Open navigation drawer Close navigation drawer Reload Close Cancel Settings Notifications Conversations Stream Profile Aspects Activities Liked Commented Mentions Public Search Contacts Changelog Statistics All Notifications Also Commented Comment on Post Liked Mentioned Reshared Started Sharing Error: Could not retrieve list of pods! Sorry, you must be connected to the Internet to proceed Confirmation Do you want to exit? More About | Help Followed Tags Public activities Reports Share link as text Share screenshot of webpage Take screenshot of webpage Saving image to Saving screenshot as: Link address copied … New post Go to top Search by tags or persons Exit app Toggle mobile/desktop view Share… by tags by people Please add a name Share link address Save image Share image Open in external browser… Copy link address to clipboard Copy image address to clipboard Unable to load image You must grant \"Access Storage Permission\" to save screenshots. After that you should completely close the app or restart the device. If you don\'t permit the storage access but want to use the screenshot function at a later time, you can grant the permission later. Please open then: systemsettings - apps - dandelion*. In the permissions section you can grant the \"write storage permission\". You must grant \"Access Storage Permission\" to save/upload images. After that you should completely close the app or restart the device. If you don\'t permit the storage access but want to save images at a later time, you can grant the permission later. Please open then: systemsettings - apps - dandelion*. In the permissions section you can grant the \"write storage permission\". Permission denied. Permission granted. Please try again. Custom Pod Pod name Protocol Pod address Missing value Jump to last visited page in stream? Hide statusbar at main view Hide statusbar Show title in the main view Show title Launcher shortcut Top toolbar loads stream Click an empty space in the top toolbar to open the stream Appearance Network Pod settings Operability Navigation Slider Control visibility of entries in the navigation drawer User General Admin Theme and Colors Control which colors are used throughout the app Primary Color Color of the toolbars Accent Color Color of the progressbar AMOLED Mode Override colors with AMOLED display friendly black at many parts of the app. You need to restart to toggle this setting. To browse diaspora* in dark you also need to activate the Dark theme, which can be found in your personal diaspora* account settings. Extended Notifications Extend the notifications bell with a dropdown menu that shows notification categories Change language of this app. Restart app for changes to take effect Language System language Control text size of the WebView Font size Normal Large Huge Load images Toggle image loading to eg. save mobile data Screen rotation Control automatic screen rotation Default Sensor\n(ignore system settings) Portrait Landscape Load Tor Preset Load proxy settings for Tor (Orbot) HTTP Proxy Proxy Enable Proxy Proxy dandelion*\'s traffic to circumvent firewalls.\nMay require restart. This might not work on some phones. Host Port App needs to restart to disable proxy usage Orbot proxy preset loaded Open external links with Chrome Custom Tabs. Chromium, Firefox or Google Chrome needs to be installed in order to use this feature. \nIMPORTANT NOTE: Chrome Custom Tabs do not use configured proxy servers! Personal settings Open your diaspora* account settings Manage your contact list Manage Hashtags Unfollow already followed hashtags Change Account Erase local session data and switch to another diaspora* pod/account This will erase all cookies and session data. Do you really want to change your account? Clear cache Clear WebView cache Automatically hide top and bottom toolbars while scrolling Intellihide Toolbars Append shared-by-notice Append a reference to this app to shared texts: [via #dandelion] Miscellaneous Full Reset Locally wipe all settings related to the app and log out from all accounts This will reset all changed settings of the app to their default values and log you out from all pods. Your downloaded images will stay untouched. Are you sure you want to proceed? Enable basic AdBlocker. Ads may be included e.g. in embedded views Block advertisements About License Debugging Application Device diaspora* Pod Debug Log Debug Log (Verbose) App Version: %1$s Android Version: %1$s Device Name: %1$s Codename: %1$s Pod Profile Name: %1$s Pod Domain: %1$s Debug log copied to clipboard dandelion* is your companion app for browsing the social network diaspora*. It adds features like useful toolbars and support for proxy servers like the Tor Network to your social experience. Contribute Code! dandelion* is developed free as in Freedom and follows the ideas of the diaspora* project. If you want to contribute, go ahead! Currently we are a very small team, so we greatly appreciate any kind of help! Get the source Translate the App! The app is not available in your language? You can change that! Why don\'t you help us by translating it? We use Stringlate to enable anyone to translate the app. Let me translate Give Feedback! dandelion* is still in development, so if you have suggestions or any kind of feedback, please use our bug tracker to let us know! Report Bugs Spread the word! Tell your friends and family about diaspora* and #dandelion! Why don\'t you blog about your experiences? We\'d love to hear from you! Share the app Hey! Check out #dandelion! %1$s Maintainers This app is currently being developed and maintained by <br><br>%1$s Contributors %1$s<br><br>Thank you! GNU GPLv3+ License Third-Party Libraries The following libraries are used: We took some inspiration and code from LeafPic. Go check it out, it\'s free software as well! Tell me more Enable to open Youtube links on external app Youtube links Change the theme of your account Pull to refresh Pulling down on top of page to refresh.\nYou need to restart the app for changes to take effect. Donate Do you like this project? Do you want that it gets improved and problems fixed?\n\nDeveloping apps and writing related blog posts costs a lot of time! If you want to help so that the project can go on, please consider a small donation!\n\nThis project is developed in leisure time, completely for free and without any advertisements!