/** * * Copyright 2003-2005 Jive Software. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.jivesoftware.smackx.jingleold.nat; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.NetworkInterface; import java.net.SocketException; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.jivesoftware.smack.SmackException; import org.jivesoftware.smack.SmackException.NoResponseException; import org.jivesoftware.smack.SmackException.NotConnectedException; import org.jivesoftware.smack.XMPPConnection; import org.jivesoftware.smack.StanzaCollector; import org.jivesoftware.smack.XMPPException.XMPPErrorException; import org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.IQ; import org.jivesoftware.smack.provider.IQProvider; import org.jivesoftware.smack.provider.ProviderManager; import org.jivesoftware.smackx.disco.ServiceDiscoveryManager; import org.jivesoftware.smackx.disco.packet.DiscoverInfo; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException; /** * RTPBridge IQ Stanza(/Packet) used to request and retrieve a RTPBridge Candidates that can be used for a Jingle Media Transmission between two parties that are behind NAT. * This Jingle Bridge has all the needed information to establish a full UDP Channel (Send and Receive) between two parties. * This transport method should be used only if other transport methods are not allowed. Or if you want a more reliable transport. *

* High Level Usage Example: *

* RTPBridge rtpBridge = RTPBridge.getRTPBridge(connection, sessionID); * * @author Thiago Camargo */ public class RTPBridge extends IQ { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(RTPBridge.class.getName()); private String sid; private String pass; private String ip; private String name; private int portA = -1; private int portB = -1; private String hostA; private String hostB; private BridgeAction bridgeAction = BridgeAction.create; private enum BridgeAction { create, change, publicip } /** * Element name of the stanza(/packet) extension. */ public static final String NAME = "rtpbridge"; /** * Element name of the stanza(/packet) extension. */ public static final String ELEMENT_NAME = "rtpbridge"; /** * Namespace of the stanza(/packet) extension. */ public static final String NAMESPACE = "http://www.jivesoftware.com/protocol/rtpbridge"; static { ProviderManager.addIQProvider(NAME, NAMESPACE, new Provider()); } /** * Creates a RTPBridge Instance with defined Session ID. * * @param sid */ public RTPBridge(String sid) { this(); this.sid = sid; } /** * Creates a RTPBridge Instance with defined Session ID. * * @param action */ public RTPBridge(BridgeAction action) { this(); this.bridgeAction = action; } /** * Creates a RTPBridge Instance with defined Session ID. * * @param sid * @param bridgeAction */ public RTPBridge(String sid, BridgeAction bridgeAction) { this(); this.sid = sid; this.bridgeAction = bridgeAction; } /** * Creates a RTPBridge Stanza(/Packet) without Session ID. */ public RTPBridge() { super(ELEMENT_NAME, NAMESPACE); } /** * Get the attributes string. */ public String getAttributes() { StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(); if (getSid() != null) str.append(" sid='").append(getSid()).append('\''); if (getPass() != null) str.append(" pass='").append(getPass()).append('\''); if (getPortA() != -1) str.append(" porta='").append(getPortA()).append('\''); if (getPortB() != -1) str.append(" portb='").append(getPortB()).append('\''); if (getHostA() != null) str.append(" hosta='").append(getHostA()).append('\''); if (getHostB() != null) str.append(" hostb='").append(getHostB()).append('\''); return str.toString(); } /** * Get the Session ID of the Stanza(/Packet) (usually same as Jingle Session ID). * * @return the session ID */ public String getSid() { return sid; } /** * Set the Session ID of the Stanza(/Packet) (usually same as Jingle Session ID). * * @param sid */ public void setSid(String sid) { this.sid = sid; } /** * Get the Host A IP Address. * * @return the Host A IP Address */ public String getHostA() { return hostA; } /** * Set the Host A IP Address. * * @param