/** * $RCSfile$ * $Revision$ * $Date$ * * Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Jive Software. All rights reserved. * * This software is the proprietary information of Jive Software. * Use is subject to license terms. */ package org.jivesoftware.smackx.workgroup.agent; import java.util.*; import org.jivesoftware.smack.*; import org.jivesoftware.smack.filter.*; import org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.*; import org.jivesoftware.smack.util.StringUtils; import org.jivesoftware.smackx.GroupChatInvitation; import org.jivesoftware.smackx.workgroup.*; import org.jivesoftware.smackx.workgroup.packet.*; /** * This class embodies the agent's active presence within a given workgroup. The application * should have N instances of this class, where N is the number of workgroups to which the * owning agent of the application belongs. This class provides all functionality that a * session within a given workgroup is expected to have from an agent's perspective -- setting * the status, tracking the status of queues to which the agent belongs within the workgroup, and * dequeuing customers. * * @author Matt Tucker * @author loki der quaeler */ public class AgentSession { private XMPPConnection connection; private String workgroupName; private boolean online = false; private Presence.Mode presenceMode; private int currentChats; private int maxChats; private Map metaData; private Map queues; private List offerListeners; private List invitationListeners; private List queueUsersListeners; private List queueAgentsListeners; /** * Creates a new agent session instance. * * @param connection a connection instance which must have already gone through authentication. * @param workgroupName the fully qualified name of the workgroup. */ public AgentSession(String workgroupName, XMPPConnection connection) { // Login must have been done before passing in connection. if (!connection.isAuthenticated()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Must login to server before creating workgroup."); } this.workgroupName = workgroupName; this.connection = connection; this.maxChats = -1; this.metaData = new HashMap(); this.queues = new HashMap(); offerListeners = new ArrayList(); invitationListeners = new ArrayList(); queueUsersListeners = new ArrayList(); queueAgentsListeners = new ArrayList(); // Create a filter to listen for packets we're interested in. OrFilter filter = new OrFilter(); filter.addFilter(new PacketTypeFilter(OfferRequestProvider.OfferRequestPacket.class)); filter.addFilter(new PacketTypeFilter(OfferRevokeProvider.OfferRevokePacket.class)); filter.addFilter(new PacketTypeFilter(Presence.class)); filter.addFilter(new PacketTypeFilter(Message.class)); // only interested in packets from the workgroup or from operators also running the // operator client -- for example peer-to-peer invites wouldn't come from // the workgroup, but would come from the operator client //OrFilter froms = new OrFilter(new FromContainsFilter(this.workgroupName), // new FromContainsFilter(clientResource)); connection.addPacketListener(new PacketListener() { public void processPacket(Packet packet) { handlePacket(packet); } }, filter); } /** * Returns the agent's current presence mode. * * @return the agent's current presence mode. */ public Presence.Mode getPresenceMode() { return presenceMode; } /** * Returns the current number of chats the agent is in. * * @return the current number of chats the agent is in. */ public int getCurrentChats() { return currentChats; } /** * Returns the maximum number of chats the agent can participate in. * * @return the maximum number of chats the agent can participate in. */ public int getMaxChats() { return maxChats; } /** * Returns true if the agent is online with the workgroup. * * @return true if the agent is online with the workgroup. */ public boolean isOnline() { return online; } /** * Allows the addition of a new key-value pair to the agent's meta data, if the value is * new data, the revised meta data will be rebroadcast in an agent's presence broadcast. * * @param key the meta data key * @param val the non-null meta data value */ public void setMetaData(String key, String val) throws XMPPException { synchronized (this.metaData) { String oldVal = (String)this.metaData.get(key); if ((oldVal == null) || (! oldVal.equals(val))) { metaData.put(key, val); setStatus(presenceMode, currentChats, maxChats); } } } /** * Allows the removal of data from the agent's meta data, if the key represents existing data, * the revised meta data will be rebroadcast in an agent's presence broadcast. * * @param key the meta data key */ public void removeMetaData(String key) throws XMPPException { synchronized (this.metaData) { String oldVal = (String)metaData.remove(key); if (oldVal != null) { setStatus(presenceMode, currentChats, maxChats); } } } /** * Allows