Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/vanitasvitae/Smack.git synced 2024-09-26 01:29:32 +02:00
Florian Schmaus a7b3303f3e Bump ErrorProne to 2.5.1 and refactor Providers a bit
This also resulted in a refactoring of the Providers and parsing
Exceptions. NumberFormatException and ParseException can now be thrown
directly, the wrapping in a SmackParsingException is down at a higher
layer, i.e. in AbstractProvider.
2021-01-29 09:26:15 +01:00

355 lines
15 KiB

* Copyright Paul Schaub
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.jivesoftware.smackx.omemo;
import static junit.framework.TestCase.assertEquals;
import static junit.framework.TestCase.assertFalse;
import static junit.framework.TestCase.assertNotNull;
import static junit.framework.TestCase.assertNotSame;
import static junit.framework.TestCase.assertNull;
import static junit.framework.TestCase.assertSame;
import static junit.framework.TestCase.assertTrue;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import org.jivesoftware.smackx.omemo.exceptions.CorruptedOmemoKeyException;
import org.jivesoftware.smackx.omemo.internal.OmemoCachedDeviceList;
import org.jivesoftware.smackx.omemo.internal.OmemoDevice;
import org.jivesoftware.smackx.omemo.trust.OmemoFingerprint;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.rules.TemporaryFolder;
import org.jxmpp.jid.impl.JidCreate;
import org.jxmpp.stringprep.XmppStringprepException;
public abstract class OmemoStoreTest<T_IdKeyPair, T_IdKey, T_PreKey, T_SigPreKey, T_Sess, T_Addr, T_ECPub, T_Bundle, T_Ciph> {
protected final OmemoStore<T_IdKeyPair, T_IdKey, T_PreKey, T_SigPreKey, T_Sess, T_Addr, T_ECPub, T_Bundle, T_Ciph> store;
private final OmemoDevice alice, bob;
private static final TemporaryFolder tmp = initStaticTemp();
OmemoStoreTest(OmemoStore<T_IdKeyPair, T_IdKey, T_PreKey, T_SigPreKey, T_Sess, T_Addr, T_ECPub, T_Bundle, T_Ciph> store)
throws XmppStringprepException {
this.store = store;
alice = new OmemoDevice(JidCreate.bareFrom("alice@wonderland.lit"), 123);
bob = new OmemoDevice(JidCreate.bareFrom("bob@builder.tv"), 987);
// Tests
public void keyUtilNotNull() {
public void generateOmemoIdentityKeyPairDoesNotReturnNull() {
public void identityKeyFromIdentityKeyPairIsNotNull() {
T_IdKeyPair pair = store.generateOmemoIdentityKeyPair();
public void storeLoadRemoveOmemoIdentityKeyPair()
throws IOException, CorruptedOmemoKeyException {
T_IdKeyPair before = store.generateOmemoIdentityKeyPair();
store.storeOmemoIdentityKeyPair(alice, before);
T_IdKeyPair after = store.loadOmemoIdentityKeyPair(alice);
// Fingerprints equal
// Byte-representation equals
// Non-existing keypair
assertNull("Must return null for non-existing key pairs.", store.loadOmemoIdentityKeyPair(bob));
// Deleting works
public void storeLoadRemoveOmemoIdentityKey()
throws IOException, CorruptedOmemoKeyException {
// Create IdentityKeys and get bytes
T_IdKey keyA1 = store.keyUtil().identityKeyFromPair(store.generateOmemoIdentityKeyPair());
T_IdKey keyB1 = store.keyUtil().identityKeyFromPair(store.generateOmemoIdentityKeyPair());
byte[] bytesA1 = store.keyUtil().identityKeyToBytes(keyA1);
byte[] bytesB = store.keyUtil().identityKeyToBytes(keyB1);
// Not null and not of length 0
assertNotNull("Serialized identityKey cannot be null.", bytesA1);
assertNotNull("Serialized identityKey cannot be null.", bytesB);
assertNotSame("Serialized identityKey must be of length > 0.", 0, bytesA1.length);
assertNotSame("Serialized identityKey must be of length > 0.", 0, bytesB.length);
// Keys do not equal
assertFalse("Generated IdentityKeys must not be equal (ULTRA unlikely).",
Arrays.equals(bytesA1, bytesB));
// Loading must return null before and not null after saving
assertNull("Must return null, the store could not have this key by now.",
store.loadOmemoIdentityKey(alice, bob));
store.storeOmemoIdentityKey(alice, bob, keyA1);
T_IdKey keyA2 = store.loadOmemoIdentityKey(alice, bob);
// Loaded key must equal stored one
byte[] bytesA2 = store.keyUtil().identityKeyToBytes(keyA2);
assertTrue("Serialized loaded key must equal serialized stored one.",
Arrays.equals(bytesA1, bytesA2));
// Non-existing keys must return null
assertNull("Non-existing keys must be returned as null.", store.loadOmemoIdentityKey(bob, alice));
// Key must vanish when deleted.
