package org.jivesoftware.smackx.workgroup.agent; import java.util.Set; public interface QueueAgentsListener { /** * The current number of chats the agents are handling was updated. * * @param queue the workgroup queue. * @param currentChats the current number of chats the agents are handling. */ public void currentChatsUpdated(WorkgroupQueue queue, int currentChats); /** * The maximum number of chats the agents can handle was updated. * * @param queue the workgroup queue. * @param maxChats the maximum number of chats the agents can handle. */ public void maxChatsUpdated(WorkgroupQueue queue, int maxChats); /** * The list of available agents servicing the queue was updated. * * @param queue the workgroup queue. * @param agents the available agents servicing the queue. */ public void agentsUpdated(WorkgroupQueue queue, Set agents); }