Updated Release Checklist (markdown)

Paul Schaub 2023-06-10 13:32:11 +02:00
parent ec72d42375
commit 53d4f69476
1 changed files with 4 additions and 2 deletions

@ -2,14 +2,16 @@
* If SOP revision bump:
* Verify that `VersionImpl.SOP_VERSION` is up to date.
* Run `pgpainless-cli/rewriteManPages.sh` to keep man pages in sync.
* If BC version bump: Check for disabled tests that are now fixed.
* Check if code is in good shape -> `gradle check javadocAll`
* Stable release? -> `git checkout -b release/X.Y`
* Set the version in `version.gradle`. Don't forget to set `isSnapshot = false`
* create commit: `git commit -a -S -m "PGPainless $PGPAINLESS_VERSION"`
* create signed tag: `git tag -s $PGPAINLESS_VERSION -m "PGPainless $PGPAINLESS_VERSION"`
* clean the repository: `git clean -x -d -f`
* clean the repository: `git clean -xdf`
* release to maven central: `gradle publish publishToMavenLocal`
* start next snapshot by bumping version in `version.gradle` and setting `isSnapshot = true`
* create snapshot commit: `git commit -a -S -m "PGPainless-X.Y.(Z+1)-SNAPSHOT"`
* push to the repository: `git push && git push --tags`
* push to the repository: `git push && git push --tags`
* Update topic in #pgpainless IRC channel: `/topic PGPainless X.Y.Z -- Use OpenPGP Painlessly on Java -- https://pgpainless.org -- https://github.com/pgpainless -- https://codeberg.org/PGPainless -- https://pgpainless.rtfm.io`