@echo off rem //------------------------------------------------------------------------// rem // $RCSfile$ rem // $Revision$ rem // $Date$ rem // rem // Standard Jive Software ant.bat file. Do not change this file. If you do, rem // you will have seven years of bad luck and bad builds. rem //------------------------------------------------------------------------// rem //------------------------------------------------------------------------// rem // Uncomment the following if you wish to set JAVA_HOME in this bat file: rem //------------------------------------------------------------------------// rem SET JAVA_HOME= rem //------------------------------------------------------------------------// rem // Check for the JAVA_HOME environment variable rem //------------------------------------------------------------------------// if "%JAVA_HOME%" == "" goto noJavaHome rem //------------------------------------------------------------------------// rem // Make the correct classpath (should include the java jars and the rem // Ant jars) rem //------------------------------------------------------------------------// SET CP=%JAVA_HOME%\lib\tools.jar;.\ant.jar;.\xmltask.jar rem //------------------------------------------------------------------------// rem // Run Ant rem // Note for Win 98/95 users: You need to change "%*" in the following rem // line to be "%1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9" rem //------------------------------------------------------------------------// %JAVA_HOME%\bin\java -Xms32m -Xmx128m -classpath %CP% -Dant.home=. org.apache.tools.ant.Main %* goto end rem //------------------------------------------------------------------------// rem // Error message for missing JAVA_HOME rem //------------------------------------------------------------------------// :noJavaHome echo. echo Jive Forums Build Error: echo. echo The JAVA_HOME environment variable is not set. JAVA_HOME should point to echo your java directory, ie: c:\jdk1.3.1. You can set this via the command echo line like so: echo SET JAVA_HOME=c:\jdk1.3 echo. goto end :end