the retrieval of meta data for a specified key. * * @param key the meta data key * @return the meta data value associated with the key or null if the meta-data * doesn't exist.. */ public String getMetaData(String key) { return (String)metaData.get(key); } /** * Sets whether the agent is online with the workgroup. If the user tries to go online with * the workgroup but is not allowed to be an agent, an XMPPError with error code 401 will * be thrown. * * @param online true to set the agent as online with the workgroup. * @throws XMPPException if an error occurs setting the online status. */ public void setOnline( boolean online ) throws XMPPException { // If the online status hasn't changed, do nothing. if (this.online == online) { return; } this.online = online; Presence presence = null; // If the user is going online... if (online) { presence = new Presence(Presence.Type.AVAILABLE); presence.setTo(workgroupName); PacketCollector collector = this.connection.createPacketCollector(new AndFilter( new PacketTypeFilter(Presence.class), new FromContainsFilter(workgroupName))); connection.sendPacket(presence); presence = (Presence)collector.nextResult(5000); collector.cancel(); if (presence == null) { throw new XMPPException("No response from server on status set."); } if (presence.getError() != null) { throw new XMPPException(presence.getError()); } } // Otherwise the user is going offline... else { presence = new Presence(Presence.Type.UNAVAILABLE); presence.setTo(workgroupName); connection.sendPacket(presence); } } /** * Sets the agent's current status with the workgroup. The presence mode affects how offers * are routed to the agent. The possible presence modes with their meanings are as follows: * * The current chats value indicates how many chats the agent is currently in. Because the agent * is responsible for reporting the current chats value to the server, this value must * be set every time it changes.

* * The max chats value is the maximum number of chats the agent is willing to have routed to * them at once. Some servers may be configured to only accept max chat values in a certain * range; for example, between two and five. In that case, the maxChats value the agent sends * may be adjusted by the server to a value within that range. * * @param presenceMode the presence mode of the agent. * @param currentChats the current number of chats the agent is in. * @param maxChats the maximum number of chats the agent is willing to accept. * @throws XMPPException if an error occurs setting the agent status. * @throws IllegalStateException if the agent is not online with the workgroup. */ public void setStatus(Presence.Mode presenceMode, int currentChats, int maxChats ) throws XMPPException { setStatus( presenceMode, currentChats, maxChats, null ); } /** * Sets the agent's current status with the workgroup. The presence mode affects how offers * are routed to the agent. The possible presence modes with their meanings are as follows:

* * The current chats value indicates how many chats the agent is currently in. Because the agent * is responsible for reporting the current chats value to the server, this value must * be set every time it changes.

* * The max chats value is the maximum number of chats the agent is willing to have routed to * them at once. Some servers may be configured to only accept max chat values in a certain * range; for example, between two and five. In that case, the maxChats value the agent sends * may be adjusted by the server to a value within that range. * * @param presenceMode the presence mode of the agent. * @param currentChats the current number of chats the agent is in. * @param maxChats the maximum number of chats the agent is willing to accept. * @param status sets the status message of the presence update. * @throws XMPPException if an error occurs setting the agent status. * @throws IllegalStateException if the agent is not online with the workgroup. */ public void setStatus(Presence.Mode presenceMode, int currentChats, int maxChats, String status ) throws XMPPException { if (!online) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot set status when the agent is not online."); } if (presenceMode == null) { presenceMode = Presence.Mode.AVAILABLE; } this.presenceMode = presenceMode; this.currentChats = currentChats; this.maxChats = maxChats; Presence presence = new Presence(Presence.Type.AVAILABLE); presence.setMode(presenceMode); presence.setTo(this.getWorkgroupName()); if( status != null ) { presence.setStatus( status ); } // Send information about max chats and current chats as a packet extension. DefaultPacketExtension agentStatus = new DefaultPacketExtension(AgentStatus.ELEMENT_NAME, AgentStatus.NAMESPACE); agentStatus.setValue("current-chats", ""+currentChats); agentStatus.setValue("max-chats", ""+maxChats); presence.addExtension(agentStatus); presence.addExtension(new