsub nodes. There are two types of nodes that can be created, leaf nodes and
* collection nodes.
* </p>
* <ul>
* <li>Leaf Nodes - contains only messages</li>
* <li>Collection Nodes - contains only nodes (both Leaf and Collection are allowed), but no messages The current
* version of this API only supports Leaf Nodes. There are many configuration options available for nodes, but the two
* main options are whether the node is **persistent** or not and whether it will deliver payload or not.</li>
* </ul>
* <h3>Usage</h3>
* <p>
* In order to create a node you will need to first create an instance of _**PubSubManager**_. There are several options
* for node creation which range from creating an instant node, default configuration, or a fully configured node.
* </p>
* <h3>Examples</h3>
* <p>
* Create an instant node:
* </p>
* <pre>{@code
* // Create a pubsub manager using an existing XMPPConnection
* PubSubManager mgr = new PubSubManager(con);
* // Create the node
* LeafNode leaf = mgr.createNode();
* }</pre>
* <p>
* Create a node with default configuration and then configure it:
* </p>
* <pre>{@code
* // Create a pubsub manager using an existing XMPPConnection
* PubSubManager mgr = PubSubManager.getInstanceFor(con);
* // Create the node
* LeafNode leaf = mgr.createNode("testNode");
* ConfigureForm form = new ConfigureForm(FormType.submit);
* form.setAccessModel(AccessModel.open);
* form.setDeliverPayloads(false);
* form.setNotifyRetract(true);
* form.setPersistentItems(true);
* form.setPublishModel(PublishModel.open);
* leaf.sendConfigurationForm(form);
* }</pre>
* <p>
* Create and configure a node:
* </p>
* <pre>{@code
* // Create a pubsub manager using an existing XMPPConnection
* PubSubManager mgr = PubSubManager.getInstanceFor(con);
* // Create the node
* ConfigureForm form = new ConfigureForm(FormType.submit);
* form.setAccessModel(AccessModel.open);
* form.setDeliverPayloads(false);
* form.setNotifyRetract(true);
* form.setPersistentItems(true);
* form.setPublishModel(PublishModel.open);
* LeafNode leaf = mgr.createNode("testNode", form);
* }</pre>
* <h2>Publishing to a node</h2>
* <h3>Description</h3>
* <p>
* This section deals with the **publish** portion of pubsub. Usage of a node typically involves either sending or
* receiving data, referred to as items. Depending on the context of the nodes usage, the item being sent to it can have
* different properties. It can contain application data known as payload, or the publisher may choose to supply
* meaningful unique id's. Determination of an items acceptable properties is defined by a combination of node
* configuration and its purpose.
* </p>
* <h3>Usage</h3>
* <p>
* To publish to a node, you will have to either create or retrieve an existing node and then create and send items to
* that node. The ability for any given person to publish to the node will be dependent on its configuration.
* </p>
* <h3>Examples</h3>
* <p>
* In this example we publish an item to a node that does not take payload:
* </p>
* <pre>{@code
* // Create a pubsub manager using an existing XMPPConnection
* PubSubManager mgr = PubSubManager.getInstanceFor(con);
* // Get the node
* LeafNode node = mgr.getNode("testNode");
* // Publish an Item, let service set the id
* node.send(new Item());
* // Publish an Item with the specified id
* node.send(new Item("123abc"));
* }</pre>
* <p>
* In this example we publish an item to a node that does take payload:
* </p>
* <pre>{@code
* // Create a pubsub manager using an existing XMPPConnection
* PubSubManager mgr = PubSubManager.getInstanceFor(con);
* // Get the node
* LeafNode node = mgr.getNode("testNode");
* // Publish an Item with payload
* node.send(new PayloadItem("test" + System.currentTimeMillis(),
* new SimplePayload("book", "pubsub:test:book", "Two Towers")));
* }</pre>
* <h2>Receiving pubsub messages</h2>
* <h3>Description</h3>
* <p>
* This section deals with the **subscribe** portion of pubsub. As mentioned in the last section, usage of a node
* typically involves either sending or receiving items. Subscribers are interested in being notified when items are
* published to the pubsub node. These items may or may not have application specific data (payload), as that is
* dependent on the context in which the node is being used.