hostA */ public void setHostA(String hostA) { this.hostA = hostA; } /** * Get the Host B IP Address. * * @return the Host B IP Address */ public String getHostB() { return hostB; } /** * Set the Host B IP Address. * * @param hostB */ public void setHostB(String hostB) { this.hostB = hostB; } /** * Get Side A receive port. * * @return the side A receive prot */ public int getPortA() { return portA; } /** * Set Side A receive port. * * @param portA */ public void setPortA(int portA) { this.portA = portA; } /** * Get Side B receive port. * * @return the side B receive port */ public int getPortB() { return portB; } /** * Set Side B receive port. * * @param portB */ public void setPortB(int portB) { this.portB = portB; } /** * Get the RTP Bridge IP. * * @return the RTP Bridge IP */ public String getIp() { return ip; } /** * Set the RTP Bridge IP. * * @param ip */ public void setIp(String ip) { this.ip = ip; } /** * Get the RTP Agent Pass. * * @return the RTP Agent Pass */ public String getPass() { return pass; } /** * Set the RTP Agent Pass. * * @param pass */ public void setPass(String pass) { this.pass = pass; } /** * Get the name of the Candidate. * * @return the name of the Candidate */ public String getName() { return name; } /** * Set the name of the Candidate. * * @param name */ public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } /** * Get the Child Element XML of the Packet * * @return the Child Element XML of the Packet */ @Override protected IQChildElementXmlStringBuilder getIQChildElementBuilder(IQChildElementXmlStringBuilder str) { str.attribute("sid", sid); str.rightAngleBracket(); if (bridgeAction.equals(BridgeAction.create)) str.append(""); else if (bridgeAction.equals(BridgeAction.change)) str.append(""); else str.append(""); return str; } /** * IQProvider for RTP Bridge packets. * Parse receive RTPBridge stanza(/packet) to a RTPBridge instance * * @author Thiago Rocha */ public static class Provider extends IQProvider { @Override public RTPBridge parse(XmlPullParser parser, int initialDepth) throws SmackException, XmlPullParserException, IOException { boolean done = false; int eventType; String elementName; if (!parser.getNamespace().equals(RTPBridge.NAMESPACE)) throw new SmackException("Not a RTP Bridge packet"); RTPBridge iq = new RTPBridge(); for (int i = 0; i < parser.getAttributeCount(); i++) { if (parser.getAttributeName(i).equals("sid")) iq.setSid(parser.getAttributeValue(i)); } // Start processing sub-elements while (!done) { eventType = parser.next(); elementName = parser.getName(); if (eventType == XmlPullParser.START_TAG) { if (elementName.equals("candidate")) { for (int i = 0; i < parser.getAttributeCount(); i++) { if (parser.getAttributeName(i).equals("ip")) iq.setIp(parser.getAttributeValue(i)); else if (parser.getAttributeName(i).equals("pass")) iq.setPass(parser.getAttributeValue(i)); else if (parser.getAttributeName(i).equals("name")) iq.setName(parser.getAttributeValue(i)); else if (parser.getAttributeName(i).equals("porta")) iq.setPortA(Integer.parseInt(parser.getAttributeValue(i))); else if (parser.getAttributeName(i).equals("portb")) iq.setPortB(Integer.parseInt(parser.getAttributeValue(i))); } } else if (elementName.equals("publicip")) { for (int i = 0; i < parser.getAttributeCount(); i++) { if (parser.getAttributeName(i).equals("ip")) iq.setIp(parser.getAttributeValue(i)); } } } else if (eventType == XmlPullParser.END_TAG) { if (parser.getName().equals(RTPBridge.ELEMENT_NAME)) { done = true; } } } return iq; } } /** * Get a new RTPBridge Candidate from the server. * If a error occurs or the server don't support RTPBridge Service, null is returned. * * @param connection * @param sessionID * @return the new RTPBridge * @throws NotConnectedException * @throws InterruptedException */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public static RTPBridge getRTPBridge(XMPPConnection connection, String sessionID) throws NotConnectedException, InterruptedException { if (!connection.isConnected()) { return null; } RTPBridge rtpPacket = new