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// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Paul Schaub <vanitasvitae@fsfe.org>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package org.pgpainless.key.util
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream
import java.io.IOException
import java.math.BigInteger
import java.security.SecureRandom
import org.bouncycastle.bcpg.*
import org.bouncycastle.extensions.publicKeyAlgorithm
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.*
import org.bouncycastle.util.Arrays
import org.bouncycastle.util.io.Streams
import org.pgpainless.algorithm.HashAlgorithm
import org.pgpainless.algorithm.PublicKeyAlgorithm.Companion.requireFromId
import org.pgpainless.algorithm.SignatureType
import org.pgpainless.algorithm.SymmetricKeyAlgorithm
import org.pgpainless.exception.KeyIntegrityException
import org.pgpainless.implementation.ImplementationFactory.Companion.getInstance
* Utility class to verify keys against Key Overwriting (KO) attacks. This class of attacks is only
* possible if the attacker has access to the (encrypted) secret key material. To execute the
* attack, they would modify the unauthenticated parameters of the users public key. Using the
* modified public key in combination with the unmodified secret key material can then lead to the
* extraction of secret key parameters via weakly crafted messages.
* @see <a href="https://www.kopenpgp.com/">Key Overwriting (KO) Attacks against OpenPGP</a>
class PublicKeyParameterValidationUtil {
companion object {
fun verifyPublicKeyParameterIntegrity(privateKey: PGPPrivateKey, publicKey: PGPPublicKey) {
val algorithm = publicKey.publicKeyAlgorithm
var valid = true
val key = privateKey.privateKeyDataPacket
when (privateKey.privateKeyDataPacket) {
is RSASecretBCPGKey ->
valid =
key as RSASecretBCPGKey,
publicKey.publicKeyPacket.key as RSAPublicBCPGKey)
is EdSecretBCPGKey ->
valid =
key as EdSecretBCPGKey,
publicKey.publicKeyPacket.key as EdDSAPublicBCPGKey)
is DSASecretBCPGKey ->
valid =
key as DSASecretBCPGKey,
publicKey.publicKeyPacket.key as DSAPublicBCPGKey)
is ElGamalSecretBCPGKey ->
valid =
key as ElGamalSecretBCPGKey,
publicKey.publicKeyPacket.key as ElGamalPublicBCPGKey)
if (!valid) throw KeyIntegrityException()
// Additional to the algorithm-specific tests further above, we also perform
// generic functionality tests with the key, such as whether it is able to decrypt
// encrypted data
// or verify signatures.
// These tests should be more or less constant time.
if (algorithm.isSigningCapable()) {
valid = verifyCanSign(privateKey, publicKey)
if (algorithm.isEncryptionCapable()) {
valid = valid and verifyCanDecrypt(privateKey, publicKey)
if (!valid) throw KeyIntegrityException()
private fun verifyRSAKeyIntegrity(
secretKey: RSASecretBCPGKey,
publicKey: RSAPublicBCPGKey
): Boolean {
// Verify that the public keys N is equal to private keys p*q
return publicKey.modulus.equals(secretKey.primeP.multiply(secretKey.primeQ))
private fun verifyEdDsaKeyIntegrity(
secretKey: EdSecretBCPGKey,
publicKey: EdDSAPublicBCPGKey
): Boolean {
// TODO: Implement
return true
private fun verifyDsaKeyIntegrity(
privateKey: DSASecretBCPGKey,
publicKey: DSAPublicBCPGKey
): Boolean {
// Not sure what value to put here in order to have a "robust" primality check
// I went with 40, since that's what SO recommends:
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/6330138
val certainty = 40
val pG = publicKey.g
val pP = publicKey.p
val pQ = publicKey.q
val pY = publicKey.y
val sX = privateKey.x
val pPrime = pP.isProbablePrime(certainty)
if (!pPrime) {
return false
val qPrime = pQ.isProbablePrime(certainty)
if (!qPrime) {
return false
// q > 160 bits
val qLarge = pQ.bitLength() > 160
if (!qLarge) {
return false
// q divides p - 1
val qDividesPminus1 = pP.subtract(BigInteger.ONE).mod(pQ) == BigInteger.ZERO
if (!qDividesPminus1) {
return false
// 1 < g < p
val gInBounds = BigInteger.ONE.max(pG) == pG && pG.max(pP) == pP
if (!gInBounds) {
return false
// g^q = 1 mod p
val gPowXModPEquals1 = pG.modPow(pQ, pP) == BigInteger.ONE
if (!gPowXModPEquals1) {
return false
// y = g^x mod p
return pY == pG.modPow(sX, pP)
* Validate ElGamal public key parameters.