* </p>
* <h3>Usage</h3>
* <p>
* To get messages asynchronously when items are published to a node, you will have to
* </p>
* <ul>
* <li>Get a node.</li>
* <li>Create and register a listener.</li>
* <li>Subscribe to the node.</li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* Please note that you should register the listener before subscribing so that all messages sent after subscribing are
* received. If done in the reverse order, messages that are sent after subscribing but before registering a listener
* may not be processed as expected.
* </p>
* <h3>Examples</h3>
* <p>
* In this example we can see how to create a listener and register it and then subscribe for messages.
* </p>
* <pre>{@code
* // Create a pubsub manager using an existing XMPPConnection
* PubSubManager mgr = PubSubManager.getInstanceFor(con);
* // Get the node
* LeafNode node = mgr.getNode("testNode");
* node.addItemEventListener(new ItemEventCoordinator<Item>());
* node.subscribe(myJid);
* }</pre>
* <p>
* Where the listener is defined like so:
* </p>
* <pre><code>
* class ItemEventCoordinator implements ItemEventListener {
* {@literal @}@Override
* public void handlePublishedItems(ItemPublishEvent items) {
* System.out.println("Item count: " + System.out.println(items));
* }
* }
* </code></pre>
* <p>
* In addition to receiving published items, there are notifications for several other events that occur on a node as
* well.
* </p>
* <ul>
* <li>Deleting items or purging all items from a node</li>
* <li>Changing the node configuration</li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* In this example we can see how to create a listener, register it and then subscribe for item deletion messages.
* </p>
* <pre>{@code
* // Create a pubsub manager using an existing XMPPConnection
* PubSubManager mgr = PubSubManager.getInstanceFor(con);
* // Get the node
* LeafNode node = mgr.getNode("testNode");
* node.addItemDeleteListener(new ItemDeleteCoordinator<Item>());
* node.subscribe(myJid);
* node.deleteItem("id_one");
* }</pre>
* <p>
* Where the handler is defined like so:
* </p>
* <pre><code>
* class ItemDeleteCoordinator implements ItemDeleteListener {
* {@literal @}Override
* public void handleDeletedItems(ItemDeleteEvent items) {
* System.out.println("Item count: " + items.getItemIds().size());
* System.out.println(items);
* }
* {@literal @}Override
* public void handlePurge() {
* System.out.println("All items have been deleted from node");
* }
* }
* </code></pre>
* <p>
* In this example we can see how to create a listener, register it and then subscribe for node configuration messages.
* </p>
* <pre>{@code
* // Create a pubsub manager using an existing XMPPConnection
* PubSubManager mgr = PubSubManager.getInstanceFor(con);
* // Get the node
* Node node = mgr.getNode("testNode");
* node.addConfigurationListener(new NodeConfigCoordinator());
* node.subscribe(myJid);
* ConfigureForm form = new ConfigureForm(FormType.submit);
* form.setAccessModel(AccessModel.open);
* form.setDeliverPayloads(false);
* form.setNotifyRetract(true);
* form.setPersistentItems(true);
* form.setPublishModel(PublishModel.open);
* node.sendConfigurationForm(form);
* }</pre>
* <p>
* In this example we can see how to create a listener, register it and then subscribe for node configuration messages.
* </p>
* <pre><code>
* class NodeConfigCoordinator implements NodeConfigListener {
* {@literal @}Override
* public void handleNodeConfiguration(ConfigurationEvent config) {
* System.out.println("New configuration");
* System.out.println(config.getConfiguration());
* }
* </code></pre>
* <h2>Retrieving persisted pubsub messages</h2>
* <h3>Description</h3>
* <p>
* When persistent nodes are used, the subscription and registration methods described in the last section will not
* enable the retrieval of items that already exist in the node. This section deals with the specific methods for
* retrieving these items. There are several means of retrieving existing items. You can retrieve all items at once, the
* last N items, or the items specified by a collection of id's. Please note that the service may, according to the
* pubsub specification, reply with a list of items that contains only the item id's (no payload) to save on bandwidth.
* This will not occur when the id's are specified since this is the means of guaranteeing retrieval of payload.
