Debugging with Smack ==================== [Back](index.html) Smack includes two built-in debugging consoles that will let you track all XML traffic between the client and server. A lite debugger which is part of the `smack-core.jar` and an enhanced debugger contained in `smack-debug.jar`. Debugging mode can be enabled in two different ways: 1. Add the following line of code **before** creating new connections: `XMPPConnection.DEBUG_ENABLED = true;` 2. Set the Java system property `smack.debugEnabled` to true. The system property can be set on the command line such as: `java -Dsmack.debugEnabled=true SomeApp ` If you wish to explicitly disable debug mode in your application, including using the command-line parameter, add the following line to your application before opening new connections: `XMPPConnection.DEBUG_ENABLED = false;` Smack uses the following logic to decide the debugger console to use: 1. It will first try use the debugger class specified in the Java system property `smack.debuggerClass`. If you need to develop your own debugger, implement the `SmackDebugger` interface and then set the system property on the command line such as: `java SomeApp ` 2. If step 1 fails then Smack will try to use the enhanced debugger. The file `smackx-debug.jar` contains the enhanced debugger. Therefore you will need to place the jar file in the classpath. For situations where space is an issue you may want to only deploy `smack-core.jar` in which case the enhanced debugger won't be available. 3. The last option if the previous two steps fail is to use the lite debugger. The lite debugger is a very good option for situations where you need to have low memory footprint. Enhanced Debugger ----------------- ![Full Debug Window](images/enhanceddebugger.png) When debugging mode is enabled, a debug window will appear containing tabs for each new created connection. The window will contain the following information: * XMPPConnection tabs -- each tab shows debugging information related to the connection. * Smack info tab -- shows information about Smack (e.g. Smack version, installed components, etc.). The connection tab will contain the following information: * All Packets -- shows sent and received packets information parsed by Smack. * Raw Sent Packets -- raw XML traffic generated by Smack and sent to the server. * Raw Received Packets -- raw XML traffic sent by the server to the client. * Ad-hoc message -- allows to send ad-hoc packets of any type. * Information -- shows connection state and statistics. Lite Debugger ------------- ![Lite Debug Window](images/debugwindow.gif) When debugging mode is enabled, a debug window will appear when each new connection is created. The window will contain the following information: * Client Traffic (red text) -- raw XML traffic generated by Smack and sent to the server. * Server Traffic (blue text) -- raw XML traffic sent by the server to the client. * Interpreted Packets (green text) -- shows XML packets from the server as parsed by Smack. Right click on any of the panes to bring up a menu with the choices to copy of the contents to the system clipboard or to clear the contents of the pane. Copyright (C) Jive Software 2002-2008