About License Debugging Application Device Diaspora Pod Debug Log Debug Log (Verbose) App Version: %1$s Android Version: %1$s Device Name: %1$s Codename: %1$s Pod Profile Name: %1$s Pod Domain: %1$s Debug log copied to clipboard @string/diaspora_for_android DiasporaForAndroid is your companion app for browsing the social network diaspora*. It adds features like useful toolbars and support for proxy servers like the Tor Network to your social experience. Contribute Code! DiasporaForAndroid is developed free as in Freedom and follows the ideas of the diaspora* project. If you want to contribute, go ahead! Currently we are a very small team, so we greatly appreciate any kind of help! Get the source https://github.com/Diaspora-for-Android/diaspora-android Translate the App! The app is not available in your language? You can change that! Why don\'t you help us by translating it? We use the crowdin platform to enable anyone to translate the app. Let me translate https://crowdin.com/project/diaspora-for-android/invite Give Feedback! DiasporaForAndroid is still in development, so if you have suggestions or any kind of feedback, please use our bug tracker to let us know! Report Bugs https://github.com/Diaspora-for-Android/diaspora-android/issues Spread the word! Tell your friends and family about diaspora* and #DiasporaForAndroid! Why don\'t you blog about your experiences? We\'d love to hear from you! Share the app Hey! Check out #DiasporaForAndroid! %1$s https://f-droid.org/repository/browse/?fdid=com.github.dfa.diaspora_android Maintainers This app is currently being developed and maintained by <br><br>%1$s Contributors %1$s<br><br>Thank you! License Copyright © 2015-2016 \nThis program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. \n \nThis program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. GNU GPLv3+ License https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html Thirdparty Libraries The following libraries are used: Miscellaneous We took some inspiration and code from LeafPic. Go check it out, its free software as well! Tell me more https://github.com/HoraApps/LeafPic