diff --git a/book/source/08-signing_components.md b/book/source/08-signing_components.md
index 0a9e699..8bfc50f 100644
--- a/book/source/08-signing_components.md
+++ b/book/source/08-signing_components.md
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ In this chapter, we'll consider OpenPGP signatures that apply to components. Tha
 This chapter adds a lot of detail to the material we discussed in the {ref}`certificates_chapter` chapter. Signatures on components are a crucial mechanism for forming OpenPGP certificates (which combine component keys and identities, via signatures on those components).
-Additionally, signatures on components play a crucial role for authentication of identities. Mechanisms for decentralized authentication are one of OpenPGP's core strenghts, we'll look into how they work.
+Additionally, signatures on components play a crucial role for authentication of identities. Mechanisms for decentralized authentication are one of OpenPGP's core strengths, we'll look into how they work.
 Finally, signatures on components are also a central mechanism for life-cycle management of OpenPGP certificates and their components. This includes defining or changing expiration dates, or issuing revocations, for certificates or their components.
diff --git a/book/tmp/06-terminology.md b/book/tmp/06-terminology.md
index 9e40dd7..14b1a74 100644
--- a/book/tmp/06-terminology.md
+++ b/book/tmp/06-terminology.md
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ flowchart LR
     selfcert --> skbind & skrev
     selfcert & 3rdcert --> certification
     certification --> uidcert & uidrev & dksig & krev
-    subgraph Siganture Types and Targets
+    subgraph Signature Types and Targets
         standalone[0x02: Standalone]
         subgraph Signature Packet
             confsig[0x50: Third-Party Confirmation]