vanitasvitae e86700b040 Add OMEMO support
This commit adds the modules smack-omemo and smack-omemo-signal.
smack-omemo is licensed under the Apache license like the rest of the smack project.
smack-omemo-signal on the other hand is licensed under the GPLv3.
Due to the fact, that smack-omemo is not of much use without smack-omemo-signal,
the OMEMO feature can currently only be used by GPLv3 compatible software.
This may change in the future, when a more permissively licensed module becomes available.

Fixes SMACK-743.
2017-06-02 13:40:10 +02:00
checkstyle.xml Add OMEMO support 2017-06-02 13:40:10 +02:00
header.txt Activate checkstyle and add missing license headers 2014-02-17 20:09:55 +01:00
smack-omemo-signal-gplv3-license-header.txt Add OMEMO support 2017-06-02 13:40:10 +02:00
smack-omemo-signal-integration-test-gplv3-license-header.txt Add OMEMO support 2017-06-02 13:40:10 +02:00
suppressions.xml Remove no longer required checkstyle supression 2015-04-05 10:55:33 +02:00