diff --git a/book/source/diag/OpenPGP_Certificate.png b/book/source/diag/OpenPGP_Certificate.png index a6288ba..94fa47a 100644 Binary files a/book/source/diag/OpenPGP_Certificate.png and b/book/source/diag/OpenPGP_Certificate.png differ diff --git a/book/source/diag/OpenPGP_Certificate.svg b/book/source/diag/OpenPGP_Certificate.svg index 363a762..af0bd64 100644 --- a/book/source/diag/OpenPGP_Certificate.svg +++ b/book/source/diag/OpenPGP_Certificate.svg @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ OpenPGP Certificate- key creation timeComponent Key (primary)AAA1 8CBB 2546 85C5 8358 3205 63FD 37B6 7F33 00F9 FB0E C457 378C D29F 1026 98B3certification- key creation timeD07B 24EC 91A1 4DD2 40AC 2D53 E6C8 A9E0 D07B 24EC 91A1 4DD2 40AC 2D53 E6C8 A9E0 5494 9A41 222E A738 576E D19C AEA3 DC995494 9A41 222E A738 576E D19C AEA3 DC99signingsigning- key creation time- key creation timeC0A5 8384 A438 E5A1 4F73 7124 26A4 D45D C0A5 8384 A438 E5A1 4F73 7124 26A4 D45D BAEE F4A3 9E6B 30B0 9D55 13F9 78AC CA94BAEE F4A3 9E6B 30B0 9D55 13F9 78AC CA94- key creation timeComponent Key (primary)AAA1 8CBB 2546 85C5 8358 3205 63FD 37B6 7F33 00F9 FB0E C457 378C D29F 1026 98B3certification- key creation timeAliceUser IDAlice Adams <alice@example.org>User ID + d="m 1267.0829,530.50891 -5.088,-11.2 h -1.584 l -5.072,11.2 h 1.648 l 1.232,-2.8 h 5.952 l 1.232,2.8 z m -5.888,-9.568 2.416,5.488 h -4.832 z m 8.864,9.568 v -11.872 h -1.536 v 11.872 z m 3.696,-10.112 c 0.608,0 1.04,-0.448 1.04,-1.024 0,-0.544 -0.448,-0.976 -1.04,-0.976 -0.592,0 -1.04,0.448 -1.04,1.008 0,0.56 0.448,0.992 1.04,0.992 z m 0.768,10.112 v -8.48 h -1.536 v 8.48 z m 6.6239,0.096 c 1.52,0 2.784,-0.64 3.456,-1.824 l -1.168,-0.736 c -0.544,0.832 -1.376,1.216 -2.304,1.216 -1.664,0 -2.912,-1.152 -2.912,-2.992 0,-1.808 1.248,-2.976 2.912,-2.976 0.928,0 1.76,0.384 2.304,1.216 l 1.168,-0.752 c -0.672,-1.184 -1.936,-1.808 -3.456,-1.808 -2.608,0 -4.48,1.792 -4.48,4.32 0,2.528 1.872,4.336 4.48,4.336 z m 12.976,-4.288 c 0,-2.608 -1.744,-4.368 -4.192,-4.368 -2.448,0 -4.256,1.808 -4.256,4.32 0,2.528 1.824,4.336 4.56,4.336 1.408,0 2.576,-0.48 3.344,-1.376 l -0.848,-0.992 c -0.624,0.688 -1.456,1.024 -2.448,1.024 -1.68,0 -2.88,-0.992 -3.072,-2.48 h 6.88 c 0.016,-0.144 0.032,-0.336 0.032,-0.464 z m -4.192,-3.072 c 1.488,0 2.56,1.008 2.72,2.432 h -5.44 c 0.16,-1.44 1.248,-2.432 2.72,-2.432 z m 20.896,7.264 -5.088,-11.2 h -1.584 l -5.072,11.2 h 1.648 l 1.232,-2.8 h 5.952 l 1.232,2.8 z m -5.888,-9.568 2.416,5.488 h -4.832 z m 13.712,2.368 c -0.704,-0.912 -1.76,-1.36 -2.96,-1.36 -2.48,0 -4.288,1.728 -4.288,4.32 0,2.592 1.808,4.336 4.288,4.336 1.248,0 2.336,-0.48 3.024,-1.44 v 1.344 h 1.472 v -11.872 h -1.536 z m -2.832,5.952 c -1.632,0 -2.864,-1.184 -2.864,-2.992 0,-1.808 1.232,-2.976 2.864,-2.976 1.616,0 2.848,1.168 2.848,2.976 0,1.808 -1.232,2.992 -2.848,2.992 z m 10.368,-7.312 c -1.36,0 -2.624,0.384 -3.504,1.088 l 0.64,1.152 c 0.656,-0.56 1.68,-0.912 2.688,-0.912 1.52,0 2.272,0.752 2.272,2.048 v 0.304 h -2.432 c -2.528,0 -3.408,1.12 -3.408,2.48 0,1.472 1.216,2.496 3.136,2.496 1.328,0 2.272,-0.448 2.784,-1.216 v 1.12 h 1.456 v -5.12 c 0,-2.32 -1.312,-3.44 -3.632,-3.44 z m -0.352,7.472 c -1.168,0 -1.872,-0.528 -1.872,-1.376 0,-0.72 0.432,-1.312 1.952,-1.312 h 2.368 v 1.184 c -0.384,0.976 -1.296,1.504 -2.448,1.504 z m 17.44,-7.472 c -1.44,0 -2.624,0.608 -3.264,1.568 -0.56,-1.056 -1.648,-1.568 -2.944,-1.568 -1.28,0 -2.32,0.48 -2.928,1.344 v -1.264 h -1.472 v 8.48 h 1.536 v -4.368 c 0,-1.84 1.008,-2.816 2.544,-2.816 1.392,0 2.192,0.816 2.192,2.48 v 