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package org.pgpainless.decryption_verification;
import org.bouncycastle.bcpg.BCPGInputStream;
import org.bouncycastle.bcpg.BCPGOutputStream;
import org.bouncycastle.bcpg.OnePassSignaturePacket;
import org.bouncycastle.bcpg.Packet;
import org.bouncycastle.bcpg.PacketTags;
import org.bouncycastle.bcpg.SignaturePacket;
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.PGPCompressedData;
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.PGPEncryptedData;
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.PGPEncryptedDataList;
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.PGPException;
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.PGPLiteralData;
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.PGPObjectFactory;
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.PGPOnePassSignature;
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.PGPOnePassSignatureList;
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.PGPPBEEncryptedData;
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.PGPPrivateKey;
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.PGPPublicKey;
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.PGPPublicKeyEncryptedData;
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.PGPSecretKey;
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.PGPSecretKeyRing;
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.PGPSignature;
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.PGPSignatureList;
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.operator.PBEDataDecryptorFactory;
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.operator.PublicKeyDataDecryptorFactory;
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.operator.SessionKeyDataDecryptorFactory;
import org.pgpainless.PGPainless;
import org.pgpainless.algorithm.EncryptionPurpose;
import org.pgpainless.algorithm.OpenPgpPacket;
import org.pgpainless.decryption_verification.automaton.InputAlphabet;
import org.pgpainless.decryption_verification.automaton.PDA;
import org.pgpainless.decryption_verification.automaton.StackAlphabet;
import org.pgpainless.exception.MalformedOpenPgpMessageException;
import org.pgpainless.exception.MessageNotIntegrityProtectedException;
import org.pgpainless.exception.MissingDecryptionMethodException;
import org.pgpainless.implementation.ImplementationFactory;
import org.pgpainless.key.info.KeyRingInfo;
import org.pgpainless.key.protection.SecretKeyRingProtector;
import org.pgpainless.key.protection.UnlockSecretKey;
import org.pgpainless.signature.consumer.DetachedSignatureCheck;
import org.pgpainless.util.Passphrase;
import org.pgpainless.util.Tuple;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
public class OpenPgpMessageInputStream extends InputStream {
protected final PDA automaton = new PDA();
protected final ConsumerOptions options;
protected final BCPGInputStream bcpgIn;
protected InputStream in;
private boolean closed = false;
private Signatures signatures = new Signatures();
public OpenPgpMessageInputStream(InputStream inputStream, ConsumerOptions options)
throws IOException, PGPException {
// TODO: Use BCPGInputStream.wrap(inputStream);
if (inputStream instanceof BCPGInputStream) {
this.bcpgIn = (BCPGInputStream) inputStream;
} else {
this.bcpgIn = new BCPGInputStream(inputStream);
this.options = options;
* This method consumes OpenPGP packets from the current {@link BCPGInputStream}.
* Once it reaches a "nested" OpenPGP packet (Literal Data, Compressed Data, Encrypted Data), it sets <pre>in</pre>
* to the nested stream and breaks the loop.
* The nested stream is either a simple {@link InputStream} (in case of Literal Data), or another
* {@link OpenPgpMessageInputStream} in case of Compressed and Encrypted Data.
* @throws IOException
* @throws PGPException
private void consumePackets()
throws IOException, PGPException {
int tag;
loop: while ((tag = bcpgIn.nextPacketTag()) != -1) {
OpenPgpPacket nextPacket = OpenPgpPacket.requireFromTag(tag);
switch (nextPacket) {
// Literal Data - the literal data content is the new input stream
case LIT:
PGPLiteralData literalData = new PGPLiteralData(bcpgIn);
in = literalData.getDataStream();
break loop;
// Compressed Data - the content contains another OpenPGP message
case COMP:
PGPCompressedData compressedData = new PGPCompressedData(bcpgIn);
in = new OpenPgpMessageInputStream(compressedData.getDataStream(), options);
break loop;
// One Pass Signatures
case OPS:
// Signatures - either prepended to the message, or corresponding to the One Pass Signatures
case SIG:
PGPSignatureList signatureList = readSignatures();
if (automaton.peekStack() == StackAlphabet.ops) {
} else {
// Encrypted Data (ESKs and SED/SEIPD are parsed the same by BC)
case PKESK:
case SKESK:
case SED:
case SEIPD:
PGPEncryptedDataList encDataList = new PGPEncryptedDataList(bcpgIn);
// TODO: Replace with !encDataList.isIntegrityProtected()
if (!encDataList.get(0).isIntegrityProtected()) {
throw new MessageNotIntegrityProtectedException();
SortedESKs esks = new SortedESKs(encDataList);
if (options.getSessionKey() != null) {
SessionKeyDataDecryptorFactory decryptorFactory = ImplementationFactory.getInstance()
// TODO: Replace with encDataList.addSessionKeyDecryptionMethod(sessionKey)
PGPEncryptedData esk = esks.all().get(0);
try {
if (esk instanceof PGPPBEEncryptedData) {
PGPPBEEncryptedData skesk = (PGPPBEEncryptedData) esk;
in = skesk.getDataStream(decryptorFactory);
break loop;
} else if (esk instanceof PGPPublicKeyEncryptedData) {
PGPPublicKeyEncryptedData pkesk = (PGPPublicKeyEncryptedData) esk;
in = pkesk.getDataStream(decryptorFactory);
break loop;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Unknown ESK class type: " + esk.getClass().getName());
} catch (PGPException e) {
// Session key mismatch?
