Additional Pubsub integration tests

For XEP-0060 § 7.1.2. Asserts that publishing an item with the same ID overwrites the previous item with that ID.
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Guus der Kinderen 2020-05-15 11:59:50 +02:00 committed by Paul Schaub
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@ -989,4 +989,52 @@ public class PubSubIntegrationTest extends AbstractSmackIntegrationTest {
throw new AssertionError("The expected delete notification was not received by the subscriber.", e);
* Asserts that publishing an item with the same ID overwrites the previous item with that ID.
* <p>From XEP-0060 § 7.1.2 Success Case:</p>
* <blockquote>
* Note: If the publisher previously published an item with the same ItemID, successfully processing the request
* means that the service MUST overwrite the old item with the new item and then proceed as follows.
* </blockquote>
* @throws NoResponseException if there was no response from the remote entity.
* @throws XMPPErrorException if there was an XMPP error returned.
* @throws NotConnectedException if the XMPP connection is not connected.
* @throws InterruptedException if the calling thread was interrupted.
public void publishOverrideItemTest() throws NoResponseException, XMPPErrorException, NotConnectedException, InterruptedException
final String nodename = "sinttest-publish-item-nodename-" + testRunId;
final String itemId = "reused-id-for-testrun-" + testRunId;
final String needleA = "test content A" + Math.random();
final String needleB = "test content B" + Math.random();
final FillableConfigureForm config = pubSubManagerOne.getDefaultConfiguration().getFillableForm();
LeafNode node = (LeafNode) pubSubManagerOne.createNode(nodename, config);
// Publish a new item.
node.publish(new PayloadItem<>(itemId, GeoLocation.builder().setDescription(needleA).build()));
node.publish(new PayloadItem<>(itemId, GeoLocation.builder().setDescription(needleB).build()));
// Retrieve items and assert that the item that was just published is among them.
final List<Item> items = node.getItems();
assertEquals(1, items.size());
final Item item = items.iterator().next();
assertEquals(itemId, item.getId());