# Notes on OpenPGP The "Notes on OpenPGP" project aims to produce accessible documentation for the OpenPGP ecosystem. # OpenPGP for application developers A book for application developers who want to integrate OpenPGP functionality into their software. This book serves as a standalone introduction to the concepts of OpenPGP. It also introduces readers to the [OpenPGP RFC](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-openpgp-crypto-refresh/). ## Rendered versions of this text ### Stable The *main* branch of this repository is continuously built and deployed to: - html: - epub: Note: This text is still under development. However, these links always present a stable view of our writing process. ### Snapshots of work in progress The current state of pull requests is rendered to https://openpgp.codeberg.page/pr-preview/123456/ (you'll have to insert an actual pull request ID into the URL)