* </p>
* <h3>Usage</h3>
* <p>
* To synchronously retrieve existing items from a persistent node, you will have to get an instance of a _**LeafNode**_
* and call one of the retrieve methods.
* </p>
* <h3>Examples</h3>
* <p>
* In this example we can see how to retrieve the existing items from a node:
* </p>
* <pre>{@code
* // Create a pubsub manager using an existing XMPPConnection
* PubSubManager mgr = PubSubManager.getInstanceFor(con);
* // Get the node
* LeafNode node = mgr.getNode("testNode");
* Collection<? extends Item> items = node.getItems();
* }</pre>
* <p>
* In this example we can see how to retrieve the last N existing items:
* </p>
* <pre>{@code
* // Create a pubsub manager using an existing XMPPConnection
* PubSubManager mgr = PubSubManager.getInstanceFor(con);
* // Get the node
* LeafNode node = mgr.getNode("testNode");
* List<? extends Item> items = node.getItems(100);
* }</pre>
* <p>
* In this example we can see how to retrieve the specified existing items:
* </p>
* <pre>{@code
* // Create a pubsub manager using an existing XMPPConnection
* PubSubManager mgr = PubSubManager.getInstanceFor(con);
* // Get the node
* LeafNode node = mgr.getNode("testNode");
* Collection<String> ids = new ArrayList<String>(3);
* ids.add("1");
* ids.add("3");
* ids.add("4");
* List<? extends Item> items = node.getItems(ids);
* }</pre>
* <h2>Discover pubsub information</h2>
* <h3>Description</h3>
* <p>
* A user may want to query a server or node for a variety of pubsub related information.
* </p>
* <h3>Usage</h3>
* <p>
* To retrieve information, a user will simply use either the _**PubSubManager**_ or _**Node**_ classes depending on
* what type of information is required.
* </p>
* <h3>Examples</h3>
* <p>
* In this example we can see how to get pubsub capabilities:
* </p>
* <pre>{@code
* // Create a pubsub manager using an existing XMPPConnection
* PubSubManager mgr = PubSubManager.getInstanceFor(con);
* // Get the pubsub features that are supported
* DiscoverInfo supportedFeatures = mgr.getSupportedFeatures();
* }</pre>
* <p>
* In this example we can see how to get pubsub subscriptions for all nodes:
* </p>
* <pre>{@code
* // Create a pubsub manager using an existing XMPPConnection
* PubSubManager mgr = PubSubManager.getInstanceFor(con);
* // Get all the subscriptions in the pubsub service
* List<Subscription> subscriptions = mgr.getSubscriptions();
* }</pre>
* <p>
* In this example we can see how to get all affiliations for the users bare JID on the pubsub service:
* </p>
* <pre>{@code
* // Create a pubsub manager using an existing XMPPConnection
* PubSubManager mgr = PubSubManager.getInstanceFor(con);
* // Get the affiliations for the users bare JID
* List<Affiliation> affiliations = mgr.getAffiliations();
* }</pre>
* <p>
* In this example we can see how to get information about the node:
* </p>
* <pre>{@code
* // Create a pubsub manager using an existing XMPPConnection
* PubSubManager mgr = PubSubManager.getInstanceFor(con);
* Node node = mgr.getNode("testNode");
* // Get the node information
* DiscoverInfo nodeInfo = node.discoverInfo();
* }</pre>
* <p>
* In this example we can see how to discover the node items:
* </p>
* <pre>{@code
* // Create a pubsub manager using an existing XMPPConnection
* PubSubManager mgr = PubSubManager.getInstanceFor(con);
* Node node = mgr.getNode("testNode");
* // Discover the node items
* DiscoverItems nodeItems = node.discoverItems();
* }</pre>
* <p>
* In this example we can see how to get node subscriptions:
* </p>
* <pre>{@code
* // Create a pubsub manager using an existing XMPPConnection
* PubSubManager mgr = PubSubManager.getInstanceFor(con);
* Node node = mgr.getNode("testNode");
* // Discover the node subscriptions
* List<Subscription> subscriptions = node.getSubscriptions();
* }</pre>
* @see <a href="https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0060.html">XEP-0060: Publish-Subscribe</a>
package org.jivesoftware.smackx.pubsub;