Smack uses the following logic to decide the debugger console to use:
1. It will first try use the debugger class specified in the Java system property `smack.debuggerClass`. If you need to develop your own debugger, implement the `SmackDebugger` interface and then set the system property on the command line such as:
2. If step 1 fails then Smack will try to use the enhanced debugger. The file `smackx-debug.jar` contains the enhanced debugger. Therefore you will need to place the jar file in the classpath. For situations where space is an issue you may want to only deploy `smack-core.jar` in which case the enhanced and lite debugger won't be available, but only the console debugger.
3. The last option if the previous two steps fail is to use the console debugger. The console debugger is a very good option for situations where you need to have low memory footprint.
 When debugging mode is
enabled, a debug window will appear containing tabs for each new created
connection. The window will contain the following information:
* XMPPConnection tabs -- each tab shows debugging information related to the connection.
* Smack info tab -- shows information about Smack (e.g. Smack version, installed components, etc.). The connection tab will contain the following information:
* Interpreted Stanzas (green text) -- shows XML packets from the server as parsed by Smack. Right click on any of the panes to bring up a menu with the choices to copy of the contents to the system clipboard or to clear the contents of the pane.