store.removeOmemoIdentityKey(alice, bob);
assertNull(store.loadOmemoIdentityKey(alice, bob));
public void generateOmemoPreKeys() {
TreeMap<Integer, T_PreKey> keys = store.generateOmemoPreKeys(31, 49);
assertNotNull("Generated data structure must not be null.", keys);
byte[] lastKey = null;
for (int i = 31; i <= 79; i++) {
assertEquals("Key ids must be ascending order, starting at 31.", Integer.valueOf(i), keys.firstKey());
assertNotNull("Every id must match to a key.", keys.get(keys.firstKey()));
byte[] bytes = store.keyUtil().preKeyToBytes(keys.get(keys.firstKey()));
assertNotNull("Serialized preKey must not be null.", bytes);
assertNotSame("Serialized preKey must not be of length 0.", 0, bytes.length);
if (lastKey != null) {
assertFalse("PreKeys MUST NOT be equal.", Arrays.equals(lastKey, bytes));
lastKey = bytes;
assertEquals("After deleting 49 keys, there must be no keys left.", 0, keys.size());
public void storeLoadRemoveOmemoPreKeys()
throws IOException, InterruptedException {
TreeMap<Integer, T_PreKey> before = store.generateOmemoPreKeys(1, 10);
assertEquals("The store must have no prekeys before this test.", 0, store.loadOmemoPreKeys(alice).size());
store.storeOmemoPreKeys(alice, before);
TreeMap<Integer, T_PreKey> after = store.loadOmemoPreKeys(alice);
assertNotNull("Loaded preKeys must not be null.", after);
assertEquals("Loaded preKey count must equal stored count.", before.size(), after.size());
// Non-existing key must be returned as null
assertNull("Non-existing preKey must be returned as null.", store.loadOmemoPreKey(alice, 10000));
int last = after.size();
for (int i = 1; i <= last; i++) {
T_PreKey bKey = before.get(i);
T_PreKey aKey = after.get(i);
assertTrue("Loaded keys must equal stored ones.", Arrays.equals(
T_PreKey rKey = store.loadOmemoPreKey(alice, i);
assertNotNull("Randomly accessed preKeys must not be null.", rKey);
assertTrue("Randomly accessed preKeys must equal the stored ones.", Arrays.equals(
store.removeOmemoPreKey(alice, i);
assertNull("PreKey must be null after deletion.", store.loadOmemoPreKey(alice, i));
TreeMap<Integer, T_PreKey> postDeletion = store.loadOmemoPreKeys(alice);
assertSame("PreKey count must equal 0 after deletion of all keys.", 0, postDeletion.size());
public void storeLoadRemoveOmemoSignedPreKeys()
throws IOException, CorruptedOmemoKeyException {
TreeMap<Integer, T_SigPreKey> before = store.loadOmemoSignedPreKeys(alice);
assertEquals("At this stage, there must be no signed prekeys in the store.", 0, before.size());
T_IdKeyPair idp = store.generateOmemoIdentityKeyPair();
T_SigPreKey spk = store.generateOmemoSignedPreKey(idp, 125);
assertNotNull("SignedPreKey must not be null.", spk);
assertEquals("ID of signedPreKey must match.", 125, store.keyUtil().signedPreKeyIdFromKey(spk));
byte[] bytes = store.keyUtil().signedPreKeyToBytes(spk);
assertNotNull("Serialized signedPreKey must not be null", bytes);
assertNotSame("Serialized signedPreKey must not be of length 0.", 0, bytes.length);
// Stored key must equal loaded key
store.storeOmemoSignedPreKey(alice, 125, spk);
TreeMap<Integer, T_SigPreKey> after = store.loadOmemoSignedPreKeys(alice);
assertEquals("We must have exactly 1 signedPreKey now.", 1, after.size());
T_SigPreKey spk2 = after.get(after.firstKey());
assertEquals("Id of the stored signedPreKey must match the one we stored.",
125, store.keyUtil().signedPreKeyIdFromKey(spk2));
assertTrue("Serialization of stored and loaded signed preKey must equal.", Arrays.equals(
store.keyUtil().signedPreKeyToBytes(spk), store.keyUtil().signedPreKeyToBytes(spk2)));
// Random access
T_SigPreKey rspk = store.loadOmemoSignedPreKey(alice, 125);
assertTrue("Serialization of stored and randomly accessed signed preKey must equal.", Arrays.equals(
store.keyUtil().signedPreKeyToBytes(spk), store.keyUtil().signedPreKeyToBytes(rspk)));