MetaData(this.metaData)); PacketCollector collector = this.connection.createPacketCollector(new AndFilter( new PacketTypeFilter(Presence.class), new FromContainsFilter(workgroupName))); this.connection.sendPacket(presence); presence = (Presence)collector.nextResult(5000); collector.cancel(); if (presence == null) { throw new XMPPException("No response from server on status set."); } if (presence.getError() != null) { throw new XMPPException(presence.getError()); } } /** * Removes a user from the workgroup queue. This is an administrative action that the * * The agent is not guaranteed of having privileges to perform this action; an exception * denying the request may be thrown. */ public void dequeueUser(String userID) throws XMPPException { // todo: this method simply won't work right now. DepartQueuePacket departPacket = new DepartQueuePacket(this.workgroupName); // PENDING this.connection.sendPacket(departPacket); } /** * @return the fully-qualified name of the workgroup for which this session exists */ public String getWorkgroupName() { return workgroupName; } /** * @param queueName the name of the queue * @return an instance of WorkgroupQueue for the argument queue name, or null if none exists */ public WorkgroupQueue getQueue(String queueName) { return (WorkgroupQueue)queues.get(queueName); } public Iterator getQueues() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap((new HashMap(queues))).values().iterator(); } public void addQueueUsersListener(QueueUsersListener listener) { synchronized(queueUsersListeners) { if (!queueUsersListeners.contains(listener)) { queueUsersListeners.add(listener); } } } public void removeQueueUsersListener(QueueUsersListener listener) { synchronized(queueUsersListeners) { queueUsersListeners.remove(listener); } } public void addQueueAgentsListener(QueueAgentsListener listener) { synchronized(queueAgentsListeners) { if (!queueAgentsListeners.contains(listener)) { queueAgentsListeners.add(listener); } } } public void removeQueueAgentsListener(QueueAgentsListener listener) { synchronized(queueAgentsListeners) { queueAgentsListeners.remove(listener); } } /** * Adds an offer listener. * * @param offerListener the offer listener. */ public void addOfferListener(OfferListener offerListener) { synchronized(offerListeners) { if (!offerListeners.contains(offerListener)) { offerListeners.add(offerListener); } } } /** * Removes an offer listener. * * @param offerListener the offer listener. */ public void removeOfferListener(OfferListener offerListener) { synchronized(offerListeners) { offerListeners.remove(offerListener); } } /** * Adds an invitation listener. * * @param invitationListener the invitation listener. */ public void addInvitationListener(InvitationListener invitationListener) { synchronized(invitationListeners) { if (!invitationListeners.contains(invitationListener)) { invitationListeners.add(invitationListener); } } } /** * Removes an invitation listener. * * @param invitationListener the invitation listener. */ public void removeInvitationListener(InvitationListener invitationListener) { synchronized(invitationListeners) { offerListeners.remove(invitationListener); } } private void fireOfferRequestEvent(OfferRequestProvider.OfferRequestPacket requestPacket) { Offer offer = new Offer(this.connection, this, requestPacket.getUserID(), this.getWorkgroupName(), new Date((new Date()).getTime() + (requestPacket.getTimeout() * 1000)), requestPacket.getSessionID(), requestPacket.getMetaData()); synchronized (offerListeners) { for (Iterator i=offerListeners.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { OfferListener listener = (OfferListener)i.next(); listener.offerReceived(offer); } } } private void fireOfferRevokeEvent(OfferRevokeProvider.OfferRevokePacket orp) { RevokedOffer revokedOffer = new RevokedOffer(orp.getUserID(), this.getWorkgroupName(), orp.getSessionID(), orp.getReason(), new Date()); synchronized (offerListeners) { for (Iterator i=offerListeners.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { OfferListener listener = (OfferListener)i.next(); listener.offerRevoked(revokedOffer); } } } private void fireInvitationEvent(String groupChatJID, String sessionID, String body, String from, Map metaData) { Invitation invitation = new Invitation(connection.getUser(), groupChatJID, workgroupName, sessionID, body, from, metaData); synchronized(invitationListeners) { for (Iterator i=invitationListeners.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { InvitationListener listener = (InvitationListener)i.next(); listener.invitationReceived(invitation); } } } private void fireQueueUsersEvent(WorkgroupQueue queue, WorkgroupQueue.Status status, int averageWaitTime, Date oldestEntry, Set users) { synchronized(queueUsersListeners) { for (Iterator i=queueUsersListeners.