/** * $RCSfile$ * $Revision: $ * $Date: $ * * Copyright 2003-2007 Jive Software. * * All rights reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* * Created on 2009-04-09 */ package org.jivesoftware.smackx.pubsub; import static org.custommonkey.xmlunit.XMLAssert.assertXMLEqual; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.jivesoftware.smack.XMPPException; import org.jivesoftware.smackx.FormField; import org.jivesoftware.smackx.pubsub.test.SingleUserTestCase; public class SubscriberUseCases extends SingleUserTestCase { public void testSubscribe() throws Exception { LeafNode node = getPubnode(false, false); Subscription sub = node.subscribe(getJid()); assertEquals(getJid(), sub.getJid()); assertNotNull(sub.getId()); assertEquals(node.getId(), sub.getNode()); assertEquals(Subscription.State.subscribed, sub.getState()); } public void testSubscribeBadJid() throws Exception { LeafNode node = getPubnode(false, false); try { node.subscribe("this@over.here"); fail(); } catch (XMPPException e) { } } public void testSubscribeWithOptions() throws Exception { SubscribeForm form = new SubscribeForm(FormType.submit); form.setDeliverOn(true); Calendar expire = Calendar.getInstance(); expire.set(2020, 1, 1); form.setExpiry(expire.getTime()); LeafNode node = getPubnode(false, false); node.subscribe(getJid(), form); } public void testSubscribeConfigRequired() throws Exception { ConfigureForm form = new ConfigureForm(FormType.submit); form.setAccessModel(AccessModel.open); // Openfire specific field - nothing in the spec yet FormField required = new FormField("pubsub#subscription_required"); required.setType(FormField.TYPE_BOOLEAN); form.addField(required); form.setAnswer("pubsub#subscription_required", true); LeafNode node = (LeafNode)getManager().createNode("Pubnode" + System.currentTimeMillis(), form); Subscription sub = node.subscribe(getJid()); assertEquals(getJid(), sub.getJid()); assertNotNull(sub.getId()); assertEquals(node.getId(), sub.getNode()); assertEquals(true, sub.isConfigRequired()); } public void testUnsubscribe() throws Exception { LeafNode node = getPubnode(false, false); node.subscribe(getJid()); Collection subs = node.getSubscriptions(); node.unsubscribe(getJid()); Collection afterSubs = node.getSubscriptions(); assertEquals(subs.size()-1, afterSubs.size()); } public void testUnsubscribeWithMultipleNoSubId() throws Exception { LeafNode node = getPubnode(false, false); node.subscribe(getBareJID(0)); node.subscribe(getBareJID(0)); node.subscribe(getBareJID(0)); try { node.unsubscribe(getBareJID(0)); fail("Unsubscribe with no subid should fail"); } catch (XMPPException e) { } } public void testUnsubscribeWithMultipleWithSubId() throws Exception { LeafNode node = getPubnode(false, false); node.subscribe(getJid()); Subscription sub = node.subscribe(getJid()); node.subscribe(getJid()); node.unsubscribe(getJid(), sub.getId()); } public void testGetOptions() throws Exception { LeafNode node = getPubnode(false, false); Subscription sub = node.subscribe(getJid()); SubscribeForm form = node.getSubscriptionOptions(getJid(), sub.getId()); assertNotNull(form); } // public void testSubscribeWithConfig() throws Exception // { // LeafNode node = getPubnode(false, false); // // Subscription sub = node.subscribe(getBareJID(0)); // // assertEquals(getBareJID(0), sub.getJid()); // assertNotNull(sub.getId()); // assertEquals(node.getId(), sub.getNode()); // assertEquals(true, sub.isConfigRequired()); // } // public void testGetItems() throws Exception { LeafNode node = getPubnode(true, false); runNodeTests(node); } private void runNodeTests(LeafNode node) throws Exception { node.send((Item)null); node.send((Item)null); node.send((Item)null); node.send((Item)null); node.send((Item)null); Collection items = node.getItems(); assertTrue(items.size() == 5); long curTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); node.send(new Item("1-" + curTime)); node.send(new Item("2-" + curTime)); node.send(new Item("3-" + curTime)); node.send(new Item("4-" + curTime)); node.send(new Item("5-" + curTime)); items = node.getItems(); assertTrue(items.size() == 10); LeafNode payloadNode = getPubnode(true, true); Map idPayload = new HashMap(); idPayload.put("6-" + curTime, ""); idPayload.put("7-" + curTime, ""); idPayload.put("8-" + curTime, "text"); idPayload.put("9-" + curTime, ""); for (Map.Entry payload : idPayload.entrySet()) { payloadNode.send(new PayloadItem(payload.getKey(), new SimplePayload("a", "pubsub:test", payload.getValue()))); } payloadNode.send(new PayloadItem("6-" + curTime, new SimplePayload("a", "pubsub:test", ""))); payloadNode.send(new PayloadItem("7-" + curTime, new SimplePayload("a", "pubsub:test", ""))); payloadNode.send(new PayloadItem("8-" + curTime, new SimplePayload("entity", "pubsub:test", "texta"))); payloadNode.send(new PayloadItem("9-" + curTime, new SimplePayload("entity", "pubsub:test", "b"))); List> payloadItems = payloadNode.getItems(); Map> idMap = new HashMap>(); for (PayloadItem payloadItem : payloadItems) { idMap.put(payloadItem.getId(), payloadItem); } assertEquals(4, payloadItems.size()); PayloadItem testItem = idMap.get("6-" + curTime); assertNotNull(testItem); assertXMLEqual("", testItem.getPayload().toXML()); testItem = idMap.get("7-" + curTime); assertNotNull(testItem); assertXMLEqual("", testItem.getPayload().toXML()); testItem = idMap.get("8-" + curTime); assertNotNull(testItem); assertXMLEqual("texta", testItem.getPayload().toXML()); testItem = idMap.get("9-" + curTime); assertNotNull(testItem); assertXMLEqual("b", testItem.getPayload().toXML()); } public void testGetSpecifiedItems() throws Exception { LeafNode node = getPubnode(true, true); node.send(new PayloadItem("1", new SimplePayload("a", "pubsub:test", ""))); node.send(new PayloadItem("2", new SimplePayload("a", "pubsub:test", ""))); node.send(new PayloadItem("3", new SimplePayload("a", "pubsub:test", ""))); node.send(new PayloadItem("4", new SimplePayload("a", "pubsub:test", ""))); node.send(new PayloadItem("5", new SimplePayload("a", "pubsub:test", ""))); Collection ids = new ArrayList(3); ids.add("1"); ids.add("3"); ids.add("4"); List> items = node.getItems(ids); assertEquals(3, items.size()); assertEquals("1", items.get(0).getId()); assertXMLEqual("", items.get(0).getPayload().toXML()); assertEquals( "3", items.get(1).getId()); assertXMLEqual("", items.get(1).getPayload().toXML()); assertEquals("4", items.get(2).getId()); assertXMLEqual("", items.get(2).getPayload().toXML()); } public void testGetLastNItems() throws XMPPException { LeafNode node = getPubnode(true, false); node.send(new Item("1")); node.send(new Item("2")); node.send(new Item("3")); node.send(new Item("4")); node.send(new Item("5")); List items = node.getItems(2); assertEquals(2, items.size()); assertTrue(listContainsId("4", items)); assertTrue(listContainsId("5", items)); } private static boolean listContainsId(String id, List items) { for (Item item : items) { if (item.getId().equals(id)) return true; } return false; } private String getJid() { return getConnection(0).getUser(); } }