Smack Source Distribution

This document provides detailed information for developers that wish to compile and make changes to the Smack source code.

For additional developer resources, please visit: The Smack build process is based on Gradle. Visit the Gradle website for more information and downloads.

This documentation is divided into two sections:

  1. Setup -- how to setup your environment for Smack development.
  2. Build tasks -- tasks that can be performed using the build program.

1. Setup Your Environment

Getting your machine ready for Smack development requires a few steps. Wherever possible, instructions are provided for both Unix/Linux and Windows users.

Configure Java

Configure Gradle

Test the Build Script


2. Gradle Tasks

The list of build tasks is below.

For a list of the commands and a brief description from the command line, type gradle tasks. For more complete help, read the documentation below.

To execute a build task, type gradle [options] targetname where "targetname" is one of the targets listed below:

Each task is documented with a syntax guide and description. Optional paramaters for each task are enclosed with braces.




