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// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Paul Schaub <>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package org.pgpainless.util
import org.bouncycastle.bcpg.ArmoredInputStream
import org.bouncycastle.bcpg.ArmoredOutputStream
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.PGPKeyRing
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.PGPPublicKey
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.PGPPublicKeyRing
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.PGPPublicKeyRingCollection
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.PGPSecretKey
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.PGPSecretKeyRing
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.PGPSecretKeyRingCollection
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.PGPSignature
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.PGPUtil
import org.pgpainless.algorithm.HashAlgorithm
import org.pgpainless.decryption_verification.OpenPgpInputStream
import org.pgpainless.key.OpenPgpFingerprint
import org.pgpainless.key.util.KeyRingUtils
class ArmorUtils {
companion object {
// MessageIDs are 32 printable characters
private val PATTER_MESSAGE_ID = "^\\S{32}$".toRegex()
* Constant armor key for comments.
const val HEADER_COMMENT = "Comment"
* Constant armor key for program versions.
const val HEADER_VERSION = "Version"
* Constant armor key for message IDs. Useful for split messages.
const val HEADER_MESSAGEID = "MessageID"
* Constant armor key for used hash algorithms in clearsigned messages.
const val HEADER_HASH = "Hash"
* Constant armor key for message character sets.
const val HEADER_CHARSET = "Charset"
* Return the ASCII armored encoding of the given [PGPSecretKey].
* @param secretKey secret key
* @return ASCII armored encoding
* @throws IOException in case of an io error
fun toAsciiArmoredString(secretKey: PGPSecretKey): String =
toAsciiArmoredString(secretKey.encoded, keyToHeader(secretKey.publicKey))
* Return the ASCII armored encoding of the given [PGPPublicKey].
* @param publicKey public key
* @return ASCII armored encoding
* @throws IOException in case of an io error
fun toAsciiArmoredString(publicKey: PGPPublicKey): String =
toAsciiArmoredString(publicKey.encoded, keyToHeader(publicKey))
* Return the ASCII armored encoding of the given [PGPSecretKeyRing].
* @param secretKeys secret key ring
* @return ASCII armored encoding
* @throws IOException in case of an io error
fun toAsciiArmoredString(secretKeys: PGPSecretKeyRing): String =
toAsciiArmoredString(secretKeys.encoded, keyToHeader(secretKeys.publicKey))
* Return the ASCII armored encoding of the given [PGPPublicKeyRing].
* @param certificate public key ring
* @return ASCII armored encoding
* @throws IOException in case of an io error
fun toAsciiArmoredString(certificate: PGPPublicKeyRing): String =
toAsciiArmoredString(certificate.encoded, keyToHeader(certificate.publicKey))
* Return the ASCII armored encoding of the given [PGPSecretKeyRingCollection].
* The encoding will use per-key ASCII armors protecting each [PGPSecretKeyRing] individually.
* Those armors are then concatenated with newlines in between.
* @param secretKeysCollection secret key ring collection
* @return ASCII armored encoding
* @throws IOException in case of an io error
fun toAsciiArmoredString(secretKeysCollection: PGPSecretKeyRingCollection): String =
.joinToString("\n") { toAsciiArmoredString(it) }
* Return the ASCII armored encoding of the given [PGPPublicKeyRingCollection].
* The encoding will use per-key ASCII armors protecting each [PGPPublicKeyRing] individually.
* Those armors are then concatenated with newlines in between.
* @param certificates public key ring collection
* @return ascii armored encoding
* @throws IOException in case of an io error
fun toAsciiArmoredString(certificates: PGPPublicKeyRingCollection): String =
certificates.joinToString("\n") { toAsciiArmoredString(it) }
* Return the ASCII armored representation of the given detached signature.
* If [export] is true, the signature will be stripped of non-exportable subpackets or trust-packets.
* If it is false, the signature will be encoded as-is.
* @param signature signature
* @param export whether to exclude non-exportable subpackets or trust-packets.
* @return ascii armored string
* @throws IOException in case of an error in the [ArmoredOutputStream]
fun toAsciiArmoredString(signature: PGPSignature, export: Boolean = false): String =
* Return the ASCII armored encoding of the given OpenPGP data bytes.
* The ASCII armor will include headers from the header map.
