We no longer publish javadoc and jacoco on our own

Paul Schaub 2022-02-11 14:29:12 +01:00
parent f1b21cb5e4
commit 93f0628424
1 changed files with 0 additions and 4 deletions

@ -7,9 +7,5 @@
* create signed tag: `git tag -s $PGPAINLESS_VERSION -m "PGPainless $PGPAINLESS_VERSION"`
* clean the repository: `git clean -x -d -f`
* release to maven central: `gradle publish publishToMavenLocal`
* Generate javadoc and code coverage report: `gradle javadocAll jacocoRootReport`
* publish javadoc to /releases/X.X.X/
* publish jacocoRootReport to /releases/X.X.X/
* update /releases/latest link
* start next snapshot by bumping version in `version.gradle` and setting `isSnapshot = true`
* push to the repository: `git push && git push --tags`