/** * $Revision: 1456 $ * $Date: 2005-06-01 22:04:54 -0700 (Wed, 01 Jun 2005) $ * * Copyright 2003-2005 Jive Software. * * All rights reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.jivesoftware.smack.util; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Map; import javax.naming.NamingEnumeration; import javax.naming.directory.Attribute; import javax.naming.directory.Attributes; import javax.naming.directory.DirContext; import javax.naming.directory.InitialDirContext; /** * Utilty class to perform DNS lookups for XMPP services. * * @author Matt Tucker */ public class DNSUtil { /** * Create a cache to hold the 100 most recently accessed DNS lookups for a period of * 10 minutes. */ private static Map cache = new Cache(100, 1000*60*10); private static DirContext context; static { try { Hashtable env = new Hashtable(); env.put("java.naming.factory.initial", "com.sun.jndi.dns.DnsContextFactory"); context = new InitialDirContext(env); } catch (Exception e) { // Ignore. } } /** * Returns the host name and port that the specified XMPP server can be * reached at for client-to-server communication. A DNS lookup for a SRV * record in the form "_xmpp-client._tcp.example.com" is attempted, according * to section 14.4 of RFC 3920. If that lookup fails, a lookup in the older form * of "_jabber._tcp.example.com" is attempted since servers that implement an * older version of the protocol may be listed using that notation. If that * lookup fails as well, it's assumed that the XMPP server lives at the * host resolved by a DNS lookup at the specified domain on the default port * of 5222.

* * As an example, a lookup for "example.com" may return "im.example.com:5269". * * Note on SRV record selection. * We now check priority and weight, but we still don't do this correctly. * The missing behavior is this: if we fail to reach a host based on its SRV * record then we need to select another host from the other SRV records. * In Smack 3.1.1 we're not going to be able to do the major system redesign to * correct this. * * @param domain the domain. * @return a HostAddress, which encompasses the hostname and port that the XMPP * server can be reached at for the specified domain. */ public static HostAddress resolveXMPPDomain(String domain) { if (context == null) { return new HostAddress(domain, 5222); } String key = "c" + domain; // Return item from cache if it exists. if (cache.containsKey(key)) { HostAddress address = (HostAddress)cache.get(key); if (address != null) { return address; } } String bestHost = domain; int bestPort = 5222; int bestPriority = 0; int bestWeight = 0; try { Attributes dnsLookup = context.getAttributes("_xmpp-client._tcp." + domain, new String[]{"SRV"}); Attribute srvAttribute = dnsLookup.get("SRV"); NamingEnumeration srvRecords = (NamingEnumeration) srvAttribute.getAll(); while(srvRecords.hasMore()) { String srvRecord = srvRecords.next(); String [] srvRecordEntries = srvRecord.split(" "); int priority = Integer.parseInt(srvRecordEntries[srvRecordEntries.length - 4]); int port = Integer.parseInt(srvRecordEntries[srvRecordEntries.length-2]); int weight = Integer.parseInt(srvRecordEntries[srvRecordEntries.length - 3]); String host = srvRecordEntries[srvRecordEntries.length-1]; // Randomize the weight. weight *= Math.random() * weight; if ((bestPriority == 0) || (priority < bestPriority)) { // Choose a server with the lowest priority. bestPriority = priority; bestWeight = weight; bestHost = host; bestPort = port; } else if (priority == bestPriority) { // When we have like priorities then randomly choose a server based on its weight // The weights were randomized above. if (weight > bestWeight) { bestWeight = weight; bestHost = host; bestPort = port; } } } } catch (Exception e) { // Ignore. } // Host entries in DNS should end with a ".". if (bestHost.endsWith(".")) { bestHost = bestHost.substring(0, bestHost.length()-1); } HostAddress address = new HostAddress(bestHost, bestPort); // Add item to cache. cache.put(key, address); return address; } /** * Returns the host name and port that the specified XMPP server can be * reached at for server-to-server communication. A DNS lookup for a SRV * record in the form "_xmpp-server._tcp.example.com" is attempted, according * to section 14.4 of RFC 3920. If that lookup fails, a lookup in the older form * of "_jabber._tcp.example.com" is attempted since servers that implement an * older version of the protocol may be listed using that notation. If that * lookup fails as well, it's assumed that the XMPP server lives at the * host resolved by a DNS lookup at the specified domain on the default port * of 5269.

* * As an example, a lookup for "example.com" may return "im.example.com:5269". * * @param domain the domain. * @return a HostAddress, which encompasses the hostname and port that the XMPP * server can be reached at for the specified domain. */ public static HostAddress resolveXMPPServerDomain(String domain) { if (context == null) { return new HostAddress(domain, 5269); } String key = "s" + domain; // Return item from cache if it exists. if (cache.containsKey(key)) { HostAddress address = (HostAddress)cache.get(key); if (address != null) { return address; } } String host = domain; int port = 5269; try { Attributes dnsLookup = context.getAttributes("_xmpp-server._tcp." + domain, new String[]{"SRV"}); String srvRecord = (String)dnsLookup.get("SRV").get(); String [] srvRecordEntries = srvRecord.split(" "); port = Integer.parseInt(srvRecordEntries[srvRecordEntries.length-2]); host = srvRecordEntries[srvRecordEntries.length-1]; } catch (Exception e) { // Attempt lookup with older "jabber" name. try { Attributes dnsLookup = context.getAttributes("_jabber._tcp." + domain, new String[]{"SRV"}); String srvRecord = (String)dnsLookup.get("SRV").get(); String [] srvRecordEntries = srvRecord.split(" "); port = Integer.parseInt(srvRecordEntries[srvRecordEntries.length-2]); host = srvRecordEntries[srvRecordEntries.length-1]; } catch (Exception e2) { // Ignore. } } // Host entries in DNS should end with a ".". if (host.endsWith(".")) { host = host.substring(0, host.length()-1); } HostAddress address = new HostAddress(host, port); // Add item to cache. cache.put(key, address); return address; } /** * Encapsulates a hostname and port. */ public static class HostAddress { private String host; private int port; private HostAddress(String host, int port) { this.host = host; this.port = port; } /** * Returns the hostname. * * @return the hostname. */ public String getHost() { return host; } /** * Returns the port. * * @return the port. */ public int getPort() { return port; } public String toString() { return host + ":" + port; } public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (!(o instanceof HostAddress)) { return false; } final HostAddress address = (HostAddress) o; if (!host.equals(address.host)) { return false; } return port == address.port; } } }