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { QueueUsersListener listener = (QueueUsersListener)i.next(); if (status != null) { listener.statusUpdated(queue, status); } if (averageWaitTime != -1) { listener.averageWaitTimeUpdated(queue, averageWaitTime); } if (oldestEntry != null) { listener.oldestEntryUpdated(queue, oldestEntry); } if (users != null) { listener.usersUpdated(queue, users); } } } } private void fireQueueAgentsEvent(WorkgroupQueue queue, int currentChats, int maxChats, Set agents) { synchronized(queueAgentsListeners) { for (Iterator i=queueAgentsListeners.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { QueueAgentsListener listener = (QueueAgentsListener)i.next(); if (currentChats != -1) { listener.currentChatsUpdated(queue, currentChats); } if (maxChats != -1) { listener.maxChatsUpdated(queue, maxChats); } if (agents != null) { listener.agentsUpdated(queue, agents); } } } } // PacketListener Implementation. private void handlePacket(Packet packet) { if (packet instanceof OfferRequestProvider.OfferRequestPacket) { fireOfferRequestEvent((OfferRequestProvider.OfferRequestPacket)packet); } else if (packet instanceof Presence) { Presence presence = (Presence)packet; // The workgroup can send us a number of different presence packets. We // check for different packet extensions to see what type of presence // packet it is. String queueName = StringUtils.parseResource(presence.getFrom()); WorkgroupQueue queue = (WorkgroupQueue)queues.get(queueName); // If there isn't already an entry for the queue, create a new one. if (queue == null) { queue = new WorkgroupQueue(queueName); queues.put(queueName, queue); } // QueueOverview packet extensions contain basic information about a queue. QueueOverview queueOverview = (QueueOverview)presence.getExtension( QueueOverview.ELEMENT_NAME, QueueOverview.NAMESPACE); if (queueOverview != null) { if (queueOverview.getStatus() == null) { queue.setStatus(WorkgroupQueue.Status.CLOSED); } else { queue.setStatus(queueOverview.getStatus()); } queue.setAverageWaitTime(queueOverview.getAverageWaitTime()); queue.setOldestEntry(queueOverview.getOldestEntry()); // Fire event. fireQueueUsersEvent(queue, queueOverview.getStatus(), queueOverview.getAverageWaitTime(), queueOverview.getOldestEntry(), null); return; } // QueueDetails packet extensions contain information about the users in // a queue. QueueDetails queueDetails = (QueueDetails)packet.getExtension( QueueDetails.ELEMENT_NAME, QueueDetails.NAMESPACE); if (queueDetails != null) { queue.setUsers(queueDetails.getUsers()); // Fire event. fireQueueUsersEvent(queue, null, -1, null, queueDetails.getUsers()); return; } // Notify agent packets gives an overview of agent activity in a queue. DefaultPacketExtension notifyAgents = (DefaultPacketExtension)presence.getExtension( "notify-agents", "xmpp:workgroup"); if (notifyAgents != null) { int currentChats = Integer.parseInt(notifyAgents.getValue("current-chats")); int maxChats = Integer.parseInt(notifyAgents.getValue("max-chats")); queue.setCurrentChats(currentChats); queue.setMaxChats(maxChats); // Fire event. fireQueueAgentsEvent(queue, currentChats, maxChats, null); return; } // Agent status AgentStatus agentStatus = (AgentStatus)presence.getExtension(AgentStatus.ELEMENT_NAME, AgentStatus.NAMESPACE); if (agentStatus != null) { Set agents = agentStatus.getAgents(); // Look for information about the agent that created this session and // update local status fields accordingly. for (Iterator i=agents.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Agent agent = (Agent)i.next(); if (agent.getUser().equals(StringUtils.parseBareAddress( connection.getUser()))) { maxChats = agent.getMaxChats(); currentChats = agent.getCurrentChats(); } } // Set the list of agents for the queue. queue.setAgents(agents); // Fire event. fireQueueAgentsEvent(queue, -1, -1, agentStatus.getAgents()); return; } } else if (packet instanceof Message) { Message message = (Message)packet; GroupChatInvitation invitation = (GroupChatInvitation)message.getExtension( GroupChatInvitation.ELEMENT_NAME, GroupChatInvitation.NAMESPACE); if (invitation != null) { String roomAddress = invitation.getRoomAddress(); String sessionID = null; Map metaData = null; SessionID sessionIDExt = (SessionID)message.getExtension(SessionID.ELEMENT_NAME, SessionID.NAMESPACE); if (sessionIDExt != null) { sessionID = sessionIDExt.getSessionID(); } MetaData metaDataExt = (MetaData)message.getExtension(MetaData.ELEMENT_NAME, MetaData.NAMESPACE); if (metaDataExt != null) { metaData = metaDataExt.getMetaData(); } this.fireInvitationEvent(roomAddress, sessionID, message.getBody(), message.getFrom(), metaData); } } else if (packet instanceof OfferRevokeProvider.OfferRevokePacket) { fireOfferRevokeEvent((OfferRevokeProvider.OfferRevokePacket)packet); } } }