RTPBridge(sessionID); rtpPacket.setTo(RTPBridge.NAME + "." + connection.getXMPPServiceDomain()); StanzaCollector collector = connection.createStanzaCollectorAndSend(rtpPacket); RTPBridge response = collector.nextResult(); // Cancel the collector. collector.cancel(); return response; } /** * Check if the server support RTPBridge Service. * * @param connection * @return true if the server supports the RTPBridge service * @throws XMPPErrorException * @throws NoResponseException * @throws NotConnectedException * @throws InterruptedException */ public static boolean serviceAvailable(XMPPConnection connection) throws NoResponseException, XMPPErrorException, NotConnectedException, InterruptedException { if (!connection.isConnected()) { return false; } LOGGER.fine("Service listing"); ServiceDiscoveryManager disco = ServiceDiscoveryManager .getInstanceFor(connection); // DiscoverItems items = disco.discoverItems(connection.getXMPPServiceDomain()); // Iterator iter = items.getItems(); // while (iter.hasNext()) { // DiscoverItems.Item item = (DiscoverItems.Item) iter.next(); // if (item.getEntityID().startsWith("rtpbridge.")) { // return true; // } // } DiscoverInfo discoInfo = disco.discoverInfo(connection.getXMPPServiceDomain()); for (DiscoverInfo.Identity identity : discoInfo.getIdentities()) { if ((identity.getName() != null) && (identity.getName().startsWith("rtpbridge"))) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Check if the server support RTPBridge Service. * * @param connection * @return the RTPBridge * @throws NotConnectedException * @throws InterruptedException */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public static RTPBridge relaySession(XMPPConnection connection, String sessionID, String pass, TransportCandidate proxyCandidate, TransportCandidate localCandidate) throws NotConnectedException, InterruptedException { if (!connection.isConnected()) { return null; } RTPBridge rtpPacket = new RTPBridge(sessionID, RTPBridge.BridgeAction.change); rtpPacket.setTo(RTPBridge.NAME + "." + connection.getXMPPServiceDomain()); rtpPacket.setType(Type.set); rtpPacket.setPass(pass); rtpPacket.setPortA(localCandidate.getPort()); rtpPacket.setPortB(proxyCandidate.getPort()); rtpPacket.setHostA(localCandidate.getIp()); rtpPacket.setHostB(proxyCandidate.getIp()); // LOGGER.debug("Relayed to: " + candidate.getIp() + ":" + candidate.getPort()); StanzaCollector collector = connection.createStanzaCollectorAndSend(rtpPacket); RTPBridge response = collector.nextResult(); // Cancel the collector. collector.cancel(); return response; } /** * Get Public Address from the Server. * * @param xmppConnection * @return public IP String or null if not found * @throws NotConnectedException * @throws InterruptedException */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public static String getPublicIP(XMPPConnection xmppConnection) throws NotConnectedException, InterruptedException { if (!xmppConnection.isConnected()) { return null; } RTPBridge rtpPacket = new RTPBridge(RTPBridge.BridgeAction.publicip); rtpPacket.setTo(RTPBridge.NAME + "." + xmppConnection.getXMPPServiceDomain()); rtpPacket.setType(Type.set); // LOGGER.debug("Relayed to: " + candidate.getIp() + ":" + candidate.getPort()); StanzaCollector collector = xmppConnection.createStanzaCollectorAndSend(rtpPacket); RTPBridge response = collector.nextResult(); // Cancel the collector. collector.cancel(); if (response == null) return null; if (response.getIp() == null || response.getIp().equals("")) return null; Enumeration ifaces = null; try { ifaces = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces(); } catch (SocketException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "exception", e); } while (ifaces != null && ifaces.hasMoreElements()) { NetworkInterface iface = ifaces.nextElement(); Enumeration iaddresses = iface.getInetAddresses(); while (iaddresses.hasMoreElements()) { InetAddress iaddress = iaddresses.nextElement(); if (!iaddress.isLoopbackAddress()) if (iaddress.getHostAddress().indexOf(response.getIp()) >= 0) return null; } } return response.getIp(); } }