4.704 h 1.536 v -4.368 c 0,-1.84 1.008,-2.816 2.544,-2.816 1.392,0 2.192,0.816 2.192,2.48 v 4.704 h 1.536 v -4.88 c 0,-2.496 -1.408,-3.68 -3.472,-3.68 z m 8.736,8.656 c 2.256,0 3.664,-0.976 3.664,-2.512 0,-3.296 -5.376,-1.664 -5.376,-3.664 0,-0.672 0.656,-1.168 2,-1.168 0.832,0 1.68,0.176 2.448,0.672 l 0.656,-1.216 c -0.736,-0.48 -1.984,-0.768 -3.088,-0.768 -2.176,0 -3.536,1.024 -3.536,2.544 0,3.376 5.36,1.728 5.36,3.632 0,0.72 -0.592,1.152 -2.016,1.152 -1.104,0 -2.256,-0.368 -2.976,-0.88 l -0.64,1.216 c 0.704,0.56 2.096,0.992 3.504,0.992 z" + id="path47-6-2-5" /> diff --git a/book/source/diag/asymmetric_keypair.png b/book/source/diag/asymmetric_keypair.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..088b3c4 Binary files /dev/null and b/book/source/diag/asymmetric_keypair.png differ diff --git a/book/source/diag/asymmetric_keypair.svg b/book/source/diag/asymmetric_keypair.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d7ef94a --- /dev/null +++ b/book/source/diag/asymmetric_keypair.svg @@ -0,0 +1,221 @@ + +Asymmetric keypairPublic KeyPrivate Key diff --git a/book/source/diag/diag_library_draft.svg b/book/source/diag/diag_library_draft.svg index 6d6f63b..74e1e0f 100644 --- a/book/source/diag/diag_library_draft.svg +++ b/book/source/diag/diag_library_draft.svg @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ Sea green#18A589OpenPGP Certificate- key creation timeComponent Key (primary)AAA1 8CBB 2546 85C5 8358 3205 63FD 37B6 7F33 00F9 FB0E C457 378C D29F 1026 98B3certification- key creation timeD07B 24EC 91A1 4DD2 40AC 2D53 E6C8 A9E0 D07B 24EC 91A1 4DD2 40AC 2D53 E6C8 A9E0 5494 9A41 222E A738 576E D19C AEA3 DC995494 9A41 222E A738 576E D19C AEA3 DC99signingsigning- key creation time- key creation timeC0A5 8384 A438 E5A1 4F73 7124 26A4 D45D C0A5 8384 A438 E5A1 4F73 7124 26A4 D45D BAEE F4A3 9E6B 30B0 9D55 13F9 78AC CA94BAEE F4A3 9E6B 30B0 9D55 13F9 78AC CA94- key creation timeComponent Key (primary)AAA1 8CBB 2546 85C5 8358 3205 63FD 37B6 7F33 00F9 FB0E C457 378C D29F 1026 98B3certification- key creation timeAliceUser IDAlice Adams <alice@example.org>User IDCryptographic keypairPublic KeyPrivate KeyFingerprint of an OpenPGP Fingerprint of an OpenPGP component key component key - key creation timeComponent KeyComponent Key- key creation timeC0A5 8384 A438 E5A1 4F73 7124 26A4 D45D C0A5 8384 A438 E5A1 4F73 7124 26A4 D45D BAEE F4A3 9E6B 30B0 9D55 13F9 78AC CA94BAEE F4A3 9E6B 30B0 9D55 13F9 78AC CA94FingerprintPrimary key creates a "subkey binding signature" to bind the subkey to the primary keySubkeys- key creation time- key creation timeComponent Key Component Key AAA1 8CBB 2546 85C5 8358 3205 63FD 37B6 7F33 00F9 FB0E C457 378C D29F 1026 98B3certificationAAA1 8CBB 2546 85C5 8358 3205 63FD 37B6 7F33 00F9 FB0E C457 378C D29F 1026 98B3certificationD07B 24EC 91A1 4DD2 40AC 2D53 E6C8 A9E0 D07B 24EC 91A1 4DD2 40AC 2D53 E6C8 A9E0 5494 9A41 222E A738 576E D19C AEA3 DC995494 9A41 222E A738 576E D19C AEA3 DC99C0A5 8384 A438 E5A1 4F73 7124 26A4 D45D C0A5 8384 A438 E5A1 4F73 7124 26A4 D45D BAEE F4A3 9E6B 30B0 9D55 13F9 78AC CA94BAEE F4A3 9E6B 30B0 9D55 13F9 78AC CA94D07B 24EC 91A1 4DD2 40AC 2D53 E6C8 A9E0 D07B 24EC 91A1 4DD2 40AC 2D53 E6C8 A9E0 5494 9A41 222E A738 576E D19C AEA3 DC995494 9A41 222E A738 576E D19C AEA3 DC99C0A5 8384 A438 E5A1 4F73 7124 26A4 D45D C0A5 8384 A438 E5A1 4F73 7124 26A4 D45D BAEE F4A3 9E6B 30B0 9D55 13F9 78AC CA94BAEE F4A3 9E6B 30B0 9D55 13F9 78AC CA94OpenPGP primary key + id="path251" />- key creation timeComponent Key- key creation timeComponent Key (primary)AAA1 8CBB 2546 85C5 8358 3205 63FD 37B6 7F33 00F9 FB0E C457 378C D29F 1026 98B3certificationUser IDs- key creation timeComponent Key (primary)AAA1 8CBB 2546 85C5 8358 3205 63FD 37B6 7F33 00F9 FB0E C457 378C D29F 1026 98B3certificationSubkey binding signatureComponent KeyencryptionC0A5 8384 A438 E5A1 4F73 7124 26A4 D45D BAEE F4A3 9E6B 30B0 9D55 13F9 78AC CA94- key creation timeComponent Key (primary)AAA1 8CBB 2546 85C5 8358 3205 63FD 37B6 7F33 00F9 FB0E C457 378C D29F 1026 98B3certification- key creation timeSubkey binding signature- signature creation time- key expiration time- key flags- issuer fingerprintAdditional MetadataSignature over:- primary key- subkeyAsymmetric keypairPublic KeyPrivate KeySymmetric keyPublic part of an asymmetric keypairPublic Key diff --git a/book/source/diag/public_key.png b/book/source/diag/public_key.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ff548d8 Binary files /dev/null and b/book/source/diag/public_key.png differ diff --git a/book/source/diag/public_key.svg b/book/source/diag/public_key.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8bd2492 --- /dev/null +++ b/book/source/diag/public_key.svg @@ -0,0 +1,129 @@ + +Public part of an asymmetric keypairPublic Key diff --git a/book/source/diag/subkey_binding_signature.png b/book/source/diag/subkey_binding_signature.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b4f37b6 Binary files /dev/null and b/book/source/diag/subkey_binding_signature.png differ diff --git a/book/source/diag/subkey_binding_signature.svg b/book/source/diag/subkey_binding_signature.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e42149c --- /dev/null +++ b/book/source/diag/subkey_binding_signature.svg @@ -0,0 +1,871 @@ + +C0A5 8384 A438 E5A1 4F73 7124 26A4 D45D BAEE F4A3 9E6B 30B0 9D55 13F9 78AC CA94FingerprintPrimary key creates a "subkey binding signature" to bind the subkey to the primary keySubkey binding signatureComponent KeyencryptionC0A5 8384 A438 E5A1 4F73 7124 26A4 D45D BAEE F4A3 9E6B 30B0 9D55 13F9 78AC CA94- key creation timeComponent Key (primary)AAA1 8CBB 2546 85C5 8358 3205 63FD 37B6 7F33 00F9 FB0E C457 378C D29F 1026 98B3certification- key creation timeSubkey binding signature- signature creation time- key expiration time- key flags- issuer fingerprintAdditional MetadataSignature over:- primary key- subkey diff --git a/book/source/diag/symmetric_key.png b/book/source/diag/symmetric_key.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..42dc447 Binary files /dev/null and b/book/source/diag/symmetric_key.png differ diff --git a/book/source/diag/symmetric_key.svg b/book/source/diag/symmetric_key.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8d556c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/book/source/diag/symmetric_key.svg @@ -0,0 +1,194 @@ + +Symmetric key diff --git a/book/source/diag/user_ids.png b/book/source/diag/user_ids.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e479b8c Binary files /dev/null and b/book/source/diag/user_ids.png differ diff --git a/book/source/diag/user_ids.svg b/book/source/diag/user_ids.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8845160 --- /dev/null +++ b/book/source/diag/user_ids.svg @@ -0,0 +1,499 @@ + +C0A5 8384 A438 E5A1 4F73 7124 26A4 D45D BAEE F4A3 9E6B 30B0 9D55 13F9 78AC CA94FingerprintPrimary key creates a "subkey binding signature" to bind the subkey to the primary key- key creation timeComponent Key (primary)AAA1 8CBB 2546 85C5 8358 3205 63FD 37B6 7F33 00F9 FB0E C457 378C D29F 1026 98B3certificationUser IDs