diff --git a/book/source/02-highlevel.md b/book/source/02-highlevel.md index 6654e3d..2070068 100644 --- a/book/source/02-highlevel.md +++ b/book/source/02-highlevel.md @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ Significant support for OpenPGP version 6 has already been achieved for multiple There is [ongoing work](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-wussler-openpgp-pqc/) to standardize and add support for post-quantum public-key algorithms in OpenPGP. This project is funded by the [german "BSI"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Office_for_Information_Security). Goals include adding support for post-quantum cryptography to Thunderbird and GnuPG. A [presentation](https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/113/materials/slides-113-openpgp-a-post-quantum-approach-for-openpgp-00) was given at [IETF 113](https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/113/session/openpgp/). ```{admonition} TODO -Ch1 needs a "how to read this document" section and each of the Zoom-in sections needs its "you've landed here so let's explain this to you" line of some kind +each of the Zoom-in sections needs its "you've landed here so let's explain this to you" line of some kind ``` ## Zooming in: Internal structure of OpenPGP data