* @param bytes OpenPGP data
* @param header header map
* @return ASCII armored encoding
* @throws IOException in case of an io error
fun toAsciiArmoredString(bytes: ByteArray, header: Map<String, Set<String>>? = null): String =
toAsciiArmoredString(bytes.inputStream(), header)
* Return the ASCII armored encoding of the OpenPGP data from the given {@link InputStream}.
* The ASCII armor will include armor headers from the given header map.
* @param inputStream input stream of OpenPGP data
* @param header ASCII armor header map
* @return ASCII armored encoding
* @throws IOException in case of an io error
fun toAsciiArmoredString(inputStream: InputStream, header: Map<String, Set<String>>? = null): String =
ByteArrayOutputStream().apply {
toAsciiArmoredStream(this, header).run {
Streams.pipeAll(inputStream, this)
* Return an [ArmoredOutputStream] prepared with headers for the given key ring, which wraps the given
* {@link OutputStream}.
* The armored output stream can be used to encode the key ring by calling [PGPKeyRing.encode]
* with the armored output stream as an argument.
* @param keys OpenPGP key or certificate
* @param outputStream wrapped output stream
* @return armored output stream
fun toAsciiArmoredStream(keys: PGPKeyRing, outputStream: OutputStream): ArmoredOutputStream =
toAsciiArmoredStream(outputStream, keyToHeader(keys.publicKey))
* Create an [ArmoredOutputStream] wrapping the given [OutputStream].
* The armored output stream will be prepared with armor headers given by header.
* Note: Since the armored output stream is retrieved from [ArmoredOutputStreamFactory.get],
* it may already come with custom headers. Hence, the header entries given by header are appended below those
* already populated headers.
* @param outputStream output stream to wrap
* @param header map of header entries
* @return armored output stream
fun toAsciiArmoredStream(outputStream: OutputStream, header: Map<String, Set<String>>? = null): ArmoredOutputStream =
ArmoredOutputStreamFactory.get(outputStream).apply {
header?.forEach { entry ->
entry.value.forEach { value ->
addHeader(entry.key, value)
* Generate a header map for ASCII armor from the given [PGPPublicKey].
* The header map consists of a comment field of the keys pretty-printed fingerprint,
* as well as the primary or first user-id plus the count of remaining user-ids.
* @param publicKey public key
* @return header map
private fun keyToHeader(publicKey: PGPPublicKey): Map<String, Set<String>> {
val headerMap = mutableMapOf<String, MutableSet<String>>()
val userIds = KeyRingUtils.getUserIdsIgnoringInvalidUTF8(publicKey)
val first: String? = userIds.firstOrNull()
val primary: String? = userIds.firstOrNull {
publicKey.getSignaturesForID(it)?.asSequence()?.any { sig ->
} ?: false
// Fingerprint
headerMap.getOrPut(HEADER_COMMENT) { mutableSetOf() }.add(OpenPgpFingerprint.of(publicKey).prettyPrint())
// Primary / First User ID
(primary ?: first)?.let { headerMap.getOrPut(HEADER_COMMENT) { mutableSetOf() }.add(it) }
// X-1 further identities
when (userIds.size) {
0, 1 -> {}
2 -> headerMap.getOrPut(HEADER_COMMENT) { mutableSetOf() }.add("1 further identity")
else -> headerMap.getOrPut(HEADER_COMMENT) { mutableSetOf() }.add("${userIds.size - 1} further identities")
return headerMap
* Set the version header entry in the ASCII armor.
* If the version info is null or only contains whitespace characters, then the version header will be removed.
* @param armor armored output stream
* @param version version header.
@Deprecated("Changing ASCII armor headers after ArmoredOutputStream creation is deprecated. " +
"Use ArmoredOutputStream builder instead.")
fun setVersionHeader(armor: ArmoredOutputStream, version: String?) =
armor.setHeader(HEADER_VERSION, version?.let { it.ifBlank { null } })
* Add an ASCII armor header entry about the used hash algorithm into the [ArmoredOutputStream].
* @param armor armored output stream
* @param hashAlgorithm hash algorithm
* @see <a href="">
* RFC 4880 - OpenPGP Message Format §6.2. Forming ASCII Armor</a>
@Deprecated("Changing ASCII armor headers after ArmoredOutputStream creation is deprecated. " +
"Use ArmoredOutputStream builder instead.")
fun addHashAlgorithmHeader(armor: ArmoredOutputStream, hashAlgorithm: HashAlgorithm) =
armor.addHeader(HEADER_HASH, hashAlgorithm.algorithmName)
* Add an ASCII armor comment header entry into the [ArmoredOutputStream].