// Try passwords
for (PGPPBEEncryptedData skesk : esks.skesks) {
for (Passphrase passphrase : options.getDecryptionPassphrases()) {
PBEDataDecryptorFactory decryptorFactory = ImplementationFactory.getInstance()
try {
InputStream decrypted = skesk.getDataStream(decryptorFactory);
in = new OpenPgpMessageInputStream(decrypted, options);
break loop;
} catch (PGPException e) {
// password mismatch? Try next password
// Try (known) secret keys
for (PGPPublicKeyEncryptedData pkesk : esks.pkesks) {
long keyId = pkesk.getKeyID();
PGPSecretKeyRing decryptionKeys = getDecryptionKey(keyId);
if (decryptionKeys == null) {
SecretKeyRingProtector protector = options.getSecretKeyProtector(decryptionKeys);
PGPSecretKey decryptionKey = decryptionKeys.getSecretKey(keyId);
PGPPrivateKey privateKey = UnlockSecretKey.unlockSecretKey(decryptionKey, protector);
PublicKeyDataDecryptorFactory decryptorFactory = ImplementationFactory.getInstance()
try {
InputStream decrypted = pkesk.getDataStream(decryptorFactory);
in = new OpenPgpMessageInputStream(decrypted, options);
break loop;
} catch (PGPException e) {
// hm :/
// try anonymous secret keys
for (PGPPublicKeyEncryptedData pkesk : esks.anonPkesks) {
for (Tuple<PGPSecretKeyRing, PGPSecretKey> decryptionKeyCandidate : findPotentialDecryptionKeys(pkesk)) {
SecretKeyRingProtector protector = options.getSecretKeyProtector(decryptionKeyCandidate.getA());
PGPPrivateKey privateKey = UnlockSecretKey.unlockSecretKey(decryptionKeyCandidate.getB(), protector);
PublicKeyDataDecryptorFactory decryptorFactory = ImplementationFactory.getInstance()
try {
InputStream decrypted = pkesk.getDataStream(decryptorFactory);
in = new OpenPgpMessageInputStream(decrypted, options);
break loop;
} catch (PGPException e) {
// hm :/
// TODO: try interactive password callbacks
throw new MissingDecryptionMethodException("No working decryption method found.");
case MARKER:
bcpgIn.readPacket(); // skip marker packet
// Key Packets are illegal in this context
case SK:
case PK:
case SSK:
case PSK:
case TRUST:
case UID:
case UATTR:
case MOD:
throw new MalformedOpenPgpMessageException("Unexpected Packet in Stream: " + nextPacket);
// Experimental Packets are not supported
case EXP_1:
case EXP_2:
case EXP_3:
case EXP_4:
throw new MalformedOpenPgpMessageException("Unsupported Packet in Stream: " + nextPacket);
private List<Tuple<PGPSecretKeyRing, PGPSecretKey>> findPotentialDecryptionKeys(PGPPublicKeyEncryptedData pkesk) {
int algorithm = pkesk.getAlgorithm();
List<Tuple<PGPSecretKeyRing, PGPSecretKey>> decryptionKeyCandidates = new ArrayList<>();
for (PGPSecretKeyRing secretKeys : options.getDecryptionKeys()) {
KeyRingInfo info = PGPainless.inspectKeyRing(secretKeys);
for (PGPPublicKey publicKey : info.getEncryptionSubkeys(EncryptionPurpose.ANY)) {
if (publicKey.getAlgorithm() == algorithm && info.isSecretKeyAvailable(publicKey.getKeyID())) {
PGPSecretKey candidate = secretKeys.getSecretKey(publicKey.getKeyID());
decryptionKeyCandidates.add(new Tuple<>(secretKeys, candidate));
return decryptionKeyCandidates;
private PGPSecretKeyRing getDecryptionKey(long keyID) {
for (PGPSecretKeyRing secretKeys : options.getDecryptionKeys()) {
PGPSecretKey decryptionKey = secretKeys.getSecretKey(keyID);
if (decryptionKey == null) {
return secretKeys;
return null;
private PGPOnePassSignatureList readOnePassSignatures() throws IOException {