* Original implementation by the openpgpjs authors: <a
* href="https://github.com/openpgpjs/openpgpjs/blob/main/src/crypto/public_key/elgamal.js#L76-L143>OpenPGP.js
* source</a>
* @param secretKey secret key
* @param publicKey public key
* @return true if supposedly valid, false if invalid
private fun verifyElGamalKeyIntegrity(
secretKey: ElGamalSecretBCPGKey,
publicKey: ElGamalPublicBCPGKey
): Boolean {
val p = publicKey.p
val g = publicKey.g
val y = publicKey.y
val one = BigInteger.ONE
// 1 < g < p
if (g.min(one) == g || g.max(p) == g) {
return false
// p-1 is large
if (p.bitLength() < 1023) {
return false
// g^(p-1) mod p = 1
if (g.modPow(p.subtract(one), p) != one) {
return false
// check g^i mod p != 1 for i < threshold
var res = g
// 262144
val threshold = 2 shl 17
var i = 1
while (i < threshold) {
res = res.multiply(g).mod(p)
if (res == one) {
return false
// blinded exponentiation to check y = g^(r*(p-1)+x) mod p
val random = SecureRandom()
val x = secretKey.x
val r = BigInteger(p.bitLength(), random)
val rqx = p.subtract(one).multiply(r).add(x)
return y == g.modPow(rqx, p)
* Verify that the public key can be used to successfully verify a signature made by the
* private key.
* @param privateKey private key
* @param publicKey public key
* @return false if signature verification fails
private fun verifyCanSign(privateKey: PGPPrivateKey, publicKey: PGPPublicKey): Boolean {
val data = ByteArray(512).also { SecureRandom().nextBytes(it) }
val signatureGenerator =
requireFromId(publicKey.algorithm), HashAlgorithm.SHA256))
return try {
.apply {
init(SignatureType.TIMESTAMP.code, privateKey)
.apply {
init(getInstance().pgpContentVerifierBuilderProvider, publicKey)
} catch (e: PGPException) {
* Verify that the public key can be used to encrypt a message which can successfully be
* decrypted using the private key.
* @param privateKey private key
* @param publicKey public key
* @return false if decryption of a message encrypted with the public key fails
private fun verifyCanDecrypt(privateKey: PGPPrivateKey, publicKey: PGPPublicKey): Boolean {
val data = ByteArray(1024).also { SecureRandom().nextBytes(it) }
val encryptedDataGenerator =
.apply {
var out = ByteArrayOutputStream()
try {
val outputStream = encryptedDataGenerator.open(out, ByteArray(1024))
val encryptedDataList = PGPEncryptedDataList(out.toByteArray())
val decryptorFactory = getInstance().getPublicKeyDataDecryptorFactory(privateKey)
val encryptedData =
encryptedDataList.encryptedDataObjects.next() as PGPPublicKeyEncryptedData
val decrypted = encryptedData.getDataStream(decryptorFactory)
out = ByteArrayOutputStream()
Streams.pipeAll(decrypted, out)
} catch (e: IOException) {
return false
} catch (e: PGPException) {
return false
return Arrays.constantTimeAreEqual(data, out.toByteArray())