# Diaspora This is an unofficial webview based client for the community-run, distributed social network "Diaspora". It's currently under development and should be used with that in mind. Please submit any bugs you might find. ### License It's released under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE (see LICENCE). ### Native It's "native" because it's developed in Java + the Android SDK (Android Studio). Other Diaspora clients are developed using frameworks like AppCelerator Titanium. A native app will always be more efficient and almost certainly be faster and make better use of the resources of the device. ### "WebApp" It's a WebApp because at this moment Diaspora doesn't have an API that can be used to create a native interface to retrieve the user's data, publications, direct messages and so on, that's why there are only WebApps for Diaspora out there. Why a WebApp is better than using the mobile site on a browser? Basically it provides better integration with the system (events coming into and going out of the app), notifications, customized interface and functions and a nice little icon that takes you directly to your favorite social network :) ### System Requirements The minimum version supported is Ice Cream Sandwitch, Android version 4.0.3 (or API 15) ### Permissions It requires access to the Internet and to external storage to be able to upload photos when creating a new post and for taking screenshots. - Download [APK](https://github.com/scoute-dich/Diaspora/releases) - Watch [Changelog](https://github.com/scoute-dich/Diaspora/blob/master/CHANGELOG.mg) - See [license](https://github.com/scoute-dich/Diaspora/blob/master/LICENSE.md)