* @param armor armored output stream
* @param comment free-text comment
* @see <a href="">
* RFC 4880 - OpenPGP Message Format §6.2. Forming ASCII Armor</a>
@Deprecated("Changing ASCII armor headers after ArmoredOutputStream creation is deprecated. " +
"Use ArmoredOutputStream builder instead.")
fun addCommentHeader(armor: ArmoredOutputStream, comment: String) =
armor.addHeader(HEADER_COMMENT, comment)
* Add an ASCII armor message-id header entry into the [ArmoredOutputStream].
* @param armor armored output stream
* @param messageId message id
* @see <a href="">
* RFC 4880 - OpenPGP Message Format §6.2. Forming ASCII Armor</a>
@Deprecated("Changing ASCII armor headers after ArmoredOutputStream creation is deprecated. " +
"Use ArmoredOutputStream builder instead.")
fun addMessageIdHeader(armor: ArmoredOutputStream, messageId: String) {
require(PATTER_MESSAGE_ID.matches(messageId)) { "MessageIDs MUST consist of 32 printable characters." }
armor.addHeader(HEADER_MESSAGEID, messageId)
* Extract all ASCII armor header values of type comment from the given [ArmoredInputStream].
* @param armor armored input stream
* @return list of comment headers
fun getCommentHeaderValues(armor: ArmoredInputStream): List<String> =
getArmorHeaderValues(armor, HEADER_COMMENT)
* Extract all ASCII armor header values of type message id from the given [ArmoredInputStream].
* @param armor armored input stream
* @return list of message-id headers
fun getMessageIdHeaderValues(armor: ArmoredInputStream): List<String> =
getArmorHeaderValues(armor, HEADER_MESSAGEID)
* Return all ASCII armor header values of type hash-algorithm from the given [ArmoredInputStream].
* @param armor armored input stream
* @return list of hash headers
fun getHashHeaderValues(armor: ArmoredInputStream): List<String> =
getArmorHeaderValues(armor, HEADER_HASH)
* Return a list of [HashAlgorithm] enums extracted from the hash header entries of the given [ArmoredInputStream].
* @param armor armored input stream
* @return list of hash algorithms from the ASCII header
fun getHashAlgorithms(armor: ArmoredInputStream): List<HashAlgorithm> =
getHashHeaderValues(armor).mapNotNull { HashAlgorithm.fromName(it) }
* Return all ASCII armor header values of type version from the given [ArmoredInputStream].
* @param armor armored input stream
* @return list of version headers
fun getVersionHeaderValues(armor: ArmoredInputStream): List<String> =
getArmorHeaderValues(armor, HEADER_VERSION)
* Return all ASCII armor header values of type charset from the given [ArmoredInputStream].
* @param armor armored input stream
* @return list of charset headers
fun getCharsetHeaderValues(armor: ArmoredInputStream): List<String> =
getArmorHeaderValues(armor, HEADER_CHARSET)
* Return all ASCII armor header values of the given headerKey from the given [ArmoredInputStream].
* @param armor armored input stream
* @param key ASCII armor header key
* @return list of values for the header key
fun getArmorHeaderValues(armor: ArmoredInputStream, key: String): List<String> =
.filter { it.startsWith("$key: ") }
.map { it.substring(key.length + 2) } // key.len + ": ".len
* Hacky workaround for #96.
* For `PGPPublicKeyRingCollection(InputStream, KeyFingerPrintCalculator)`
* or `PGPSecretKeyRingCollection(InputStream, KeyFingerPrintCalculator)`
* to read all PGPKeyRings properly, we apparently have to make sure that the [InputStream] that is given
* as constructor argument is a [PGPUtil.BufferedInputStreamExt].
* Since [PGPUtil.getDecoderStream] will return an [org.bouncycastle.bcpg.ArmoredInputStream]
* if the underlying input stream contains armored data, we first dearmor the data ourselves to make sure that the
* end-result is a [PGPUtil.BufferedInputStreamExt].
* @param inputStream input stream
* @return BufferedInputStreamExt
* @throws IOException in case of an IO error
fun getDecoderStream(inputStream: InputStream): InputStream =
OpenPgpInputStream(inputStream).let {
if (it.isAsciiArmored) {
} else {