assertNull("Non-existing signedPreKey must be returned as null.",
store.loadOmemoSignedPreKey(alice, 10000));
// Deleting
store.removeOmemoSignedPreKey(alice, 125);
assertNull("Deleted key must be returned as null.", store.loadOmemoSignedPreKey(alice, 125));
assertEquals(0, store.loadOmemoSignedPreKeys(alice).size());
public void loadStoreDateOfLastSignedPreKeyRenewal() throws IOException {
assertNull("The date of last signed preKey renewal must be null at this stage.",
Date before = new Date();
store.setDateOfLastSignedPreKeyRenewal(alice, before);
Date after = store.getDateOfLastSignedPreKeyRenewal(alice);
assertEquals("Dates must equal.", after, before);
public void loadStoreDateOfLastMessageReceived() throws IOException {
assertNull("The date of last message received must be null at this stage.",
store.getDateOfLastReceivedMessage(alice, bob));
Date before = new Date();
store.setDateOfLastReceivedMessage(alice, bob, before);
Date after = store.getDateOfLastReceivedMessage(alice, bob);
assertEquals("Dates must equal.", after, before);
public void loadStoreCachedDeviceList() throws IOException {
Integer[] active = new Integer[] {1, 5, 999, 10};
Integer[] inactive = new Integer[] {6, 7, 8};
OmemoCachedDeviceList before = new OmemoCachedDeviceList(
new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(active)),
new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(inactive)));
assertNotNull("Loading a non-existent cached deviceList must return an empty list.",
store.loadCachedDeviceList(alice, bob.getJid()));
store.storeCachedDeviceList(alice, bob.getJid(), before);
OmemoCachedDeviceList after = store.loadCachedDeviceList(alice, bob.getJid());
assertTrue("Loaded deviceList must not be empty", after.getAllDevices().size() != 0);
assertEquals("Number of entries in active devices must match.", active.length, after.getActiveDevices().size());
assertEquals("Number of entries in inactive devices must match.", inactive.length, after.getInactiveDevices().size());
assertEquals("Number of total entries must match.", active.length + inactive.length, after.getAllDevices().size());
for (Integer a : active) {
for (Integer i : inactive) {
store.storeCachedDeviceList(alice, bob.getJid(), new OmemoCachedDeviceList());
assertEquals("DeviceList must be empty after overwriting it with empty list.", 0,
store.loadCachedDeviceList(alice, bob.getJid()).getAllDevices().size());
public void loadAllRawSessionsReturnsEmptyMapTest() throws IOException {
HashMap<Integer, T_Sess> sessions = store.loadAllRawSessionsOf(alice, bob.getJid());
assertEquals(0, sessions.size());
public void loadNonExistentRawSessionReturnsNullTest() throws IOException {
T_Sess session = store.loadRawSession(alice, bob);
public void loadStoreMessageCounterTest() throws IOException {
assertEquals(0, store.loadOmemoMessageCounter(alice, bob));
store.storeOmemoMessageCounter(alice, bob, 20);
assertEquals(20, store.loadOmemoMessageCounter(alice, bob));
public void getFingerprint() throws IOException, CorruptedOmemoKeyException {
assertNull("Method must return null for a non-existent fingerprint.", store.getFingerprint(alice));
store.storeOmemoIdentityKeyPair(alice, store.generateOmemoIdentityKeyPair());
OmemoFingerprint fingerprint = store.getFingerprint(alice);
assertNotNull("fingerprint must not be null", fingerprint);
assertEquals("Fingerprint must be of length 64", 64, fingerprint.length());
store.removeOmemoIdentityKeyPair(alice); //clean up
// ##############################################################
// Workaround for https://github.com/junit-team/junit4/issues/671
static TemporaryFolder initStaticTemp() {
try {
return new TemporaryFolder() { { before(); } };
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw new RuntimeException(t);
public static void cleanup() throws Exception {
// ##############################################################