Refactor various method names to more precisely reflect
what happens
Introduce CachingOmemoStore, SignalCachingOmemoStore,
which can be either used standalone as ephemeral OmemoStore
implementations, or as wrappers around other implementations
to add a cache layer for reduced storage access.
Get rid of "isFreshInstallation". Keys are now - given
that they don't exist - generated on startup.
Bump libsignal-protocol-java to 2.6.2
Prevent offline access to some functions which require
authenticated connection
Create more advanced unit tests and integration tests
Add async initialization function for OmemoManager
Remove session handling from smack-omemo.
This is now handled - in case of smack-omemo-signal -
solely by libsignal-protocol-java
Since it is accessed concurrently. And also may cause a
ConcurrentModificationException when the MultiUserChatManager tries to
re-join the joined rooms.
Fixes SMACK-819.
This commit also changes the usage of the android.jar found in the
androidBootClasspath gradle variable, because
AndroidSmackInitializer.initialize(Context) pulls in
from minidns-android21, which has a @TargetApi annotation which is
only available on Android SDK API level 16 or higher. Otherwhise we
would get
> Task :smack-android:compileJava FAILED
/home/flo/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.minidns/minidns-android21/0.3.0/13f273d095e51d701283062a25e867f3ff26d258/minidns-android21-0.3.0.jar(/org/minidns/dnsserverlookup/android21/AndroidUsingLinkProperties.class): warning: Cannot find annotation method 'value()' in type 'TargetApi': class file for android.annotation.TargetApi not found
/home/flo/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.minidns/minidns-android21/0.3.0/13f273d095e51d701283062a25e867f3ff26d258/minidns-android21-0.3.0.jar(/org/minidns/dnsserverlookup/android21/AndroidUsingLinkProperties.class): warning: Cannot find annotation method 'value()' in type 'TargetApi'
error: warnings found and -Werror specified
1 error
when compiling smack-android.
Also add minidns-core as dependency to smack-core. This requires
increasing the minimum required Android SDK level to 9, as this is
what MiniDNS requires.