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synced 2025-03-14 02:13:28 +01:00
This is a complete redesign of what was previously XmppNioTcpConnection. The new architecture allows to extend an XMPP client to server (c2s) connection with new transport bindings and other extensions.
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description = """\
Smack core components."""
ext {
xmlUnitVersion = '2.6.2'
dependencies {
compile project(':smack-xmlparser')
compile "org.jxmpp:jxmpp-core:$jxmppVersion"
compile "org.jxmpp:jxmpp-jid:$jxmppVersion"
compile "org.minidns:minidns-core:$miniDnsVersion"
testCompile project(':smack-xmlparser-stax')
testCompile project(':smack-xmlparser-xpp3')
testCompile "org.jxmpp:jxmpp-jid:$jxmppVersion:tests"
testCompile "org.xmlunit:xmlunit-core:$xmlUnitVersion"
// Explictily add assertj-core which is a dependency of
// xmlunit-assertj, but gradle fails to resolves it with:
// Execution failed for task ':smack-core:compileTestJava'.
// > Could not resolve all files for configuration ':smack-core:testCompileClasspath'.
// > Could not find org.assertj:assertj-core:.
// Required by:
// project :smack-core > org.xmlunit:xmlunit-assertj:2.6.2
testCompile "org.assertj:assertj-core:3.11.1"
testCompile "org.xmlunit:xmlunit-assertj:$xmlUnitVersion"
testCompile 'com.jamesmurty.utils:java-xmlbuilder:1.2'
testCompile 'org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk15on:1.64'
testCompile 'com.google.guava:guava:28.2-jre'
testCompile 'org.jgrapht:jgrapht-io:1.3.1'
class CreateFileTask extends DefaultTask {
String fileContent
File outputFile
def createFile() {
outputFile.text = fileContent
task createVersionResource(type: CreateFileTask) {
fileContent = version + ' (' + gitCommit + ' ' + builtDate + ')'
outputFile = new File(projectDir, 'src/main/resources/org.jivesoftware.smack/version')