ByteArrayOutputStream buf = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
BCPGOutputStream bcpgOut = new BCPGOutputStream(buf);
int tag = bcpgIn.nextPacketTag();
while (tag == PacketTags.ONE_PASS_SIGNATURE || tag == PacketTags.MARKER) {
Packet packet = bcpgIn.readPacket();
if (tag == PacketTags.ONE_PASS_SIGNATURE) {
OnePassSignaturePacket sigPacket = (OnePassSignaturePacket) packet;
PGPObjectFactory objectFactory = ImplementationFactory.getInstance().getPGPObjectFactory(buf.toByteArray());
PGPOnePassSignatureList signatureList = (PGPOnePassSignatureList) objectFactory.nextObject();
return signatureList;
private PGPSignatureList readSignatures() throws IOException {
ByteArrayOutputStream buf = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
BCPGOutputStream bcpgOut = new BCPGOutputStream(buf);
int tag = bcpgIn.nextPacketTag();
while (tag == PacketTags.SIGNATURE || tag == PacketTags.MARKER) {
Packet packet = bcpgIn.readPacket();
if (tag == PacketTags.SIGNATURE) {
SignaturePacket sigPacket = (SignaturePacket) packet;
tag = bcpgIn.nextPacketTag();
PGPObjectFactory objectFactory = ImplementationFactory.getInstance().getPGPObjectFactory(buf.toByteArray());
PGPSignatureList signatureList = (PGPSignatureList) objectFactory.nextObject();
return signatureList;
public int read() throws IOException {
int r = -1;
if (in != null) {
try {
r = in.read();
} catch (IOException e) {
if (r != -1) {
byte b = (byte) r;
} else {
if (in instanceof OpenPgpMessageInputStream) {
in = null;
} else {
try {
System.out.println("Walk " + automaton);
} catch (PGPException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return r;
public void close() throws IOException {
if (closed) {
if (in != null) {
in = null;
closed = true;
private static class SortedESKs {
private List<PGPPBEEncryptedData> skesks = new ArrayList<>();
private List<PGPPublicKeyEncryptedData> pkesks = new ArrayList<>();
private List<PGPPublicKeyEncryptedData> anonPkesks = new ArrayList<>();
SortedESKs(PGPEncryptedDataList esks) {
for (PGPEncryptedData esk : esks) {
if (esk instanceof PGPPBEEncryptedData) {
skesks.add((PGPPBEEncryptedData) esk);
} else if (esk instanceof PGPPublicKeyEncryptedData) {
PGPPublicKeyEncryptedData pkesk = (PGPPublicKeyEncryptedData) esk;
if (pkesk.getKeyID() != 0) {
} else {
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown ESK class type.");
public List<PGPEncryptedData> all() {
List<PGPEncryptedData> esks = new ArrayList<>();
return esks;
private static class Signatures {
List<PGPSignature> detachedSignatures = new ArrayList<>();
List<PGPSignature> prependedSignatures = new ArrayList<>();
List<PGPOnePassSignature> onePassSignatures = new ArrayList<>();
List<PGPSignature> correspondingSignatures = new ArrayList<>();
void addDetachedSignatures(Collection<PGPSignature> signatures) {
void addPrependedSignatures(PGPSignatureList signatures) {
for (PGPSignature signature : signatures) {
void addOnePassSignatures(PGPOnePassSignatureList signatures) {
for (PGPOnePassSignature ops : signatures) {
void addOnePassCorrespondingSignatures(PGPSignatureList signatures) {
for (PGPSignature signature : signatures) {
public void update(byte b) {
for (PGPSignature prepended : prependedSignatures) {
for (PGPOnePassSignature ops : onePassSignatures) {
for (PGPSignature detached : detachedSignatures) {
public void finish() {
for (PGPSignature detached : detachedSignatures) {